Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Artifact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Artifact - Essay Example It starts out with the caucus in the house of Oedipus as the kingdom of Thebes is under a plague which has led the people to drought, hunger and suffering. The people are calling to the gods in fervent prayer that the kingdom does not suffer its downfall. Oedipus meets them to query on what they are doing and calms them as an answer to their prayers is soon to come. Hence he assures them and gives his promise that he will do everything to put an end to it. Creon utters what will be the solution from the gathered information and that is to punish the killer of Laius, the previous King whom Oedipus succeeded. This is where the plot thickens and the entanglements of their relationships unfold. Forewarned by a prophecy that a son born to Laius and Jocasta would slay his own father and marry his mother to father his very siblings, Laius ordered the death of his son upon its birth. Bound by the feet, thus Oedipus’ name, and abandoned in Mt. Cithaeron, the king had presumed that what had been foretold had been prevented. But the baby survived and was saved by the shepherd who found him in the mountain. Upon his delivery to Polybus of Corinth there had been an incident of another slurring in a banquet wherein he was jested as not being a true son of his recognized parents. Then he sought the truth from Apollo and was informed of the same prophecy already known to Laius and Jocasta â€Å"Woes, lamentations, mourning, portents dire; To wit I should defile my mother’s bed. And raise up seed too loathsome to behold. And slay the father from whose loins I sprang†(Sophocles trans. Storr, 1999/1912). Oediopus left Corinth in search of his destiny. On his journey he met a man who humiliated him. Contrary to the belief that Laius was killed by robbers, it was in Oedipus’ own hands that his life came to an end. Thereafter, he came to Thebes and was hailed for solving the riddle of the Sphinx and gained the love of the people who suffered therefrom. H e was made the king by the people and assumed himself in the position that was formerly belonging to Laius. This included everything from his riches down to his queen widowed by the former’s death. Under his rule, the kingdom of Thebes was in a prosperous state and flourished until the advent of the succeeding plague which haunted the king in search of its end. Oedipus was firm in ensuring the people that they are not to worry and that he will be able to put an end to the plague in the same way that he had previously done with the Sphinx. Driven by this promise, he sets out to find the culprit and initially blaming Creon as the mastermind in a plot to oust him from his throne. But what unfolded was something that was beyond his contemplation. His own history and the prophecy came together to reveal the biggest irony of his quest. Teiresias, the kingdom’s greatest oracle reveals the link between Laius and Oedipus. The king had been reluctant to accept the reality of the prophecy and to what it means in his identity. The blind prophet had been accused many things in his denial but was later vindicated by the inevitable truth that has been stabbing at Oedipus all along. Like many of the unwanted realities that men exert all effort to evade, the Greek hero was the same. But ultimately the truth shall prevail and that fate is inescapable though we may try hard to do so. There are voices of reason that should have
Monday, October 28, 2019
A Case Study Of The Code Switching Patterns English Language Essay
A Case Study Of The Code Switching Patterns English Language Essay The study investigates the use of Lithuanian and English and code-switching between the two in a family of Lithuanian-English bilinguals living in London. The data was collected by means of recording in the family home. The recording was then transcribed and analysed, allowing me to identify a number of features of the features of the language choice and code-switching patterns. These included convergence or divergence from the viewpoint of the previous speaker, lexical need, translation to allow for greater fluency in the conversation, trigger words and the perceived identity of the speaker. I conclude from these observations that code-switching can be seen as a versatile and fluid phenomenon which allows the speaker greater freedom of expression and performs a number of functions, both social and pragmatic. The speakers use their languages to This dissertation looks at bilingual conversations between family members in a family environment. The main focus of the work is the strategic use of code-switching. My particular interest is on how different members of the family use code-switching in order to express their national and individual identity and how this usage reflects their attitudes towards their languages. Theoretical background to the study: Bilingualism A fact frequently mentioned in bilingual studies is that over half the world is bilingual (Hoffmann 1991). However, patterns of individual language use within bilingual communities are diverse and it has been claimed that bilingualism is more common in unilingual countries (Mackey 1970). Lithuania has a high level of bilingualism with over 70% of the residents being multilingual ( Language use is influenced by social circumstances, especially with regard to the communicative situation in which the language is employed. Bilingualism, however, is not automatically sustained without regular exchanges in the pertinent languages. (Ervin-Tripp and Reyes 2005). Languages amongst second generation immigrants seem to be maintained in strong correlation to the amount of exposure within the home. Mackey Bilingualism Reader page 35. The level of language proficiency and performance are affected by the intention of the speaker and the kinds of actions taken in order to satisfy that function. The attitude of a speaker towards his or her language is a major factor in their language behaviour. A speaker who feels ashamed of his or her level of a particular language may use this less frequently or only use it in certain company. Certain languages carry political associations and can be unpopular for this reason -for example, Russian was unpopular in many countries in the Soviet Union. Bilingual immigrant children may associate their second language with that of their friends and social life and have a more positive outlook towards this (Lambert et al 1958 see Bilingualism a reader for ref). Code-switching Code-switching is remarkably common in language contact situations, especially within plurilingual societies. The majority of code-switching studies have concentrated on the social motivation behind the switches (e.g. Myers-Scotton 1993) in addition to grammatical or syntactical constraints or psychological mechanism (e.g. Grosjean 2001). Alternation between languages seems to depend on a number of factors., including the conversational topic of the speaker, the person to whom he or she is speaking and the level of tension which he or she feels when taking part in the conversation for example when very tired, nervous, or angry. Myers Scotton (1993) amongst others has pointed out that bilinguals use code-switching in order to make the greatest use of their linguistic repertoire. For many bilinguals this is a part of their daily life. In multilingual societies this would take place in a variety of contexts, but in the UK this is most commonly found at home in a family environment. For this reason the study focuses on a family conversation. Age is a major factor for consideration in the study of language use within a family. For younger immigrants bilingualism can be a short process which can lead to the second language overtaking the first if home is the only environment in which the first language is utilised. (Tits 1959 see bilingualism reader for ref). The study of younger immigrants is specialised as their stability in their first language needs to be considered whereas with older immigrants their first language is far more fixed and stable. 1.1.2 Lithuania and the Lithuanian language According to the Office for National Statistics (, an estimated 74,000 Lithuanians lived in the UK in 2010. Lithuania became independent from the Soviet Union in 1990 and became a member of NATO and the European Union in spring 2004. Since Lithuanian independence many changes have taken place and popular culture is highly influenced by Western Europe and the USA. An important change regarding language is that many young people are now able to speak English or another foreign language, and have little knowledge of the Russian language. In Soviet times the very large majority of the population was fluent in Russian. More than 70% of Lithuanians living in Lithuania in September 2012 are bi- or multilingual. ( Russian is still the most widely spoken second language with English now the second. (Statistics Lithuania 2008). The total worldwide Lithuanian-speaking population is estimated at about 3,100,000 (2011,, about 2.9 million native Lithuanian speakers in Lithuania and about 200,000 abroad ( The Lithuanian language is a Baltic language which has been influenced by both Russian and Finnish, but retains many pure features of archaic Indo-European. The Russian language was particularly influential during the period of Soviet rule. Lithuanian is an inflectional language with seven cases and is gendered. The Lithuanian alphabet consists of 32 letters in the Latin alphabet using diacritical marks. There are two main dialects which differ significantly from each other: AukÃ…Â ¡taiÄ iÃ…Â ³ (AukÃ…Â ¡taitian, Highland Lithuanian) and Ã…Â ½emaiÄ iÃ…Â ³/Ã…Â ½emaitiu (Samogitian, Lowland Lithuanian). The family studied here speak standard or Highland Lithuanian. 1.1.3 Key terms Bilingualism Definitions of bilingualism vary greatly. Bloomfield (1933) describes it as: native-like control of two languages. However, this focus on the level of proficiency in each language does not refer to the use or function performed by the language. Definitions which are based on function take into account the fact that language is a communicative tool rather than an abstract entity. Weinreich (1953) describes bilingualism as: The practice of alternately using two languages. Els Oksaar (1983) takes function and proficiency into account in her definition of the ability of a person to use here and now two or more languages as a means of communication in most situations and to switch from one language to the other if necessary (p. 19). Hoffmann (1991) points out that bilingualism is relative, and although there have been many attempts to define it, none of these is equally valid. She suggests that a useful approach could be to form a bilingual profile for each individual, accounting for vari ables such as the language development and maintenance of the languages, their sequential relationship, the competence in each, functional aspects, linguistic features, attitudes and environmental circumstances. The term balanced bilingual is used to describe a speaker who has equal command of both languages. However, Fishman et al (1971) point out that this situation is rare. Bilinguals who are equally fluent in both languages (as measured by their facility and correctness overall) are rarely equally fluent in both languages about all possible topics; this phenomenon is invariably a reflection of the fact that societal allocation of functions is normally imbalanced and in complementary distribution rather than redundant (Fishman et al, 1971, in MacSwan, 1999: 30) . Code-switching Definitions of code-switching vary significantly between researchers. Code is generally used as a synonym of language, although there is some debate on this point, Jakobson distinguishing between the two terms, asserting that languages do not consist of codes, but rather contain them (Jakobson 1971). Some see code-switching as being the insertion of whole utterances in a non-dominant language between sentences (Dahl, Rice et al. 2010). Borrowing generally refers to the insertion of a word or phrase within a sentence while retaining the syntax of the matrix language. Code-mixing However, there is little evidence at present that there is a significant difference between these types, and many see the difference as best expressed in terms of a continuum (Clyne 2000). Jeanine Treffers-Daller (1994- linguistic c-s) points out that many researchers see a difference between instances of code-switching and transfer or interference both of these terms referring to the influence of one languag e on another. However, she argues that these can be seen as similar as they involve the occurrence of aspects of one language in a section of another language. In the current work, the term code-switching will be used in its broadest sense to refer to the use of two or more languages used within a conversation or utterance, whether this be inter- or intra-sententially, unless a particular term is used by another researcher cited here. Throughout this work I will refer to inter-sentential and intra-sentential code-switching switches which occur between sentences or within them respectively as originally defined by Polack (1980). Crossing (also language crossing or code-crossing) refers to the use of a language or variety which isnt generally thought to belong to the speaker (Rampton, 1997, in Auer 1998P. Auer (ed) 1997/98 Code-switching in Conversation: Language, Interaction and Identity (London: Routledge) Creolization is used here to mean the formation of a Creole language from the contact of a European language with a local language: Native speaker when used in this project refers to a person who has spoken the language in question from earliest childhood ( Rationale This is an ethnographic study using data obtained from naturally occurring speech of three bilinguals of differing levels of proficiency. The family were chosen as they are all first generation immigrants, bi- or tri-lingual and are integrated into British society while still retaining a sense of their Lithuanian identity through their visits to Lithuania and contact with Lithuanian friends and family. The mother, when collecting her son from school when he was about 5 years old, overheard him asking a friend: Did you know that I am half-Lithuanian? She then questioned him about why he thought he was only half Lithuanian when both his parents were Lithuanian. He answered that he was Lithuanian when he was at home because of his parents, but at school he was English because he spoke English there, and he knew he wasnt 100% Lithuanian, as he could not speak the language fluently. This biculturalism opens debate concerning the choice and use of language to broader issues such as identit y. Oksaar (1983) argues that an immigrants two languages usually perform distinct tasks and the distribution of the languages in relation to the cultural spheres may be a decisive factor for the immigrants degree of integration. This study aims to investigate how the level of proficiency in a language affects the code-switching patterns in this family and how the family members use their linguistic repertoire to express their identity as Lithuanian, English, or both. No attempt will be made in this work to examine grammatical restraints or features beyond a very basic level. Research Questions What are the language choices and code-switching patterns of the subjects in a family environment? Do the language choice and code-switching reflect on the proficiency level of the language used? What are the functional purposes of the code-switching? How are the individuals attitudes towards the two languages and their own identity reflected in their language behaviour? The first of these questions provides a general background on which the other questions are based. The second question relates the language choice and code-switching to the level of proficiency that the subjects have in the languages. Question 3 looks at the reasons behind the code-switching. Lastly, the final question examines if there is a relationship between the attitude of the individual and their language choices 1.4 Hypotheses That there is a correlation between the language choice and code-switching patterns of the speaker and their level of proficiency in that language. That the mother of the family, being the most balanced bilingual, will code-switch more frequently than the other two members of the family That the code-switching functions to facilitate understanding between all three members of the family and reflect their identities 1.5 Conclusion The structure of the paper is as follows: Chapter 1 has described the study and its aims. It has also given a brief summary of the key ideas which will be investigated and the terms which will be used throughout. The second chapter will review the literature which I feel is relevant and of interest to the present study. This will examine the perspectives on code-switching analysis, starting with the Rational Choice analysis. It will then examine Conversation Analysis as a tool for the analysis of code-switching data. Chapter 2 will also deal briefly with studies which look at the level of proficiency of the speakers and how this affects code-switching. The third chapter will describe the methodology used in the study including the research design issues and the positioning of the researcher. It will give an outline of the family background and history will then deal with the ethics, interviews and data collection which were carried out in order to conduct the research. A mention will also be made of the issues involved in data collection and the conventions used in the transcription as well as the methods used to analyse the data. Chapter 4 will look at the analysis of the data, dealing primarily with the research questions. It will examine the language choices of the subjects and how these choices reflect on the proficiency level of the participants in each language. It will then examine when the family code-switch when interacting and what the functional purposes of the code-switching appear to be. There will then be a discussion of how the language choices reflect the individuals attitudes towards the two languages. Chapter 5 concludes the study with a discussion of the implications of the findings and a summary of the research, looking at the limitations of the research and any further development required. Chapter 2 Review of relevant literature what about FAMILY studies and what is special about them? 2.1 Introduction QUOTATIONS ONE OR TWO PER PAGE In this chapter the literature concerned with the phenomenon of code-switching is examined to provide a conceptual framework. Studies have been carried out in this area from psycholinguistic, grammatical or sociolinguistic perspectives. This literature review will concentrate only on the sociolinguistic studies as these relate most closely to the research carried out. I will firstly consider the different perspectives on code-switching analysis Analyses based on the social connotations of the two languages and Conversation Analysis. I will then examine studies dealing with the level of proficiency of the speaker and how this affects code-switching practices. I will also briefly investigate studies of bilingual children before concluding by linking these studies to the study carried out here. The last forty or fifty years have seen a profusion of research carried out into reasons for code-switching and the different manifestations of the phenomenon. Studies in this area can be conducted for their own sake, in order to demonstrate characteristic features of a language. Code-switching is also studied in order to look at grammatical features or constraints across languages or for cognitive processing purposes. In addition code-switching can investigate the ways in which identities, be these individual or group, can be formed and demonstrated. It can also give additional meaning to an utterance which cannot be attributed to the meaning of the sum of individual words (Gardner-Chloros 2009) Code-switching is a conversational tool requiring competence pragmatically and grammatically (Koppe and Meisel 1995). Reasons why code-switching takes place are varied and complex. It is assumed to be related to the situational parameters of conversational topic, participant roles or the speech event itself (Auer 1995). However, intra-sentential code-switching may serve the purpose of emphasis, quoting another person, or to indicate a change in the participant addressed. It can also be used to indicate convergence or divergence from the previous participants statement (Zhu 2008). Inter-sentential code-switching can be used to fill gaps in lexical knowledge or to for emphasis (Zentella 1997) or to ask or answer rhetorical questions among other reasons. 2.2 Perspectives on code-switching analysis It is generally recognised that code-switching is meaningful from a social perspective. There are two broad schools of thought as to how this meaning is brought about. The first of these sees the choice of language as having a meaning, in terms of identity, views and values (Gumperz 1982, Myers-Scotton 1993). The other approach sees meaning as coming from the code-switching itself, that is, from within the conversation, rather than being reliant on external factors. This second approach concentrates on the sequences used and is generally studied using Conversational Analysis techniques. Increasingly researchers are favouring this second approach, as although it is widely acknowledged that social factors can play a significant role, this is not straightforward and cannot be assumed a priori (Cashman 2005, Williams 2005). 2.2.1 Analyses based on the social connotations of the two languages Language can be seen in terms of a we-code and they-code (Gumperz (1982). The we-code normally denotes a minority language linked to informal circumstances used by an in-group. The main community language, linked to formal circumstances, is a they-code. Typically in families in which the parents are immigrants to the UK, the parents will see their community language or mother tongue as the we-code and English as the they-code. Their children, however, brought up in the UK, are likely to feel that English is their we-code and to prefer to use this. Gumperz (1982) sees code-switching as meaningful from a social identity perspective. He carried out a study in Norway examining the use of Ranamal a local dialect, and Bokmal the standard language variety. These shared many similarities but were considered by speakers to be distinct. This distinction was important in order for the varieties to fulfil social functions. The local dialect was used with family, and to express local cultural identity, while the more standard variety was used in education and in the media. Many people switched between these two varieties depending on the topic of the conversation for example, an enquiry about family might be made in Ranamal, while Bokmal might be used while discussing business. Zhu Hua (2008) points out that a large body of evidence now indicates that there is no simple, one-to-one association between language and social values (p.1800) In an investigation into diasporic Chinese families in the UK, she examined the connection between social communication and socio-cultural values, focusing on code-switching between generations in conflict talk situations in which the speakers adopt different opinions on a subject. There appeared to be strategic language choices and positioning by the speakers. It appeared that code-switching functioned to focus the interactions between the speakers particularly when negotiating power relationships. Speakers showed convergence or divergence with the previous speakers view depending on their language choice speakers answering in the language in which they were addressed were is likely to be showing convergence. Investigations into non-Western code-switching have found evidence refuting the idea of different languages being associated with different groups. Stroud (1998) looked at the use of Tok Pisin, a national language, and Taiap, spoken by a tiny minority. It was found that no particular domain, subject or speech variety was spoken about in one language only. Rational choice analyses start from the basic standpoint of Gumperz (1982). The Markedness Model of Myers-Scotton (1993) makes the assumption that one language variety is always unmarked in any situation and that social norms act as constraints to speakers. She studied African urban communities and saw a distinction between the theories of allocation, where language behaviour is affected by the structure of society, and interaction, in which a person makes a rational selection to achieve a specific purpose. The mother tongue of the Kenyans studied was used with others of the same ethnic background and appeared to be important in terms of identity. It was also used for assistance from other members of the same group. English was used at home by those more affluent economically as it was assumed that this would help the children with their school education. The markedness idea is further developed in the Rational Choice Model (Myers-Scotton and Bolonyai 2001), which asserts that an unm arked choice is one in which the speaker chooses his or her language according to the conventions of the social norms. These norms can dictate that code-switching is in itself the choice which is unmarked. The Markedness Model appears to regard monolingualism as the starting point or norm and disregards variation between languages (Blommaert and Meeuwis 1998). The idea of strategic code-switching is also criticised as many see code-switching as an unconscious occurrence (Woolard 2004). This Rational Choice Model was employed by Alfaraz (2009) in a study of the use of Spanish and English in the Catholic mass. Quantitative analysis revealed a more frequent use of English than Spanish during the service, making English apparently the unmarked choice. On closer analysis, however, it could be seen that Spanish was used for the ritualistic areas of the service, making this the unmarked choice. Alfaraz asserted that pragmatic meaning was not conveyed though the directionality of switching in the data. Instead, code-switching seemed to be used to emphasise contextual information equivalent to what in monolingual settings is conveyed through prosody or other syntactic or lexical processes (Gumperz 1982 p.98). An example of this is in the use of pauses, which when between code-switched passages were found to be almost two seconds shorter than those between monolingual passages in the data, pointing towards the switching being used as a reinforcement of the effect of the paus e. The Rational Choice Model assumes that choices are made between codes according to external values. However, more recent thinking about how meanings can be interpreted has asserted that they can be interpreted from the conversation itself without the necessity of relating to external norms. Li Wei (1998) argues that code-switching can be used to show the authoritative level of the speaker and their preference linguistically. 2.2.3 Conversational analyses of code-switching see Nilep interactional section Macro-sociolinguistic aspects of code-switching, while giving a useful insight, can never determine absolutely code-switching. Gumperz (1982) maintained that in order to define the functions of code-switching a close and detailed analysis of conversation is necessary. On the basis of this he identified a list of six functions (quotation marking, addressee specification, interjection, reiteration, message qualification, and personalization versus objectivization. This list has led on to many other similar attempts to identify a list of code-switching functions (Romaine 1989; Nishimura 1997; Zentella 1997). These lists are problematic, however, as there are often problems with definition, as Auer (1995) points out. Although these may provide some useful guidelines, they are inadequate as a complete answer to the functions that code-switching carries out. .Auer (1984) claims that bilingual interaction is susceptible to local methods of language negotiation and code choice and is autonomous at one level from the larger ideological and societal structures to which it are related. Conversational analyses of code-switching focus on the actual interactions and the fulfilment of interactional goals which take place between the speakers rather than on external factors. Li Wei (2005) regards Conversation Analysis as an extension of Rational Choice analyses, but seeking evidence from talk-in-interaction rather than from external knowledge of community structure and relations (p.375). Myers-Scotton and Bolonyai (2001) have criticised this approach for the emphasis on transcriptions techniques and lack of focus on motivational choices. Li Wei (2002) claims that the conversational analysis approach is often used without explicit reference to the reasons why, but that it can demonstrate the motivation and intentions of the speaker in addition to r evealing the process of generating ordered activity . Code-switching is commonly believed to be related to other manifestations of bilingual or multilingual behaviour rather than an isolated occurrence. Translanguaging space covers a diversity of practices including code-switching, code-mixing, crossing and creolization. Li Wei (2010) studied the multilingual practices of three Chinese undergraduate maths students resident in Britain through Moment Analysis. This aims to capture seemingly spur-of-the-moment performances and to establish their causes and results. Speakers seemed to express their identities and create their own social spaces through utilization of the linguistic resources available to them. Translanguaging space can be a reflection of an individuals identity and demonstrates the way individuals use their linguistic resources to create their own space, rather than responding to external factors. Various patterns of interactions can be analysed in sequential code-switching Auer (1995). These can involve both the interlocutors speaking in different languages to each other, for example one person speaking consistently in English while the other replies in Lithuanian. However, this often leads to one interlocutor beginning to use the other language and becomes a monolingual conversation. When this pattern is seen it can indicate the preference of language by a speaker. It can also show the level of competence in a language (usually the speaker is more competent in his or her preferred language). It could indicate language choice for a social reason. Reyes (2004) states that code-switching can be used to extend communicative competence in situations where a single language is not adequate. Milroy and Wei (1995) claim that interlocutors decide on a language and that code-switching occurs within this. This code-switching becomes interactional in that participants often choose to speak in the language which best suits their interlocutor (Milroy and Li Wei, 1995). Their study found that Chinese immigrants to the UK varied in their language practices according to age, with the older generation preferring to use their Chinese mother tongue, and the younger generation showing a preference for English. Code-switching within this appeared to be used for repetition and emphasis, clarification and confirmation, as well as making language repairs (this last only amongst the adults). Critiques of Conversation Analysis claim that a focus too closely on conversation as the starting point for analysis in addition to not allowing macro-sociolinguistic evidence can result in unsatisfactory analysis of non-Western language behaviour. [L]anguage use and patterns of code-switching both structure and are structured by indigenous cultural practices (Stroud 1998 p.322). 2.3 Code-switching and level of proficiency Code-switching has traditionally been seen as the result of a lack of competence in one of the languages, or a practice which is lazy or inhibits language learning. Bullock and Toribio (2009) state that it is .à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ perceived by the general public as indicative of language degeneration (Bullock and Toribio 2009 p.1). However, studies have shown that these viewpoints do not reflect the truth (Hughes, Shaunessy et al. 2006). By focusing on code-switching as a resourceful process, it is possible to see the ways in which languages are used for communication and to advance learning (Liebscher and Dailey-OCain 2005). Weinreich (1953) described an idealised bilingual speaker who would use both codes distinctly. However, Grosjean (1997) has asserted that neither language system of a bilingual can be fully deactivated. This implies that bilinguals generally differ in some way from monolinguals, even in their principal language. Even the concept of the native speaker is now being cha llenged by code-switching practices (Gardner-Chloros 2009). The issue of the level of proficiency of the speaker and the effect of this on code-switching has long been under debate. McClure (1977) noted that the use of code-switching changes with age. Younger children were seen to code-switch nouns whereas older ones switched phrases and sentences, thus indicating that there is a level of proficiency which must be reached for code-switching to take place. However, according to Myers-Scotton (1993), there is no clear level of proficiency that a speaker must obtain in a second language in order for code-switching to take place. Code-switching has been seen as a strategy to cope with deficiencies in one or both of the languages (MacSwan 1999). These deficiencies were previously referred to as semilingualism (Cummins and Miramonte, 1989, in MacSwan, 1999) and were thought of as causing low academic achievement in multilingual children (Milroy and Muysken 1995, Tokuhama-Espinosa 2003). However, Li Wei (2000) points out that the term was used for ethnic minorities and not for the speakers of mainstream languages. Poplack (1980) was critical of the term for the implication that the speakers are not fully literate, and the stigma involved for those it referred to. Romaine (1995) points out that: Although it is popularly believed by bilingual speakers themselves that they mix or borrow because they do not know the term in one language or another, it is often the case that switching occurs most often for items which people know and use in both languages. The bilingual just has a wider choice at least when he or she is speaking with bilingual speakers. In effect, the entire second language system is at the disposal of the code-switcher. (1995, p. 143) A study carried out by Valadez, MacSwan and Martà nez
Friday, October 25, 2019
Global Warming Essay -- Environmental Global Climate Change
Global Warming One of the hottest topics being discussed now a days is the effects of global warming on the environment and the efforts being made in order to combat the potential effects. Simply put, global warming refers to the environmental effects caused by the constant emission of carbon dioxide from carbon based fuels. These effects are supposedly widespread; the temperature of the earth will rise, the land becomes less conducive to, vegetation, and various ecosystems become extinct. There is no common consensus on how to control the problem and through out the paper it discusses the issues of global warming. There were three articles read that discussed how global warming is becoming a potential problem that needs to be analyzed thoroughly. One article (â€Å"On Global†, 1:18) is very cautious about how to approach the problem; the author believes that not enough is known about the effects of global warming versus the costs of containing it. He suggest no more than a modest flat tax on carbon based fuels Another article (Schneider, A:17) discusses the debates that the Clinton white house representatives have over the best route in dealing with the problem. The third article (Reuter, C:7) touches on the potential effects of global warming in tropical rain forests. Furthermore, each article shows that there is no common consensus in dealing with global warming. One article stresses that the issue is so murky that it is open to debate. Another article shows how members of the White House cannot agree on the matter and yet another author shows how countries cannot agree to ratify a treaty. After reviewing the information available on the subject, it appears that there is no easy answer to how to deal with global warming. To begin with , there is absolutely no consensus whatsoever as to the extent of the problem. One article (â€Å"On Global†, 1:18) simply maintains that the models available to judge the damage that global warming causes are just too ‘ primitive and insufficient. Both technological and economical models used to deal with the subject seem flawed. Additionally, the question arises as to whether the U.S. should have to calculate the cost of cleaning up the environment for countries like India and China that are too poor to give the matter priority. But another article (Reuter, C:7) maintains that the effects of global warming are alr... on carbon based fuels and timetables for monitoring progress. It is therefore interesting to note how these issues were dealt with by the Clinton-Gore administration. The vice president did not discuss the issue at all after his inauguration. Many Clinton-Gore campaign promises were never fullfilled. Why? because they were not practical goals. They met with too much resistance from opponents. This lesson ought to be taken to heart on a number of issues. While Gore and Clinton might have been sincere in their campaign promises, the voters should always wonder what influence the opposition had over them. Additionally, it is on curiosity how the European community backed the climate treaty, but when time came to ratify the documents it didn’t pass. Work Cited â€Å"On Global Warming; Why no Carbon Tax?†The New York Times 25 May 2006, late ed. Sec 1:18 Reuter. â€Å"Dangers to Forests Seen from Warming.†The New York Times 17 Aug. 2003 late ed., Section C:7 Schneider, Keith â€Å"Gore Meets Resistance in Efforts for Steps on Global Warming..†The New York Times 19 Apr. 2003, Late Ed. Sec A:17 WWW. Discover. Org WWW. NASA .Gov WWW. Global Warming. net www. Edf. org/
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Human Movement Essay
Kinesiology, plainly put is the study of human movement and all aspects to it. It is the science of human movement. It is comprehensive in its outlook in that it looks at being part of the physical activity (the experience), class room study of the theories and concepts that make an activity qualify as physical (scholarly) and the professional practice connected with physical practice (Hoffman, 2009). It looks at the muscles-their make up and how they contribute to human movement, the skeleton-make up and contribution to human movement, and the brain in the same context as the previous two. It makes a practitioner of Kinesiology understand human movement from all angles – the why, what, when and which. Method: Since this study entails all aspects of the human movement, so to does its learning. The use of a high school football team was to allow sight of human movement in real time from a passive position. It brought in play the subjectivity of the human mind in the observational data collection aspect of the research. By its very nature football is a contact sport. It thus presented the research with the best tool to observe the different components that constitute human movement. The preconceived notions of the human mind would be make for interesting reading when tested against the scientific results. Since not all the three different components could be scientifically measured at the same time, the research was focused on the head. This is from the realization that head impacts result in concussions. This is an injury that has the very real possibility of ending ones career but also could end up in death. To best investigate the impact to head injuries, the research used the Head Impact Telemetry System (HITS). This is a wireless monitoring system capable to rapidly identify athletes who have sustained an impact to the helmet that has the potential of being injurious. It is made to produce real-time post impact data and transmit the results to a computer not more than 150 yd (137m) from the helmet via radio waves. When out of range, an onboard storage unit would record up to 100 hits and transmit when back on range. HITS allows for objectivity in the research. For Kinesiology, to qualify as a science, measurement must be precise and consistent. Head impact data was captured when a single accelerometer exceeded the preset 15g threshold. Data from 8 milliseconds pre to 32 milliseconds post impact was transmitted and stored. The dependent variables set were linear acceleration, rotational acceleration, jerk force, impulse and duration of impact. Results: From the data collected in the course of the season (68 sessions-55 practice days, 13 games), it became clear that, there were more impacts during games than during practice. The greatest number of knocks was experienced by defensive line players, offensive linemen, offensive skill players and defensive skill players in descending order. In ascending order, the location of helmet with most frequently hits was the top, side, back and front. Game situations resulted in higher linear acceleration than practice impacts. Top of the helmet hits had the greatest linear acceleration followed by front, back and side. Again, game time impacts caused more rotational acceleration than practice. The line players experienced harder hits than skill players in this category. It was also clear that most forceful hits were as a result of front then back then side and lowest top hit. Looking at head jerk, impact force, impact pulse and duration of the impact, the figures were higher during game times than practice. The offensive line and defensive skill players had an equal occurrence of head jerk but higher than the others. The line players had longer duration of impact, more impact impulse and force of impact than the skill players. Maximum head jerk and impact force was experienced as result of hits at the top followed by the front, back and side. For the duration of impact, the order was the same but in reverse role. Also noted, the harder a player was hit the higher the linear acceleration, maximum jerk, force and impulse. The same was true for a soft hit. Conclusion: From the research, this paper has been able to come to some conclusions as a result of the available data. Some of the conclusions justified the subjective view in the researcher at the beginning of the undertaking while some have resulted in the researchers’ change of perception. It was clear from the data that there were higher linear acceleration collisions in high schools than from statistics available about research done on colleges. This could be as a result of the kids wanting to impress. They clearly may not have and full knowledge of the consequences of their actions. In high schools the chance of a college scholarship, means one could have a greater chance of success in life as a result of the extra academic qualifications one acquired. The higher linear acceleration collisions have a higher concussive chance. This makes the high school football player more at risk as very few have compressive medical covers that would give them the kind of specialized treatment necessary should the worst happen. Schools by the nature of their medical cover can not to provide this. In high school, there were more top helmet impacts than in college. It meant a higher linear acceleration and also impact force magnitude. This was a very dangerous location. It exposed the boys to a higher risk of concussion and severe cervical injury. This could easily mean career ending injury, paralysis or even death. There was need for more effort to be put into coaching. They could help teach the boys proper tackling techniques and make them understand the advantage of keeping the head high and thus avoiding helmet contact. It could be that since the college players are more mature, they do not let blood to run into their heads. They are committed in their tackles and at the same time aware of what the consequences of their actions are if not watched properly. Since the boys in high school were still maturing, they were generally smaller in mass and height as compared to their college equivalent. The more reason why they needed to be taught well. In high school, the most dangerous positions were the Quarterback, running backs and wide receiver in decreasing severity. They had the highest linear acceleration impacts. These could be as a result of them been always in full flight (speed) and in open field. These is unlike their counterparts the offensive line and defensive skill players. These may have the highest number of hits on them but the impact is low. The reason could be because they were always near each other and they do not achieve full acceleration before getting hit. The guys who get hit all the time were line men. These guys were involved in every play in the field. Finally, in high school because of the small pool of players, some ended up playing more than one position. This increased the risk of injury. This research did raise some very pertinent issues. They need to have proper coaching in high schools should go along way in reducing the chances of serious injury in the field. Also, the better knowledge of head injury risks should make for better understanding of how to tackle and care for them should and when they occur. This research has given birth to invaluable knowledge for Kinesiologists.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Prevention and Control of Pollution Essay
The enhanced pace of developmental activities and rapid urbanization have resulted in stress on natural resources and quality of life. The trend of increasing pollution in various environmental media is evident from the deteriorating air and water quality, higher noise levels, increasing vehicular emission etc. Realising the urgent need for arresting the trend, Ministry adopted policy for Abatement of Pollution which provides for several mechanisms in the form of regulations, legislation, agreements, fiscal incentives and other measures to prevent and abate pollution. Further, realizing that conventional pollution control approach by treatment at the end of the pipe is not delivering the desired benefits in terms of resource conservation, the thrust has been shifted to pollution prevention and control through promotion of clean and low waste technology, re-use and recycling, natural resource accounting, Environmental Audit and Institutional and Human Resource Development. To give effect to various measures and policies on ground, multi-pronged approach is adopted which includes stringent regulations, Development of Environmental Standards, Control of Vehicular Pollution, preparation of Zoning Atlas for Spatial Environmental Planning including Industrial Estates etc. Major activities carried out under several programmes/schemes during the year are as follows : Industrial Pollution Abatement through preventive strategies This scheme is an amalgamation of the three on-going schemes viz. Environmental Audit, Adoption of Clean Technologies in Small Scale Industries and Environmental Statistics and Mapping, which have been continuing since eighth Five Year Plan. Due to encouraging results and benefits to various small scale units, these schemes are being continued during the 10th Five Year Plan also: Environmental Statement (As a part of Environmental Audit) Environmental audit is a management tool and provides a structure and comprehensive mechanism for ensuring that the activities and products of an enterprise do no cause unacceptable effects on the environment. Submission of an Environmental Statement by polluting units seeking consent either under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 or the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 or both and the Authorization under the Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989 has been made mandatory through a Gazette Notification of April, 1993 under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The Environmental Statement enables the units to undertake a comprehensive look at their industrial operations and facilities, understanding of material flows and focus on areas where waste reduction and consequently saving in-put cost if possible. The primary benefit of environmental audit is that it ensures cost effective compliance of laws, standards, regulations, company policies etc. During the year, action has been initiated to evolve model environmental statements in various sectors for facilitating comparison in use of raw material, water conservation, energy consumption etc. A project has been sponsored to Central Pollution Control Board for evolving model environmental statement in the eight sectors viz. Sugar, Thermal Power Projects, Cement, Paper and Pulp, Pesticides, Bulk Drugs, Tanneries and Textiles Activities. Waste Minimisation/Cleaner Production Waste minimization is one of the strategies adopted for minimizing the industrial pollution. The objective of the scheme is to assist the small and medium scale industry in adoption of cleaner production practices. A project has been sponsored to National Productivity Council on â€Å"Waste Minimisation in Small Scale Industries†for establishment and running of waste minimization circles in clusters of small scale industries, capacity building in areas of cleaner production, establishment of demonstration units in selected industrial sectors etc. So far 115 waste minimization circles have been established through out the country and a large number of Organizations and Institutions have been trained in waste minimization activities. The project was executed till November, 2002 under the World Bank project on Industrial Pollution Prevention (IPP) as Phase-I and Phase-II is now being continued with Ministry’s internal funds. Implementation of this project has helped in identification of more than 200 options for resource and energy conservation in various small scale industries. Environmental Statistics and Mapping For sound Environmental Management, reliable information base and the mapping of areas needing special attention for pollution prevention and control are a pre-requisite. As a step in the direction, projects and pilot studies have been initiated through various research institutions and organizations. Under this program, following studies have been initiated and are in various stages of completion : – GIS based Hydrological Modelling for Water Quality and Quantity in Cauvery River Basin by IIT, Delhi. – Geochemical baseline Mapping for Environmental Management by National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad. Development and Promotion of Cleaner Technologies Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Life Cycle Assessment is a decision cum management tool which provides information on the environmental effects of various products and processes so as to arrive at necessary corrective measures to make the entire process efficient with optimal utilization of resources and minimal wastes generation. LCA studies have been initiated in various sectors namely; Steel, Pulp and Paper and Thermal Power. The study in the Steel Sector was completed earlier and the report is under preparation. The study relating to the Thermal Power Sector has been completed during the year while the study in the Pulp and Paper Sector is progressing as per schedule. Industrial Ecology Opportunities in Ankleshwar and Nandesari Industrial Estates, Gujarat A study was undertaken to develop and implement Industrial Ecology Opportunities in Ankleshwar and Nandesari Industrial Estates of Gujarat. The study has examined technologies used by industries in this region and suggested possible approach to achieve eco-efficiency within the industrial estates to reuse and recycle wastes and effluents generated from different industrial units. The recommendations of the study have been discussed in a workshop with all stakeholders including State Government Agencies for their implementation and an Action Plan is being drawnup by them. Development of Market Based Instruments for Regional Environmental Management in the Kawas-Hazira Region in Gujarat The ongoing project on Development of Market Based Instruments for Kawas-Hazira Region of Gujarat has been completed. The study report has observed that the taxes and incentives based on efficiency improvements align the pollution control agencies better with the polluters than the Command and Control (CAC) regime. Such an instrument also facilitates prescribing incentives for achieving the triple bottom line, viz economic-efficiency, environment-responsibility, and social-relevance entitling the Corporate to Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and other cleaner-production benefits. The recommendations of the study have been discussed in a workshop with all concerned. Field Demonstration and Development of Bamboo Based Composites/Panels The ongoing project on field demonstration and development of bamboo based composites/panels was continued during the year. Under this project, commercial production of horizontal and vertical laminates have been made using Bambusa bamboo Species. Construction of demonstration houses will be taken up during the current year. Recycling of Marble Slurry in Udaipur, Rajasthan A two years duration project has been sponsored for the manufacture of bricks and tiles from marble slurry in Udaipur, Rajasthan with the aim of utilizing wastes arising out of marble cutting and processing for the purpose of improving the local environment. Bio-remediation of Railadevi Lake in Thane, Maharashtra A project relating to cleaning of Railadevi Lake in Thane District in Maharashtra using bio-remediation technique has been sponsored to Thane Municipal Corporation.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Why Cloning Shouldnt Be Banned essays
Why Cloning Shouldn't Be Banned essays Early in 1997 Scottish scientist Dr. Ian Wilmot revealed to the world that he had successfully cloned an entire adult sheep. Dolly was the young clone's given name. With this announcement the world made a collective gasp at the realization that no longer was cloning a pipe dream or an element of science fiction movies. Immediately, cloning became one of the most debated topics in the world. From the school house to the White House discussions began regarding the ethical implications of cloning. Those in favor of cloning argue that the technology will eventually lead to numerous benefits for humankind. Benefits such as infertility clinics to assist reproductively challenged couples in having genetically related children, the growing and healing of wounded or diseased tissues and organs, the curing of diseases such as cancer and leukemia, and possibly the cloning of important historical figures such as scientists, politicians, and artists are all claims made by proponents of cloning. Conversely, opponents of cloning say that it is immoral and unethical to clone human beings for both religious and humanitarian reasons. Their arguments are very thoughtful and concerned ideas, such as the fear that cloning will lead to the "10,000 Hitlers" scenario, or that cloning is an unnatural process that is sacrilegious, and the belief that the clone will suffer some sort of trauma because they lack a unique genetic identity. All of these reason are valid concerns, but, when held to close scrutiny do they really hold up as adequate reasons to put an all out ban on cloning and all research into cloning of human cells? Quite simply stated the answer is "no". The object of this essay is to argue this side of this highly sensitive and complicated issue. First off, it seems logical that one needs to know in slightly more technical language what cloning is. It is not enough to simply say that cloning is the creation of another person that is an exact c...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Prosopopoeia - Definition and Examples in Rhetoric
Prosopopoeia s in Rhetoric A figure of speech in which an absent or imaginary person is represented as speaking is called prosopopoeia. In classical rhetoric, its a type of personification or impersonation. Prosopopoeia was one of the exercises used in the training of future orators. In The Arte of English Poesie (1589), George Puttenham called prosopopoeia the counterfeit impersonation. Etymology From the Greek, prà ³sopon face, person, and poià ©in to make, to do. Pronunciation pro-so-po-po-EE-a Examples and Observations Prosopopoeia allows its users to adopt the voices of others; but it also has the potential to show them that when they think they are speaking in their own person, they are prosopopeias themselves.(Gavin Alexander, Prosopopeia: The Speaking Figure. Renaissance Figures of Speech, ed. by Sylvia Adamson, Gavin Alexander, and Katrin Ettenhuber. Cambridge University Press, 2007)The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve:Lovers, to bed; tis almost fairy time.(Theseus in William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream, Act 5, Scene 1) Prosopopeia and Catachresis That a catechesis can be a prosopopoeia, in the etymological sense of giving face, is clear from such ordinary instances as the face of a mountain or the eye of a hurricane. It is possible that, instead of prosopopeia being a subspecies of the generic type catachresis (or the reverse), the relationship between them is more disruptive than that between genus and species.(Paul De Man and Wlad Godzich, The Resistance to Theory. University of Minnesota Press, 1986) Apostrophe and Personification in Keats Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may findThee sitting careless on a granary floor,Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;Or on a half-reapd furrow sound asleep,Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while thy hookSpares the next swath and all its twinà ¨d flowers:And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keepSteady thy laden head across a brook;Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,Thou watchest the last oozings, hours by hours.(John Keats, Ode to Autumn) Prosopopeia in Classical Rhetoric Under the term prosopopeia, as can be inferred etymologically from the Greek and Latin appellations, authors use the device of introducing in discourse a feigned presentation of characters or personified things, that is, feigned sub specie personae. The usual form of this presentation is through the attribution of human properties or qualities, especially those of speaking or listening (the terms dialogismos and sermonocinatio refer to this property). The device must be properly regulated by the literary norms of stylistic decorum.The majority of authors usually distinguish between two modalities in attributing the device to characters or personified things: (1) direct discourse (prosopopoeia recta) or (2) indirect discourse (prosopopoeia obliqua). The most elaborated doctrine concerning this figure of speech, as in the case with ethopoeia, appeared in ancient Greek handbooks for rhetorical exercises (progymnasmata), in which both appear tightly linked.(Jose Antonio Mayoral, Prosopop oeia. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, ed. by Thomas O. Sloane, Oxford University Press, 2001) Prosopopoeia in FilmsThe easiest means to prosopopoeia in moving pictures is using animation to give human shape and motion to lifeless things.A train at the top of a hill sniffs a flower before swooping down the other slope. Holsters even spread themselves to receive Panchitos revolvers (The Three Caballeros, Norma Ferguson). A steam engine is given eyes, piston chambers that thrust like feet when it pulls, and a mouth and voice that cry All aboard (Dumbo, Walt Disney and Ben Sharpsteen). A building hoist falling at breakneck speed politely slides across to the next shaft on meeting someone, sliding back again after it has passed him (Rhapsody in Rivets, Leon Schlesinger and Isadore Freleng).(N. Roy Clifton, The Figure in Film. Associated University Presses, 1983) Also Known As: evocation
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Reveal Invisible Ink Messages
How to Reveal Invisible Ink Messages Most invisible ink messages can be revealed by heating the paper on which they are written. The ink weakens the fibers in the paper so the message discolors (burns) before the rest of the paper. The real secret, aside from the message, is how to reveal it without setting your paper on fire. Tip: Dont use a lighter, match, or open fire to reveal your invisible ink message. You can lay the paper over an incandescent light bulb with fairly good results, but it is hard to tell if your paper is hot enough, so you may not know whether your paper is blank or whether you just cant see the message. There Are Other Methods That Work Better You can iron your paper (dont use steam). This is probably the best method, but you may not have an iron or else have no idea where you put it. A hot iron for your hair also works. Another simple method is to wave the paper over a hot stove. If you have a secret invisible ink message, youll start to see some distortion of the paper as it gets hot. If you continue heating the paper, the message will darken to a gold or brown color. If you use a stove, its still possible to ignite your message, but it is a lot less likely than if you used fire. You Can Use Almost Anything to Write an Invisible Ink Message Try using a broken toothpick as a pen and saliva or lemon juice as ink. You can even use plain water to write the message... the message wont darken, but when you first heat the paper the fibers that were moved when the paper absorbed the water will bulge out a bit. Try it!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Book reaction of the book Human Cargo by Caroline Moorehead Essay
Book reaction of the book Human Cargo by Caroline Moorehead - Essay Example This is a hard-hitting book which tries to illuminate these problems from the point of view of refugees, rather than from the comfortable position of the observer who is fortunate enough to have a homeland and to be settled and secure in that place. In reading this book, I was prepared to hear moving stories about individuals who had been caught up in wars, famines and disasters of all kinds. This expectation was more than met in descriptions ranging from cases of rape in Sierra Leone and Liberia, to shipwrecks on the way to Sicily. The grim and horrifying violence and lawlessness in some developing countries is clearly the cause of most large scale refugee movements and the book confirmed my view that these problems are increasing in the world, and that arrangements to care for refugees are not adequate for the volume of need that is there. What I did not expect to read about was the suffering that refugees had to endure on their journey away from horrific situations, and in camps a nd detention centers once they had arrived in places where they had hoped to find relief and a place to stay. This dimension of the book was truly shocking. Apart from highlighting the suffering of refugees, Moorhead has a secondary aim in her book, and that is to bring public attention to the way that affluent governments make the situation of refugees even worse than it already is. The book shows how throughout the twentieth century, systems and processes were invented to keep refugees out of certain countries, such as Australia, for example, and to make sure that they were locked up and kept under very close observation, as in the United Kingdom. The international laws that are designed to protect refugees seem to be very ineffective in doing exactly this. In addition to these political factors, which are no doubt driven by economic forces, since few countries want to take on the financial burden of finding homes, jobs and healthcare provision for the many hundreds of thousands o f refugees, there are also cultural factors. Thinking back over recent decades, there has been a tendency for Western Europe and North America to react to particular waves of refugees, such as the so-called Vietnamese Boat people, for example, with one-off and temporary measures. Newspapers latch on to the drama of these situations, but once the story becomes old news, the funding dries up and the problem remains. Some groups of refugees are demonized by the media, as for example in the case of the Romani people, and also Serbs, Kosovans and other Eastern European groups who were displaced in the fall of communism as small states gained independence and began to implement rules based on ethnic origin. Sadly, these trends seem to be repeated all over the world. My own reflections on this book were first a feeling of shock, since I had not realized that things were so very bad for refugees, and then some thoughts about the current situation in the United States where politicians are a rguing about what to do with the thousands of illegal immigrants who arrive from Mexico and beyond. I think the situation is more complex than it appears on the surface. Many of the people at the center of current debates in America are economic migrants, which means they are seeking better opportunities for themselves and their children. Negative attitudes against this kind of migrant spill over into negative attitudes towards refugees, who truly have no choice in the matter and are moving
Friday, October 18, 2019
Lukes the Prodigal Son and Hollywoods Perception of the Gospel Essay
Lukes the Prodigal Son and Hollywoods Perception of the Gospel - Essay Example Here, at his execution, Jesus is tempted by an alluring image of a peaceful and pleasant life with Mary Magdelene to try to get him to refuse the sacrifice he must make. The carpenter Jesus of Nazareth, tormented by the temptations of demons, the guilt of making crosses for the Romans, pity for men and the world, and the constant call of God, sets out to find what God wills for him. But as his mission nears fulfillment, he must face the greatest temptation: the normal life of a good man. This movie is actually not based on the Gospels, but on Nikos Kazantzakis' novel of the same name. But in a sense, whether it is a movie or a novel, this ideology of a common and insignificant life is more of modern conception of self-help motives driven by (apparently) hazard free market economy. Jesus is shown at the outset as a lonely, masochistic soul full of self-contempt, tempted to leave the cross for the life of an ordinary man who knows the felicities of marriage, sex, and family: this is th e "last temptation" that nearly wrenches away the meaning of his sacrifice. But here is a perception that invokes the feeling of a common man who wants the world to be ideally trouble free and simple. Alternately, Godspell (1973) written and directed by David Greene based on the novel by John-Michael Tebelak is a modern-day version of the gospels, opening with John the Baptist
Assignment 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Assignment 6 - Essay Example It is for this reason that Liberal philosophers should support exemptions to the rules and norms of society for minority cultures: by promoting cultural exemptions, they will also support autonomy and equality. Before proceeding further with an argument for the importance of cultural exemptions to Liberalism, it is probably a good idea to define some terms and make sure that the concepts of Liberalism, autonomy and cultural exemptions are fully understood. Liberalism, as describe above, basically espouses the idea that everybody should be treated equally. As we saw in earlier chapters, like the one on the art of Benin, this is not always the case. In regards to Benin, they were seen as less â€Å"civilised†than the British, and this led to their being abused and mistreated when the two cultures clashed. This would not have happened if the British at the time had followed Liberalism, because it accepts that different cultures have â€Å"differences in moral values; different tastes in art, literature or music; differences in social customs and traditions; and differences in belief†(Pike 97). However, Liberalism itself has varying traditions. Two of those which are discussed in this chapter are difference-blind Liberalism and the Liberalism which accepts â€Å"rule and exemption approach†(Pike 106). The first of these seems fairly straight-forward. It basically means that the philosopher ignores any sort of difference whatsoever between any two people. The â€Å"rule and exemption†idea, on the other hand, involves creating rules for all people and then giving people exemptions based on cultural, social, or religious differences. In this case, then, the philosopher would acknowledge some that differences are important and need to be taken into account. On the surface, difference-blind Liberalism seems perfectly reasonable when your philosophy is â€Å"that every human being is of
Cultural values and other factors within America Essay
Cultural values and other factors within America - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that America is the country of choice as far as relocation is concerned here. This is because America is a free society in entirety and people can enjoy whatever they feel like doing. America is a haven as far as work domains are concerned because it gives an individual so much in terms of learning and acquiring of skills that other people from the rest of the world can only think of. America is a free world. This has been proven with time and research. Its culture is such that people are allowed the space to interact with one another, enjoy the respective spaces, mingle with the different practices and realms, and basically enjoy life’s varied offerings. The cultural; values that are most widespread within America comprise of the respect that the people show to one another. They do not like to interfere in another man’s job. Hence the reason that there is a lot of empathy for one another, and people like to cherish each other ’s company. What is best about America is how these people are able to turn a new leaf with each passing day, and thus remain committed to the cause of growth and development, both within the professional entities as well as their personal selves. The social practices that are present in America are such that people enjoy them immensely. They like to go to parties, on beaches, enjoy different games and sports, varied activities, and so on.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Importance of Strng Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Importance of Strng Communication - Essay Example This is because it may help to boast the confidence of the audience (Gillis & International Association of Business Communicators, 2011). The points presented should be clear to avoid creating confusion among the audience. Additionally, eyes contacts are vital because they help the audience to feel that they are part of communication process (Gillis & International Association of Business Communicators, 2011). Connectively, Simple language should be used so that audience can understand the message (Gillis & International Association of Business Communicators, 2011). Many scientist tend to miss a point at this juncture because they use scientific jargon that ordinary audience can not comprehend (Motluk, 2011).This makes audience not comprehend the message being communicated, making communication process to be ineffective (Motluk, 2011).Therefore, the article tries to show whether strong communication skills are necessary in every type of organization. I believe that strong communication skills are vital in every type of organization and even in non academic world (Motluk, 2011). This is because failures to have effective communication in place it become difficult to deal with vendors, customer’s employees, employers and other stakeholders in an organization. For instance failure to listen keenly to customer’s needs may make an organization to incur substantial losses by producing goods and services that customers are unwilling to buy. Additionally, strong communication skills are vital in conducting marketing research. This is because for a research to be effective and efficient, researchers should posses’ strong communication skills that can convince the respondents to give out the required information (Guffey & Loewy, 2010). Additionally, effective communication helps the researchers to analyze and interpret the research findings in a manner that the intended audience can understand (Motluk, 2011). Research
Deep Green Underwater Kite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Deep Green Underwater Kite - Essay Example The use of renewable energies is one of the steps taken to reduce the negative impact on environment by reducing the potentials of pollution and its extent. There are other reasons for the rapid advancements in the technological world. The major reason for making these rapid advancements possible and available to the people is the increasing population and its demand. The overwhelming increase in the population leads to demands which are impossible to be met using the old technologies. New ways of production and manufacturing are being utilized to meet the demands of the growing population. Limited energy supply is one of the reasons we need latest technologies. Deep Green Underwater Kite is of the technologies which have recently been launched and are of great help to meet the energy demands of people without risking the environment and natural life. The innovation of Deep Green underwater Kite is associated with a Swedish company Minesto. This unique toy-like device leaps and dives in the ocean water. This toy-like device works with more power and generates as much as 800 times more energy in the water currents than it may generate in the sky. The reason for such power generation process lays in the fact that seawater 800 times denser than the air. The turbine that is attached to the kite, hence, achieves to generate more energy than it can in the air. Minesto names this device as Deep Green and claims that it is capable of generating approximately 500 kilowatts of power also in the smooth and calm sea. This new technology is supposed to boost up the business for tidal power by as much as eighty percent (Harrell 2010). The Deep green underwater Kite is a simply designed 7 ton kite turbine which catches and regenerates power taken from the ocean just like a kite works in the air. The kite-like turbine is aimed at generating approximately 18 terawatt hours of power every year. This amount of energy is ample to meet the energy demands of more or less four millio n UK houses. This technology is more appreciated for its effectively green process and provision of green electricity. The Swedish military and aircraft designing company Saab was originally aiming at producing a wind turbine but the concept changed with the idea of using seawater as it is more powerful and productive for the thought of generating energy. The kite twists to escalate the velocity in the ocean ten-fold. The most important and precious factor to consider here is the cost-effectiveness of the device. The amount of energy it generates compared to the amount spent on each Kilowatt unit it generates gives an idea of its low cost technique. It costs as low as $0.09 cents to $0.20 cents per KWh. Using this technology in today’s financially weak society may help the overly populated societies in gaining access to the demanded quantities of energy. This cost effective device is useful in order to meet the demands and satisfying the energy requirements keeping an environ mentally sound system of generating energy. These kites are, hence, cost effective in terms of design, structure and use. Once installed, they require lesser investment in maintenance of these devices (Kraemer 2009). The Deep Green Underwater Kite is an invention which is equally helpful for those who use it and for those who do not. The
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Importance of Strng Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Importance of Strng Communication - Essay Example This is because it may help to boast the confidence of the audience (Gillis & International Association of Business Communicators, 2011). The points presented should be clear to avoid creating confusion among the audience. Additionally, eyes contacts are vital because they help the audience to feel that they are part of communication process (Gillis & International Association of Business Communicators, 2011). Connectively, Simple language should be used so that audience can understand the message (Gillis & International Association of Business Communicators, 2011). Many scientist tend to miss a point at this juncture because they use scientific jargon that ordinary audience can not comprehend (Motluk, 2011).This makes audience not comprehend the message being communicated, making communication process to be ineffective (Motluk, 2011).Therefore, the article tries to show whether strong communication skills are necessary in every type of organization. I believe that strong communication skills are vital in every type of organization and even in non academic world (Motluk, 2011). This is because failures to have effective communication in place it become difficult to deal with vendors, customer’s employees, employers and other stakeholders in an organization. For instance failure to listen keenly to customer’s needs may make an organization to incur substantial losses by producing goods and services that customers are unwilling to buy. Additionally, strong communication skills are vital in conducting marketing research. This is because for a research to be effective and efficient, researchers should posses’ strong communication skills that can convince the respondents to give out the required information (Guffey & Loewy, 2010). Additionally, effective communication helps the researchers to analyze and interpret the research findings in a manner that the intended audience can understand (Motluk, 2011). Research
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
A Secret Govermnt video write up Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
A Secret Govermnt video write up - Movie Review Example h profile government officials have used the secret govemnment as their last resort in bailing them in certain governance problems that they face periodically. The government, as their window opportunity is therefore using the group when all their legitimate options are blocked. The involvement of the member in of the secret government in governance has soiled the reputation of the government in upholding transparent management of its affairs and instead cast doubts on the efficacy of the government to provide leadership. There is also the fear of the unsupervised government being into place when the citizens are expecting continuous improvement on the government on transparent performance on matter of security and administration as a whole. The secret government demonstrates how the top government officials engages with the unconventional groups in the management of its affairs in a desperate move after failing to win the support f the people or that of the congress for constitutional and legitimate
Monday, October 14, 2019
Philips Sense And Simplicity
Philips Sense And Simplicity The case describes the challenge faced by the CEO and newly hired Chief Marketing Officer to reposition the Philips brand and drive the organizational changes to support the new vision. Central to the version was the Sense and Simplicity marketing campaign, which came to embody a whole new way of doing business at Philips. The primary target of the Sense and Simplicity campaign was customers aged 35-55. Philips was not thought of as a cool and attractive brand by Generation Y consumers. Philips must rewire the Sense and Simplicity campaign for the Generation Y market. Answer the following questions- a). The results revealed that consumers across various countries seek simple technology, i.e., technology without hassles. In this background, how did Philips utilize its technological strength to connect with the customer? Philips has a brand promise of sense and simplicity and they differentiate themselves through their innovation process, the way in which they develop customer relationships and the focus from their own staff on providing a superior experience related to customer. But with the impact of Social Media becoming the most important activity on the web, they have identified that there are many areas into which they must expand their horizon to keep the customer promise fresh and focused. About more than 200 million users joined facebook in a single year and 34% of bloggers blog about products and brands. In this environment its not enough to know that this is happening you need to know what people are saying and you need to find the best way to react. With only 14% of consumers trusting advertising, companies need to be reaching and reaching positively the 78% of consumers who give and rely on peer-to-peer recommendations. First thing is to take note, and then the service teams can ENGAGE with and supply SUPPORT to the clients. Mainly where there is negative response, the plan is to change this into positive advertising. Likewise to other companies such as Apple and Dell, Philips is also driving channels for peer-to-peer support. More than 50% of question from customers are answered by other customers. All of a sudden its not just a conversation; its a community of support and commitment. Effectiveness on the whole is measured using very simple KPIs (upholding the brand statement) and the main focus is on the delivery of true support. Today Philips provide products and services in three main areas: Healthcare Philips is the leader in top-of-the-range medical diagnostic equipment, helping surgeons in the battle against heart disease and cancer. Progressively more consumer health and well-being have also become a focus. Philips Healthcare is using Net Promoter and Social Media strategy to revolve health-care into human-care through the approach of active listening. They unite social media streams to NPS strategies to distribute a holistic experience for their customers. Supervision comes from a global level but delivery, execution and empowerment is based at the local level. Even as Marketing makes the promise to the customer, the Service association is then liable for keeping the promise. And the Social Media approach is part of delivering on the promise. Lifestyle Philips innovates in their lifestyle segment with their Ambilight TV and DVD recorders. The company has recognized a leadership position in lighting and has introduced electrifying new products such as the Senseo coffee concept. Technology Philips semiconductor and lighting products are embedded in the cars we drive, in the offices where people work and in sports stadiums. Philips proves its presence at world level; it illuminates monuments such as the Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower and events like the 2004 Olympics in Athens. Philips Electronics has unveiled its newest brand movement, which focuses on bringing the impression of simplicity more rapidly to customers around the world. Building on the companys sense and simplicity brand positioning, the drive focuses on prominence the benefits offered by simplicity, as well as allowing consumers to openly experience simplicity first hand. The new drive spans TV, print, online and outdoor media in 10 markets across the globe China, France, Germany, U.K., U.S.A., Brazil, Russia, The Netherlands, Italy and India. The drive will also see Philips spread out on the creativity and uniqueness that has already been applauded for new ideas that advance the consumer experience, such as the sole sponsorship of CBSs 60 Minutes, a agreement to bring the contents pages of Time, Fortune, People and Business 2.0 to the first four pages of the magazines, and allowing visitors to access premium content on the Wall Street Journal and ESPN websites for free. To widen the envelope further outside traditional advertising means, Philips most recent campaign will also comprise experiential marketing activities for the first time in each of the countries to help allow customers to fully understanding simplicity in action. Some of these activities will comprise Simplify New York which will provide New Yorkers with free access to the premium online service from The New York Times, free copies of the magazine, The Week and a set of online tools to make their daily lives easier; the launch of, a website ( which will supply people in Sà £o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro with the first central online resource to access and share valuable information and tips that simplify life in these cosmopolitan cities; and a Simplicity Squad in Canada providing customers with free vouchers for products and services to simplify their lives, as well as activities in other markets. To promote the discussion and debate about simplicity, Philips is also sponsoring an online forum to let people from all over the globe to voice their opinions and share their experiences of simplicity. The discussion forum allows people to contribute to online discussions and also begin thought of their own about simplicity in areas as varied as travel, business, communication, health and wellness, and technology. The site gives everybody a opportunity to have their say, interact with others and discuss problems. It is hoped that this interactive dialogue will contribute to helping find the solutions to meet future needs. b). New products, new services, new solutions, business creation, strategy, research, brand architecture, contact with customers everything must be driven by the brand positioning. What internal changes did Philips initiate, to link its processes with the theme of Sense and Simplicity? Sense and simplicity characterize the whole thing that Philips does and reflects that it is market oriented i.e. everything is intended to meet consumers needs and is based on customer insights. For more than a century, the company has been interacting with people in their daily lives. More than a million Philips products are purchased each day. It is trusted as one of the worlds top brands, with an incomparable understanding of how people interact with technology. Philips was established in 1891 and made lightbulbs an easy product. Right through the years the company enlarged its portfolio into technology products that became too complex for most users. When Philips realized this, it determined to make life easier and so launched a brand repositioning all about simplicity. The term positioning refers to where products and brands are located in a market. What is more crucial is where consumers see such products/brands being located in the market. For example, customers might see products as giving good value or poor value for money. They may associate a brand with high quality or low quality. It is key to carry out market study to spot suitable positions to take in the market. A suitable position is one that suits customers necessities. The term repositioning refers to a cognizant strategy to alter the site of products/brands in the market. The new best position should be based on market research. How Philips repositioned itself sense and simplicity is the brand guarantee that Philips has recognized through its research as the best one to take. Since the launch Philips has made immense improvement. This has been recorded by achieving milestones down the route. Excellent examples are the creation of a Simplicity Advisory Board (SAB) and the launch of a range of thriving products such as Senseo ®, a coffee machine that is stylish and simple to make use of. Creating a repositioning strategy A responsible strategy The stages involved in moving a product are: carrying out research to find out the weaknesses of the preliminary position researching a right track to take Creation plans and taking actions to improve the position. A difficulty that faced Philips in 2003 was that its media investment was somewhat unfocused and was spread thinly among too many different product segments. The table shows just four product areas and the target audiences for each, which were being addressed. In addition Philips products were marketed beneath lots of names, using a range of dissimilar advertising approaches. It was no wonder that there was great uncertainty in customers minds. The challenge in front of Philips, therefore, was to generate a clear vision that would help the company to reposition itself and all of its linked brands. A brand promise was then set out that is clear and easy to follow. The brand promise is sense and simplicity. In the recent high-tech age, consumers are faced with a lot of hard product choices. What most of us want are clear-cut communications about the settlement that these products will provide for us. This is as true of medical professionals ordering brain scanning equipment for a hospital as it is when you or I want to buy a light bulb, electric toothbrush or cordless kettle. Three main elements This is why the brand promise sense and simplicity is so significant to Philips. Creating consistency and direction In order to move ahead it was crucial to recognize the key issues. The difficulty facing the company was lack of loyalty and direction. Resources were being spread too thinly across too many products, with developments in numerous countries. Decision making within the wider Philips organization had develop into patchy. This was plain to see there were in addition many products, too many markets and a lack of consistency in advertising. For the customer it was tough to tell what was and what not a Philips product was. Meeting customer needs The first challenge was to modify the Philips image. This was built about sense and simplicity. The message that Philips is getting across at present is that the whole thing it does is focused on meeting customer needs. The entire thing that Philips does now is based on this concept. The message is spread through the organisation, making sure that all business processes are founded on sense and simplicity. Everybody who comes into contact with Philips, whether they are employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers or other stakeholders, should observe this brand promise. For example, it is publicized in the company logo and all the company operations from top to bottom. Sense and simplicity is shown in all the new products that Philips develops, as well as in existing ones. When the company designs a latest electric kettle, its concern is to offer a state-of-the-art, easy-to-use product. The same principle applies to medical equipment, flat screen TVs, and food mixers and so on. New Philips products are: advanced based on market leading technologies designed around you based on the result of careful customer research Easy to experience easy to use. Philips is also looking at all of its existing products to make sure they fit the wants of sense and simplicity. The third key element of sense and simplicity is communications. All Philips exchanges should be easy to understand. The message given is directed at the target audience and is simple to follow. One of the key ease milestones has been the launch of the Simplicity Advisory Board (SAB). This is a think tank of independent experts from the fields of information technology, healthcare, fashion, design and architecture. It has been able to give an outside-in view of what simplicity means and how this can be legal across the organisation. The members of the board were selected for their wide ranging knowledge and expertise. Illustrating the strategy products Philips image We can demonstrate the new repositioning strategy by taking the example of several of the high-tech products that Philips has just worked on. A good example of this is Senseo ®. Senseo ® Coffee System has been developed through a joint venture between Philips and Sara Lee, a Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) supplier. The key aspects of Senseo ® are: cool design easy-to-use technology Amazing coffee. Between 2001 and 2005 more than 10 million of these coffee machines were sold in eight countries an impressive total. The product embodies what Philips is trying to achieve in everything it does. This is to join an exciting state-of-the-art product with simplicity. The coffee makers are combined with Douwe Egberts Senseo ® coffee pods to give customers the taste they want. Recently Philips launched its own Simplicity Event. This provided Philips with a prospect to share, with stakeholders, how far it has come in its assurance to sense and simplicity. Products that already deliver this promise were exhibited, together with living prototype demonstrations of how Philips envisions simplicity in the future. Senseo ® is one example of sense and simplicity in action. Communicating sense and simplicity At the heart of business achievement is good communication. This means sending messages from individuals or organisations to others (receivers). Good contact involves: communicating a brand promise, in this case sense and simplicity in a clear and easy to understand way to the right target audience Using the right media. There are a number of ways that Philips does this: As it is a worldwide company, it is essential to direct contact from the centre. This ensures that the Philips message is conveyed consistently. Philips believes that there should be a single insight for each product (not mixed messages). All innovative work carried out by advertising agencies must be based on the sense and simplicity promise. Television and print (for example, magazine) adverts are offered in a standard way at least three Philips adverts in a single magazine in a campaign that might last for eight publications of the magazine.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Jules Vernes A Journey to the Center of the Earth :: essays research papers
In the novel, A Journey to the Center of the Earth, author Jules Verne tells the fictitious story of three men and their adventures as they descend into the depths of the earth. The leading character in this expedition is a fifty-year-old German professor named Hardwigg. He is an uncle to the narrator, Henry (Harry), a simple Englishman. The other man is Hans, a serene Icelandic guide. Professor Hardwigg finds a piece of parchment that written in Runic in a book. Harry finds out before his uncle that it says there is a way to get into the center of the earth through a mountain (Mt. Sneffels) in Iceland. Harry is reluctant to tell his uncle the message because he is afraid his uncle will actually want to visit the center of the earth. He was right because the professor wanted to explore as soon as possible. They head off to Iceland, and, along the way, receive Hans as their guide. The journey to the mountain itself takes a while. They reach the entrance to the center, and from there, they head inside. Once in the dark labyrinths, they descend (this goes on for days). The three men then face difficulties: thirst, light, getting lost, injuries, and fatigue, were among them. They make many discoveries. They find that there’s a sea, with fish and sea monsters. They find forests, giant mushrooms, animals that look like dinosaurs, and even what seems to be giant human beings. The idea of writing this story came from a scientist who explored the crater of a certain mountain. Verne got the idea that maybe it would be possible to descend even further into the earth. Many of Verne’s â€Å"fantasy†stories have come true in the years following his death in the year 1905. A Journey to the Center of the Earth is farthest from reality. Even with the technology we have today, it would be impossible for one to descend into the earth. For one thing, we know now that the earth can’t be hollow because of extreme pressures and temperatures. People became interested in Verne’s stories during his time because though they were unrealistic, they were too interesting and entertaining to pass up. Some people even believed he had traveled to the many places that he wrote of. While checking into a hotel once, the woman told him to rest well in the room because he must be tired from his many adventures.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Manipulation of Youth by Dictators :: essays papers
Manipulation of Youth by Dictators Influencing people at a young age is one tactic used by Hitler in Nazi Germany and by Big Brother in 1984 to keep the future of their nations devoted. This tactic is made evident in Nazi Germany and in 1984 by the youth organizations set up by both dictators’. These organizations make their youth feel like they are involved. Both Hitler and Big Brother have ways to brainwash the youth into following. The Spies in 1984 and the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany grow up living the way that their dictator had set up and for the rest of their lives they will be faithful and devoted; it’s the only way that they know. These tactics are especially cruel because the youth have no way of knowing what’s going to happen, it just seems like the right thing to do at the time. The reason Hitler and Big Brother’s manipulation of the youth is so intriguing is because it is purely elementary. From the time that children are born they look up to older kids so it’s not surprising when the youth of a nation looked to their elders to gain direction. In Nazi Germany Hitler was emerging as the dominant figure so naturally the youth looked up and wanted to be a part of his organizations. The Hitler Youth was a well-run organization built on discipline and loyalty. After the children were enrolled in the Hitler Youth, members were given a uniform, which may have been their first. Immediately they respond with a feeling of importance; they are now associated with Hitler and the Nazi Party, the most influential group in all of Germany. â€Å"They were children, thirteen and fourteen years old, tiny undernourished boys who remembered no other government than his and who still trusted and believed.†As the group grew larger, it became more prestigious and powerful. The same is true for the Spies in 1984. These children’s whole lives are directed towards remaini ng loyal to Big Brother. Their elders worship him and the children follow. As soon as they put on the blue shorts, grey shirt and red hanker chief of the Spies it gives them a feeling of importance in the society they are living in; this is similar to Nazi Germany. At the time, the children think they are doing the right thing, but eventually they will be so brainwashed by Big Brother that they will no longer be able to think for themselves, whether his decisions are positive or negative will no longer matter.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Personal Protective Equipment and Good Personal Hygiene
Unit ICO1 The principles of infection prevention and control Outcome 1 Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections The learner can: 1. explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection 2. explain employers’ responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control infection. Outcome 2 Understand legislation and policies relating to prevention and control of infections The learner can: 1. utline current legislation and regulatory body standards which are relevant to the prevention and control of infection 2. describe local and organisational policies relevant to the prevention and control of infection. Outcome 3 Understand systems and procedures relating to the prevention and control of infections The learner can: 1. describe procedures and systems relevant to the prevention and control of infection 2. explain the potential impact of an outbreak of infection on the individual and th e organisation.Outcome 4 Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of infections The learner can: 1. define the term risk 2. outline potential risks of infection within the workplace 3. describe the process of carrying out a risk assessment 4. explain the importance of carrying out a risk assessment. Outcome 5 Understand the importance of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the prevention and control of infections The learner can: 4. tate current relevant regulations and legislation relating to PPE 5. describe employees’ responsibilities regarding the use of PPE 6. describe employers’ responsibilities regarding the use of PPE 7. describe the correct practice in the application and removal of PPE 8. describe the correct procedure for disposal of used PPE. Outcome 6 Understand the importance of good personal hygiene in the prevention and control of infections The learner can: 1. describe the key principles of good per sonal hygiene
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