Friday, January 3, 2020

The Death Penalty Is Morally Immoral - 1030 Words

President Obama was quoted in 2006 saying, â€Å"If an offender has committed murder, he must die. In this case, no possible substitute can satisfy justice. For there is no parallel between death and even the most miserable life, so that there is no equality of crime and retribution unless the perpetrator is judicially put to death (Audacity of Hope 2006). As the leader of the free world and the President of our great nation, his values empower our society to believe in the same thing. The strength and influence of politics when it comes to such highly debated issues like capital punishment is substantial. Dr. Bruce Fein, Constitutional Lawyer and General Counsel to the Center for Law and Accountability believes that the crimes of rape, torture, treason, kidnapping, murder, larceny, and perjury pivot on a moral code that escapes apodictic proof by expert testimony or otherwise. Abolitionists may contend that the death penalty is inherently immoral because governments should never take human life, no matter what the provocation. But that is an article of faith, not of fact. â€Å"The death penalty honors human dignity by treating the defendant as a free moral actor able to control his own destiny for good or for ill; it does not treat him as an animal with no moral sense† (Fein, Bruce. JD). Lastly, a majority of people who contribute to an honest living and the betterment of society believe that our prison system is not good. We overpay with our tax dollars and these murderers andShow MoreRelatedEssay about Capital Punishment and The Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon1003 Words   |  5 Pagesof King Hammurabi of Babylon. Under this code twenty five crimes, excluding murder, were punishable by death. In historical data, the first death penalty was imposed to offender who was blamed for magic in 16th century BC Egypt (Regio, 1997). Unfortunately, death penalty is still practiced in some countries. For example, in Egypt recently on 24 March 2014, Minya Criminal Court imposed death penalty to 529 followers of Egyptian ex-president Mohamed Morsi for their participation in violence (AmnestyRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1443 Words   |  6 Pagesthe Death Penalty Be Abolished in the United States? Adalynne Francis CRJU 1000 Dr. Huss November 14, 14 Should capital punishment/ death penalty be abolished in the United States? Many feel that the death penalty is immoral and question whether the state and federal government deserve the right to kill those whom it has imprisoned. On the other hand, those opposed feel that by not acting upon the death penalty communities would plunge in anarchy and that by having the death penaltyRead MoreIs The Death Penalty Immoral?1622 Words   |  7 PagesIs the death penalty immoral? In the United States, if a human being commits a capital crime, they can receive the punishment of execution administered by that state in which they performed that crime. When someone commits a capital crime, the jury can issue a guilty verdict that is punishable by death through lethal injection or electrocution. The death penalty is viewed as an extremely controversial topic that is debated daily among individuals. Determining fair punishment for committing a crimeRead MoreAgainst The Death Penalty Essay959 Words   |  4 PagesAgainst the Death Penalty â€Å"Murder is wrong† (â€Å"Capital Punishment†). We’ve been taught this indisputable truth since childhood. The death penalty is defined as one human taking the life of another. Coincidentally, that is a classification of murder. There are as many as thirty-six states with the death penalty, and it’s essential that they change it. The United States needs the death penalty abolished because it is filled with flaws, cruel and immoral, and is an ineffective means of deterrentRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1714 Words   |  7 PagesCapital punishment, or the death penalty is the legally authorized death of an individual as punishment for a heinous crime, typically one that involves murder. The legality of it varies by state and it continues to be a contentious topic of discussion in the United States. Furthermore, in recent decades, public opinion has been shifting from a supportive stance to an unsupportive stance on the use of the death penalty. It is now perceived by most people to be an unethical, immoral, and expensive way toRead MoreCapital Punishment Essay966 Words   |  4 Pagesdeserves to be punished. On the other hand, people against the death penalty like Bedau think that the death penalty is just as much an effective deterrent as life in prison. The most famous retributivist Kant, states that the guilty ought to get punished because they chose to act wrongly, and by punishing them, we are respecting them as a moral agents. This occurs because humans are given the ability to reason and act morally and thus if we don’t punish them we are not treating them as moralRead MorePhilosophy Ethics and the Death Penalty1083 Words   |  5 PagesUltimate Punishment†. Van den Haag discusses such topics as maldistribution, deterrence to society, miscarriages of the penalty, and incidental and political issues (cost, relative suffering, and brutalization). The death penalty is indeed the harshest/ultimate punishment a convicted criminal can receive in our society. I agree with Van den Haag’s article. I am in favor of the death penalty system in the United States. Through capital punishment’s determent process, I feel it is a necessary and effectiveRead MoreTaking a Look at Capital Punishment1080 Words   |   4 Pages Since 1608, legal systems have used capital punishment as justice. â€Å"As of November 2014, 32 states have the death penalty. There have been a total of 1348 executions from January 1977 to the end of 2014† (capitalpunishmentuk). The capital punishment only affects those who sentenced in the crime of rape or murder. The most popular death method is lethal injection. There are other options such as â€Å"electrocution, hanging, shooting, and the gas chamber† (capitalpunishmentuk) but theses alternativeRead MoreThe Moral Framework I Disagree1377 Words   |  6 PagesThe moral framework I tend to personally abide by is act utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the ethical concept that the actions that lead to the most pleasure are moral and good, whereas those that lead to pain are an immoral evil (Boss 23). When making decisions, I contemplate the advantages and disadvantages of each option presented before acting upon it. In addition, I consider those who would possibly be affected by my decision both positively and negatively. Like utilitarianism, I choose theRead MoreEssay The Death Penalty1095 Words   |  5 Pagesthe death penalty, is the maximum sentence used in punishing people who kill another human being. It is one of the most controversial topics in America today. Capital punishment is still murder, simple as that. The death penalty needs to be abolished in all states. There are too many flaws that come with this punishment. Innocent people can be executed, it is morally wrong, and it does not discourage, or deter crime. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;From 1976 to the present, data from The Death Penalty

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