Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on Profit
From a business perspective, working under government contracts can be a very lucrative proposition. In general, a stream of orders keep coming in, revenue increases and the company grows in the aggregate. The obvious downfalls to working in this manner is both higher quality expected as well as the extensive research and documentation required for government contracts. If a part fails to perform correctly it can cause minor glitches as well as problems that can carry serious repercussions, such as in the National Semiconductor case. When both the culpable component and company are found, the question arises of how extensive these repercussions should be. Is the company as an entity liable or do you look into individual employees within that company? From an ethical perspective one would have to look at the mitigating factors of both the employees and their superiors along with the role of others in the failure of these components. Next you would have to analyze the final ruling from a corporate perspective and then we must examine the macro issue of corporate responsibility in order to attempt to find a resolution for cases like these. The first mitigating factor involved in the National Semiconductor case is the uncertainty, on the part of the employees, on the duties that they were assigned. It is plausible that during the testing procedure, an employee couldnt distinguish which parts they were to test under government standards and commercial standards. In some cases they might have even been misinformed on the final consumers of the products that they tested. In fact, ignorance on the part of the employees would fully excuse them from any moral responsibility for any damage that may result from their work. Whether it is decided that an employees is fully excused, or is given some moral responsibility, would have to be looked at on an individual basis. The second mitigating factor is the duress or threats that an employee mi... Free Essays on Profit Free Essays on Profit From a business perspective, working under government contracts can be a very lucrative proposition. In general, a stream of orders keep coming in, revenue increases and the company grows in the aggregate. The obvious downfalls to working in this manner is both higher quality expected as well as the extensive research and documentation required for government contracts. If a part fails to perform correctly it can cause minor glitches as well as problems that can carry serious repercussions, such as in the National Semiconductor case. When both the culpable component and company are found, the question arises of how extensive these repercussions should be. Is the company as an entity liable or do you look into individual employees within that company? From an ethical perspective one would have to look at the mitigating factors of both the employees and their superiors along with the role of others in the failure of these components. Next you would have to analyze the final ruling from a corporate perspective and then we must examine the macro issue of corporate responsibility in order to attempt to find a resolution for cases like these. The first mitigating factor involved in the National Semiconductor case is the uncertainty, on the part of the employees, on the duties that they were assigned. It is plausible that during the testing procedure, an employee couldnt distinguish which parts they were to test under government standards and commercial standards. In some cases they might have even been misinformed on the final consumers of the products that they tested. In fact, ignorance on the part of the employees would fully excuse them from any moral responsibility for any damage that may result from their work. Whether it is decided that an employees is fully excused, or is given some moral responsibility, would have to be looked at on an individual basis. The second mitigating factor is the duress or threats that an employee mi...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Comparing the Female Pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read
Comparing the Female Pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read During the Golden Age of Piracy (1700–1725), legendary pirates like Blackbeard, Bartholomew Roberts, and Charles Vane commanded mighty ships, terrorizing any merchant unfortunate enough to cross their path. Yet two of the most famous pirates from this age served on a third-rate pirate ship under a second-rate captain, and they never held an important position on board such as quartermaster or boatswain. They were Anne Bonny and Mary Read: bold women who left behind the stereotypical domestic chores of women at the time in favor of a life of adventure on the high seas. Here, we separate fact from myth in regards to two of historys greatest swashbucklerettes. They Were Both Raised as Boys Mary Read was born into complicated circumstances. Her mother married a sailor and they had a son. The sailor was lost at sea about the time Mary’s mother found herself pregnant with Mary, by another man. The boy, Mary’s half-brother, died when Mary was very little. The sailor’s family did not know about Mary, so her mother dressed her as a boy and passed her off as her dead half-brother in order to get financial support from her mother-in-law. Apparently, the scheme worked, at least for a while. Anne Bonny was born out of wedlock to a lawyer and his maid. He grew fond of the girl and wished to bring her into his home, but everyone in town knew he had an illegitimate daughter. Therefore, he dressed her as a boy and passed her off as the son of some distant relations. Bonny and Read may have been in a somewhat precarious situation- two women on board a pirate ship- but pity the fool who tried to take advantage of them. Before turning pirate, Read, dressed as a man, served as a soldier in an infantry regiment and once she became a pirate she was not afraid of accepting (and winning) duels with other pirates. Bonny was described as â€Å"robust†and, according to one of her shipmates, Captain Charles Johnson, she once badly beat a would-be rapist: â€Å"†¦once, when a young Fellow would have lain with her, against her Will, she beat him so, that he lay ill of it a considerable Time.†Piracy as a Womans Career If Bonny and Read are any indications the pirate captains of the golden age were missing out by sticking to all-male crews. The two were every bit as good at fighting, manning the ship, drinking and cursing as any other member of the crew, and maybe better. One captive said of them that they â€Å"were both very profligate, cursing and swearing much, and very ready and willing to do anything on board.†Like most of the pirates of the era, Bonny and Read made the conscious decision to become pirates. Bonny, who was married and living in the Caribbean, decided to run off with Calico Jack Rackham and join his pirate crew. Read was captured by pirates and served with them for a while before accepting a pardon. She then joined an anti-pirate privateering expedition: the would-be pirate hunters, most of whom were former pirates themselves, soon mutinied and returned to their old ways. Read was one of those who actively convinced the others to take up piracy again. Although they’re arguably the most famous real-life female pirates, Anne Bonny and Mary Read are far from being the only women ever to take up piracy. The most notorious was Ching Shih (1775–1844), a one-time Chinese prostitute who became a pirate. At the height of her power, she commanded 1,800 ships and 80,000 pirates. Her rule of the seas off of China was nearly absolute. Grace O’Malley (1530?–1603) was a semi-legendary Irish chieftain and pirate. Working Together and on Crews According to Captain Johnson, who knew both Read and Bonny, the two met while both were serving on Calico Jack’s pirate ship. Both were disguised as men. Bonny became attracted to Read and revealed that she was really a woman. Read then also revealed herself to be a woman, much to Bonny’s disappointment. Calico Jack Rackham, Bonny’s lover, was allegedly very jealous of Bonny’s attraction to Read until he learned the truth, at which point he helped both of them cover up their real gender. Rackham may have been in on the ruse, but it apparently wasn’t much of a secret. At the trials of Rackham and his pirates, several witnesses came forth to testify against them. One such witness was Dorothy Thomas, who had been captured by Rackham’s crew and held as a prisoner for a time. According to Thomas, Bonny and Read dressed as men, fought with pistols and machetes like any other pirate and were twice as ruthless. She said that the women had wanted to murder Thomas to prevent her from eventually testifying against them. Thomas said she knew them at once to be women â€Å"by the largeness of their breasts.†Other captives said that although they dressed like men for battle, they dressed like women the rest of the time. They Didn’t Go Out Without a Fight Rackham and his crew had been active in piracy on and off since 1718 when in October of 1720, Rackham was discovered by pirate hunters led by Captain Jonathan Barnet. Barnet cornered them off the coast of Jamaica and in an exchange of cannon fire, Rackhams ship was disabled. While Rackham and the other pirates cowered below decks, Read and Bonny remained on the decks, fighting. They verbally berated the men for their spinelessness and Mary Read even fired a shot into the hold, killing one of the cowards. Later, in one of the most famous pirate quotes of all time, Bonny told Rackham in prison: Im sorry to see you here, but if you had fought like a man, you need not have hanged like a dog. They Escaped Hanging Because of Their â€Å"Condition†Rackham and his pirates were swiftly tried and found guilty. Most of them were hanged on Nov. 18, 1720. Bonny and Read were also sentenced to hang, but both of them declared they were pregnant. A judge ordered their claim checked out and it was found to be true, a fact which automatically commuted their death sentence. Read died in prison shortly thereafter, but Bonny survived. No one knows for sure what became of her and her child. Some say she reconciled with her rich father, some say she remarried and lived in Port Royal or Nassau. An Inspirational Tale The story of Anne Bonny and Mary Read has captivated people ever since their arrest. Captain Charles Johnson featured them prominently in his 1724 book,  A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates, which certainly helped his sales. Later on, the notion of female pirates as romantic figures gained traction. In 1728 (less than ten years after Bonny and Reads arrest), noted playwright John Gay wrote the Opera Polly, a sequel to his acclaimed Beggars Opera. In the opera, young Polly Peachum comes to the New World and takes up piracy as she searches for her husband. Female pirates have been part of romantic pirate lore ever since. Even modern fictional she-pirates like Angelica, played by Penelope Cruz in Pirates of the Caribbean: on Stranger Tides (2011) owe their existence to Read and Bonny. In fact, its safe to say that Bonny and Read have had a far greater impact on popular culture than they ever had on eighteenth-century shipping and commerce. Sources Cawthorne, Nigel. A History of Pirates: Blood and Thunder on the High Seas. Edison: Chartwell Books, 2005. Cordingly, David. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 1996 Defoe, Daniel. A General History of the Pyrates. Edited by Manuel Schonhorn. Mineola: Dover Publications, 1972/1999. Konstam, Angus. The World Atlas of Pirates. Guilford: Lyons Press, 2009 Rediker, Marcus. Villains of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age. Boston: Beacon Press, 2004.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business plan of Towing Service Company Research Paper
Business plan of Towing Service Company - Research Paper Example The service industry is among the fastest growing sectors in US which has been expanding its horizon with zeal. In the last few years, the demand of towing service companies has increased significantly as the customers are looking for the professionals who can assist them in taking their vehicles to the auto repair outlets (Marsh, 2013). Since Orlando, Florida is offering huge potential for the towing service company, our organization will commence its business operations in January 2014 in this region. Brief description of the business and principals involved Our company has been present in the wrecker/towing service industry for many years and has been evaluating various expansion options so that it can offer the customized services to the customers. As the number of vehicle owners is increasing with the advent of time, it has become imperative for them to avail the services of a registered towing company who can provide them quick solutions for their auto related issues (Haq, 2013). We will make sure that the customers are provided all the required services with utmost ease and convenience. Since the vehicles can get broken down any instant on the road or any emergency situation can arise, the business of towing service will assist people who are caught up in such situations in resolving their matters quickly. All of our service providers will perform all the mandatory services with perfection so that the issues are avoided in future. This business will be beneficial for the society as the transportation safety will be enhanced by our expert offerings.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Analysis of International Business Law Cases Assignment
Analysis of International Business Law Cases - Assignment Example With regard to the first legal issue, because no agreement was made between the parties either as prior verbal agreements in interpreting the contract and upon writing of the contract, and on the use of any trade terms regarding the delivery of goods and on the passage of risk, Articles 31, 32 and 67of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) applies. According to Article 31, which outlines the obligations of the seller: Thus, Mellow, upon delivering the wine to S.S. Minnow for delivery to Ambrosia and identifying it as belonging to Tippler with the appropriate shipping documents and markings has concluded his end of the transaction and the risk, as outlined in Article 67 states that: (1) If the contract of sale involves carriage of the goods and the seller is not bound to hand them over at a particular place, the risk passes to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the first carrier for transmission to the buyer in accordance with the contract of sale. (Article 67), has passed to Tippler. Thus, the lack of terms of trade in the contract makes Tippler's defense, stating that the risk has not passed, to have little chance for success because Mellow concluded his obligations to the contract upon delivering the shipment to S.S. Minnow in Small Port. Furthermore, the fact that the goods were lost at sea indicates that the damage occurred after the risk was passed, strengthening Mellow's case. However, even though Tippler's defense is weak with little chance for success, Grape, the country where Mellow filed the lawsuit, has no jurisdiction over the case. While the contract between the two parties was not clear in identifying the terms of trade for the transaction, it was clear in stating that disputes regarding the transaction will be heard in the courts of Ambrosia designating the CISG as its governing law. This accords the jurisdiction for the case to courts in Ambrosia and not Grape. Furthermore, since no place of delivery was properly ascerta ined, there is no definite place of performance that can be identified, aside from the one mentioned in the contract to choose the appropriate court.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Language and memory Essay Example for Free
Language and memory Essay Limitations with the study included the sample range being too small. This means that it is difficult to make generalisations because 20 undergraduate students cannot possibly be representative of the sample population. In order to improve the experiment, a wider sample range could be used, including people from different age groups and ethnic backgrounds. Another limitation was gender bias. The driver in the vignette was male which could have meant that male participants may have been more sympathetic to him when giving an estimation. If a female character had been used, the results may have been different. This could be improved by using two sample groups, both with female characters, but again with either the smashed into condition or bumped into condition. The results of this and previous studies have a number of implications in todays society. Loftus and Palmers work (1974), showed how changing a verb in a sentence, can alter eyewitness recall of a car accident. These findings have major implications for the Legal Justice Systems. In a study by Rattner (1988), a review of 205 cases of wrongful arrest showed that 52% of the cases were associated with mistaken eyewitness testimonies. These results highlighted the unreliability of eyewitness testimony. Other studies have demonstrated that witnesses sometimes cannot attribute memory to its appropriate sources, or that they make source attribution errors. When witnesses get information from other witnesses and from the police, then their own recollection is likely to be contaminated (Fisher, 1995). This is yet further evidence suggesting that there should be less dependence on eyewitness testimony, and with the arrival of advanced gene technology, it is now possible to use alternative sources of evidence. References Carlson, N. R., Buskist, W., Martin, G. N. (2000). Psychology The Science of Behaviour, 266-267 Loftus, E. F. and Palmer, J. E. (1974). Reconstruction of automobile destruction: an example of the interaction between language and memory. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behaviour, 13, 585-589. Fisher, R. P., (1995). Interviewing victims and witnesses of crime. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 1(4), 732-764. Nisha Ghei Eyewitness Practical
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Garment Industry :: essays research papers
Globalization is basically about attempting to make things global and expanding products and companies over seas to countries all around the world. It can also be classified as the process of creating languages, services, and products that apply not just to an individual neighborhood or city or country, but to the whole world. Canadians have experienced many benefits that globalization has brought to their lives including the availability to products and services from all around the world. However, at the same time on the other side of the world it has had many pessimistic or negative effects on workers in developing countries. As Globalization began to boom, the number of sweatshops also increased greatly and its effects were most definitely harming in many ways to the individuals employed by them; mainly women and children. Out of all the industries that have become globalized, the textile and garment industries are amongst the most. Mutually the textile and garment industries mak e up one of the largest sources of industrial employment in the world. In virtually every country around the world clothing is being produced but being sold somewhere else. Around 30 million people are making clothes and textiles around the globe and out of those thirty million, most of them are women. Around the world women and children are suffering because of the introduction of sweatshops, low wages, unsafe working environments, free trade zones, foreign control, sub contracting and abuses of human and worker rights. Historically, the word "sweatshop" originated in the Industrial Revolution to describe a subcontracting system in which the middlemen earned profits from the margin between the amount they received for a contract and the amount they paid to the workers. Today a sweatshop is defined by the government as any business or factory that violates one or more of the federal or provincial labor laws which are as follows: minimum wage and overtime, child labor, industrial homework, occupational health and safety, workers compensation, or industry registration. Originally when the garment industry went global it was all about the positive effects it was having on the developing countries in which the factories were located and about all the jobs that were introduced to those who once could not ever imagine getting paid to work. As Globalization began to show more of its negative effects on those lives of the individuals in developing countries, it became more evident that because of this globalization people on every continent and territory were exposed to and forced to consume a North American culture.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Financial Terms Worksheet Essay
Understanding health care financial terms is a prerequisite for both academic and professional success. This assignment is intended to ensure you understand some of the basic terms used in this course. Complete the worksheet below according to the following guidelines: In the space provided, write each term’s definition as used in health care management. You must define the term in your own words. In the space provided after each term’s definition, summarize a health care management scenario that illustrates the importance of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool to which the term refers. In the scenario, you may wish to consider the following: Why the skill, concept, procedure, or tool is necessary for accurate record keeping, operational efficiency, excellent patient services, employee management, regulatory compliance, reducing costs, forecasting, and so forth Successes enabled by an adequate understanding or appropriate application of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool Risks or failures associated with an inadequate understanding or inappropriate application of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool Save the completed worksheet as a Microsoft ® Word document with your name in the file name. Submit the file to your instructor. Worksheet Submitted By: Keila Quintanila [Type your name here.] Term Definition Scenario Balance sheet A fiscal statement that summarizes a company’s assets, liabilities, shareholders’ equity at a specific point in time and net worth. This statement will display if the organization is in good fiscal standing or not and if they can meet their long-term fiscal responsibilities. The director asked for the titles of the four financial statements that included in an audited financial report, which are the following: Balance Sheet statement, Income Statement, Statement of Cash Flows, Statement of Fund Balance or Net Worth or Equity statement. Statement of revenue and expense A statement summarizes amount of profit earned minus the amount of operating expense. The statement will indicate the difference as profit or loss. The health care manager purchased some medical equipment, in which he will enter in the statement of revenue and expense; the document will show the amount of profit earned and the minus amount of operating expenses. This will clearly shows the difference as profit or loss. Revenue cycle The revenue cycle starts with meeting of customers, following any transactions during the period of transactions and continues with a company/customer association. The salesman has brought revenue into the company. Furthermore, the salesman describe that, the Revenue Cycle beings with meeting with customers, presenting the product and closing the sale during specific time; but more important is to have a continues business relationship with company and customers. Payer mix Medical practice: Medicaid, Medicare, indemnity insurance, managed care–of monies received by a medical practice Medical organizations predict third party payer mixes so that they can precisely predict their profits for the coming term. Revenue The amount of currency that a company essentially receives during a specific period, including discounts and deductions for returned products. It is the â€Å"top line†or â€Å"gross income†figure from which costs are subtracted to define net income. The medical organization, revenue is the money received from insurance companies, payer mix that brings in from the rendered services. The medical organization usually calculates and report revenue for a quarter or a year. References Baker, J. J., & Baker, R. W. (2011). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
How Great Was Alexander The Great?
What is a truly great leader? It is someone with courage, discipline, creativity, remarkable achievement, and integrity. Unfortunately, Alexander the Great does not have any of these valuable traits to be called a â€Å"great†leader. Even though Alexander left a mark in history’s book, it was a mark of a brutal tormenter. Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C.E. in a kingdom on the edge of northern Greece called Macedonia. (B.G.E.) His parents, Phillip and Olympia, constantly adored and spoiled him.They hired a famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle, to teach him academic subjects, politics, sports, and warfare. (B.E.) As he grew older, an inner beast was growing inside of him and at last it exploded when his father died, and Alexander was only then able to take the throne. But who would want an unjust leader, who is an egomaniac, a ruthless narcissist, and whose empire would not last?Alexander the â€Å"not-so-great†was a psychotic maniac with a huge ego. He wa s conceded and had absolutely no concern for others. For example, when Alexander’s army was struggling across the hot, dry desert of sand, he could’ve taken them around the desert, so they didn’t have to suffer. (doc.D)Also, every new place Alexander went to he founded a new city and named it after himself†¦.. Alexandria!!! In total he named eleven cities after himself. Because he was spoiled and everyone treated him like he was royalty at a very young age, he came up with the idea that he was part god and told everyone to treat him that way. (B.E.)There were always consequences for when people tried to stand up against Alexander. One example is in the battle with Tyre, when they refused to surrender, so he wouldn’t let them be and ordered his army to destruct and destroy all of Tyre into little pieces.(Doc.C) Therefore, because of his lack of concern for others and huge ego, he was proven, once again, to be Alexander the â€Å"not so great†!! !A second reason Alexander was not great at all was because he was a ruthless narcissist who had savage relish. Evidence to prove my opinion is how he killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people that were slaughtered by Alexander and his army in only four major battles.(Doc.E)Alexander’s main goal was to conquer many territories. Also, during the battle of Tyre his army killed thousands of people and sold the thirty thousand remaining survivors into slavery. How is that the act of a â€Å"great†leader? To add on to all the other horrifying murdering he also crucified two thousand men who didn’t even harm him!!!This shows that Alexander was nothing but a brutal murderer!Many people wonder why Alexander’s empire did not last. Well, I will tell you why! The first thing that Phillip the Second of Macedon did was name an heir to the throne after he died and it was Alexander. But as soon as Alexander gained the throne all he cared about was conquest and he didn’t seem to plan ahead, because after he died he didn’t name a successor who would expand the empire, therefore his whole empire collapsed. (Doc.E)Besides an empire as vast as his took at least 11 years of hard work and conquering to build. Unfortunately it only took 10 years to destroy it which showed what a poor job Alexander did with leadership. Because of Alexander’s ignorance and foolishness towards his empire, he became an irresponsible leader, instead of a caring, great man, as the world thinks he is.In conclusion I believe that Alexander should not be called great anymore and that people should see the villainous side of him. Though, he did have some good points in his life. For example he built an incredibly vast empire, spread Greek art and literature, and was a major influence on Julias Caesar.However, the three reasons presented above- he was a big egomaniac, a ruthless narcissist, and his empire did not last- show that when all is said done, Alexander is not at all what our history books claims him to be. In my opinion I don’t think Alexander the Great should be called a â€Å"legend†of history, but a moronic monster!
Friday, November 8, 2019
Creative Drama essays
Creative Drama essays Justification for use of Creative Drama in the Classroom Communicating ideas and opinions stands tantamount as the one skill that all human beings must do well to succeed in their lives. We must talk openly and honestly to convey whom we are, and what we want. And we must listen to understand who others are and what they want as well. For real learning is joyful. Learning, and more importantly, collaborating in the learning experience, is an invitation to pure excitement and exhilaration. Schooling should be a coming together for creative worthwhile purposes that can extend human experiences. Part of the richness of children's lives is their play, including language play. If we make room for it in our classrooms by implementing Creative Drama we can help students use this skill to recognize, think about, and comment on their world. The teaching job is compounded, though, when life's inconsistencies plague us. Kids refuse to do assignments. Parents badmouth programs. Administrators overlook successes. In understanding those frustrations teachers must be their strongest advocates. We should celebrate our triumphs, and promote our needs. We must meet and greet the public and wrestle openly and honestly about our accomplishments and goals. Teachers win when we are forceful and dynamic change agents. Young people must learn how to speak on their feet. They must know how to communicate effectively and to present a positive image. And teachers, above all, should exemplify the very best educational practices to accomplish this necessary goal. Good teaching is defined by good communication skills. Better teachers know what to say and when to say it. They have a "sixth sense" about the appropriateness of their remarks and are able to articulate their intuitive understandings with clarity and, often, humor. Their strength is in their ability to cross cultural divides by including everyone in their conversations. Speaking a...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Cognates of Cognition
Cognates of Cognition Cognates of Cognition Cognates of Cognition By Mark Nichol Cognition is the use of mental processes such as learning, remembering, thinking, and understanding. It stems from the Latin verb cognoscere, meaning â€Å"become acquainted with.†Not every word with the letter string â€Å"c-o-g†is related, but quite a few are. Details about cognition’s cognates follow. But first, a look at the construction of the words. The syllable cog isn’t the basis of terms related to knowing and thinking; cognoscere consists of co- and gnoscere; that word means â€Å"come to know.†Know itself is cognate with gnoscere and the Greek verb gignÃ… skein- the basis of gnome, best known as the name of a subterranean dwarflike creature in folklore but also a synonym for maxim, and gnosis, a word referring to spiritual knowledge that is also the root of prognosis (literally, â€Å"foreknowledge†) and diagnosis, meaning â€Å"identification†or â€Å"analysis.†Cognate itself is not cognate with cognition: It means â€Å"related,†and stems from the Latin word nasci, meaning â€Å"to be born,†and is cognate with nascent (and native). Nor is cognomen, which means â€Å"nickname†or â€Å"additional name†and derives from the Latin noun nomen, meaning â€Å"name.†Interestingly, cogent, meaning â€Å"necessary†or â€Å"urgent,†and especially its cognate cogitation, which means â€Å"intent thought,†are also unrelated to cognition; they derive respectively from the Latin verb agere, meaning â€Å"drive,†and its frequentative (repeated or recurrent) form agitare, which is also the origin of agitate. Another word with a distinct etymology is cog, referring to a tooth on a wheel in a gear mechanism and probably borrowed from a Scandinavian language. Words in the cognoscere family in English include recognition (literally, â€Å"knowing again†) and precognition (literally, â€Å"knowing before†); the latter was the unusual ability of the Precogs in Steven Spielberg’s film Minority Report and the Philip K. Dick short story on which it is (loosely) based. Two other words that are related- unexpectedly so- are reconnaissance (â€Å"military survey†) and that word’s verb form, reconnoiter, both adopted from French but ultimately stemming from recognoscere, the Latin origin of recognize. Other relatives are cognizance (â€Å"awareness,†â€Å"acknowledgment,†or â€Å"responsibility†) and recognizance, derived from an earlier sense of reconnaissance (â€Å"acknowledgment†) and used in legal contexts in phrases such as â€Å"released on his own recognizance†to indicate that someone recognizes his obligation to appear in court at a later date. Connoisseur (â€Å"expert†), from French, and its Italian cousin cognoscente (which in English developed a separate sense of â€Å"someone in the know†) are also related, as are incognito (â€Å"unknown,†from Italian and referring to being in disguise or anonymous or using a false name) and â€Å"terra incognita†(literally, â€Å"unknown land†), taken directly from Latin. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Types and Forms of Humor3 Types of Headings10 Terms for the Common People
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Analysis of The Red Convertible by Charlotte Perkins Gilman Essay
Analysis of The Red Convertible by Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Essay Example Angered, Lyman smashes the convertible. Henry realizes their convertible is run-down. He repairs the convertible and they drive to the river with his brother. The two make a fire by the banks of the river and spends the moment talking. They disagree and fight. Henry jumps in the river to cool off. He drowns and Lamartine fail to rescue him. Lamartine starts the car and plunges it into the river. Symbolism in The Red Convertible The red convertible is an important symbol in the story. The brothers bought the convertible and used it to tour different places. The narrator expresses that they enjoyed each other’s company as they drove to different places together. This is a representation of the normalcy of life before the effects of war. Henry goes to war, and he separates with his brother. Lamartine takes the car apart to demonstrate their separation. After three years away from home, Henry comes back home a different man. Lamartine does not like how Henry comes home withdrawn a nd disinterested in the things they enjoyed before the war. He laments to see how his brother is not returning back to his old self. Out of this devastation, he bangs up the convertible. This symbolizes the torn relationship between the brothers (Erdrich 464). Henry confronts the brother after noticing the state of the convertible. This is indicative of the reality that war veterans face after serving in the war. They find things different as if in a new life. Henry manages to repair the convertible. This points to the repair of his relationship with his brother as the convertible was one of the things that held the two brothers together before the war. When Henry finishes fixing up the convertible, he asks his brother to drive to the river with him. Lamartine thinks that things will go back to normal. His hopes end shortly when Henry jumps into the river and drowns. After he is unable to save his brother, he sends the car plunging into the river so that to give it to his brother. T he demise points to the destructive effects that war has on veterans. It destroys the veterans and their relationships with others. After Henry returns from the war, he does not change his boots and his clothes (Erdrich 464). This is indicative of the permanent memories that veterans carry from the war. These include the horrors and scars they incur in the war. He refuses to change into the clothes he wore before going to war. This expresses difficulty that war veterans experience in resuming their normal lives. Bonita takes a photograph of her two brothers before they drive off to the river. In the photograph, the two look different. Lamartine’s face that comes out as being round, big and right out the sun is the representation of a person who has not been to war. Henry’s face is wrinkled, drawn back and has shadows (Erdrich 465). This represents the state of the soul of a person who has been to war. Henry does not like watching the color television. He becomes violen t to his brother over it. The color from the color television makes him re-experience the horrors he witnessed in the war. This is a common symptom with war veterans. Themes in The Red Convertible Change Change is most prominent in the story. Henry and Lamartine start as good friends who trust each other and enjoy each other’s company. They buy the red convertible together and gets away on a summer vacation. Their adventures in the red convertible express their innocence and freedom in life. They appreciate one another and are close. Henry slept
Friday, November 1, 2019
Invitro Fertilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Invitro Fertilization - Essay Example There is no other life experience matching the birth of a baby in importance and significance. It is usually a devastating experience when couples wishing to start a family realize that they have to contend with fertility problems. For many such couples, in vitro fertilization has been a preferred solution as it gives them hopes of having their own child (Anderson, Haimovici, Ginsburg, Schust &Wayne, 2007). The first in vitro procedure that was successful was carried out in 1977 and thousands of happy and healthy children have been born each year since then. Infertility is a couples’ inability to have a kid or become pregnant with regardless of the cause after the duration of one year of having unprotected sex using no birth control methods. Infertility affects about six million people in the United States of America which accumulates to about ten percent of men and women of reproductive age. New and advanced technologies that help women become pregnant are in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer, zygote intrafallopian transfer, subzonal sperm injection, partial zona dissection, embryo cryopreservation and intracytoplasmic sperm injection among others. Assisted reproductive technology is generally accepted treatment for infertile women suffering from endometriosis. Presence of an ovarian endometrial cyst works towards the reduction of the quality of oocytes. The surgical resection of endometrioma reduces the ovarian reserve for ovarian stimulation by exogenous gonadotropins. In vitro fertilization is a process whereby the ova is removed from a woman’s body, fertilized in the laboratory with her partner’s sperm and returned to her uterus with hopes of fostering pregnancy. Some practitioners use in vitro fertility combined with pre implantation genetic diagnosis as a treatment for recurring
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