Friday, April 3, 2020
Essay Examples on Freud Essay Example
Essay Examples on Freud Paper 1st Essay Sample on Freud PSYCHOANALYSIS, as described by Sigmund Freud entails a perspective of understanding an individual’s personality as a sum total of interaction between id, ego and superego. These entities form the psyche of a person, and explain the motive and reasons for behavior, character and response to issues of daily encounter.Id is the primary instinctive traits of the individual without consciousness of reality; it lies in the unconscious and seeks the goal of self-gratification. Ego is censor to the Id which develops from it, as the child grows; it creates the awareness of an existing world wherein there has to be parity between immediate gratification and realities for establishment of balance. When Id clashes with Id, neurosis may result. The highest state is the Superego; it is the conscience; and also it is unconscious.The principle established By Freud states that there an individual’s personality results from interaction between these forces. This implies that the mental function of a person is the outcome of the degree of continuous interaction amongst these inherent agents. 2nd Essay Sample on Freud A persons natural instinct is driven by the pleasure principle.That is, the drive for immediate satisfaction, more specifically sex, food, and aggression.However, this is often looked down upon by society.If people are open about their sex life or their sexual desires, they are often thought of as perverted or obscene.The food that people eat is often controlled by what is considered healthy by society.People count calories and fat, and often end up eating something other than what they are really craving.They will substitute a carrot stick for a candy bar, but even after eating the substitute food, often still have their original desire for something sweet.Eating junk food is looked at as unhealthy and bad for a person.If a person gets into a physical fight with another person, many times they are taken to jail.Most people do not confront their anger, they simply keep it inside.Sometimes, they can vent it at a gym or by doing physical activity, but if they were to suddenly break ou t, they would likely be punished for it.An example that was given that also could let people release their desires is the game of football.The violence that is involved sort of allows the viewers to get rid of some of their own pent up frustrations.A persons inner most desires are suppressed every day. All of these suppressed desires all must end up somewhere.Many times, individuals will keep it inside of them and repressed the memories and desires to whatever extent they can.The memories are buried deep within a persons unconscious and they make many efforts to forget about them by using screen memories, or fake memories which block out their painful ones.However, these suppressed memories still affect people greatly.These memories, good or bad, often are revealed through a persons dreams. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Freud specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Freud specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on Freud specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
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