Monday, September 30, 2019
Diplomatic History Essay
Operation Rolling Thunder refers to an intense onslaught carried out by the United States against the North Vietnamese in the period between 1965-1968. The rationale behind this attack was not clear, as even its chief architects believe it was not clear-cut. No one had put into consideration the political costs and loss of lives. President Johnson hoped that with this onslaught, he would boost the dying morale of the southern Vietnamese by impressing upon them the Americans might. This however achieved the opposite by diminishing his political standing at home and did not help to bring the North Vietnamese to the negotiating table as was hoped. The Six-Day War is a war that pitted Israel on one side against Jordan, Egypt and Syria. These countries had vowed not to recognize the legitimacy of Israel and wanted it destroyed, however Israel victory dealt these countries a huge blow and they retreated after it became apparent that Israel would reach their capital. This war brought a near clash between two superpowers then, the United States and the Soviet Union, with the U. S behind Israel and USSR behind the Arab states. This war had put the U. S in a tight spot as it did not want to sour its relations with the Arabs or its diplomatic ties with Israel. This is seen as the reason why the U. S exercised restrain and only aided Israel with weapons but no direct intervention. The Iran Contra Scandal occurred in 1987 and refers to a deal entered into by president Reagan’s administration and Iran. The United States was to supply Iran with weapons so that it would facilitate and press for the release of American hostages held by the Hezbollah. This scandal tarnished the U. S stand abroad of not negotiating with terrorists and also led to the plummeting of Reagan’s popularity. It would also see the conviction of some high-ranking officials. Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev of Russia was the last president of the United Soviet Socialist Republic before it collapsed in 1991. He is hailed for having initiated the move that led to the end of cold war. He introduced reforms in Russia and tightened the relations with President Ronald Regan, ending the cold war and consequently the breaking up the USSR. It is during this tenure that the relations between the USSR and the U. S were improved. Core to his reforms was re-introduction of ties with the west. Kosovo, Yugoslavia, had been rocked by fighting between Albania guerillas and Serb forces. The United States and NATO forces stepped in to help quell the fighting resulting to what came to be known as Operation Allied Forces that initiated an onslaught against Serbia till Slobodan Milosevic withdrew from Kosovo. The United States over the years was actively involved in the process meant to restore peace although the congress did not expressly authorize the air strikes nor block them. To date The UN Resolution 1244 has failed to establish the status of Kosovo. The United States has been supporting what is referred to as the Ahtisaari plan that seeks to have Kosovo supervised. Russia is opposing the plan and vows to use the Veto power should the situation demand. The Dayton Accords refer to the peace agreements that saw the end of the Bosnia war in 1995. This agreement was the culmination of a series of negotiations that had before been unfruitful. The United States and Russia had been mounting pressure for the warring sides to accept negotiations. These negotiations held in Ohio brought together a cross section of leaders from the region. This was done under the tutelage of the U. S secretary of state Warren Christopher together with the representatives of European Union. The Official peace pact was to be signed in France by Clinton, John Major, and Jacques Chirac amongst others. This pact was to see the international community lead the implementation of the treaty backed by the NATO forces. Ngo Dinh Diem was born in 1901. He went to the United States due to political turmoil at home. In the US he would meet the then influential leaders where he reiterated his opposition to colonialism and communism in his bid to gain their approval. He succeeded and the United States installed him as the president hoping he would become a U. S puppet. This however did not happen and he was oppressive of the Southern Vietnamese. He rigged the elections that were to follow and imprisoned opposition leaders and critics. The United States was torn between a rock and a hard place, it risked being stuck with an unpopular leader who was unable to unite Vietnam and in turn lose the country to the communists. This is what led CIA to sanction a plot to have Diem assassinated by failing to offer the protection they were giving him before. Consequently he was assassinated in 1963 and his place taken by Nguyen Van Thieu. The relationship between the United States and PLO can only be described as that of perpetual hostility towards each other. To the United States, PLO represented a major threat to its interests and ally in Middle East. PLO also saw the U. S as a threat and that is why it aligned itself with the USSR and took a strong anti-American stance. In spite of this standoff, the United States initiated a dialogue between the two in 1988. PLO accepted the status of Israel and agreed to denounce terrorism hence triggering the dialogue. All along there had been a long stand-off between the two as PLO had refused to acknowledge the existence of Israel while in turn the U. S had not recognized PLO as the voice of the Palestine people. By accepting to negotiate with the PLO, PLO saw this as a form of recognition and it felt that it had won against the U. S’ hard stance. The U. S stand against PLO and the initiation of the talks has always been a defining moment in Middle East because it gave an international recognition, in line with the UN resolutions, a nation it considered a terrorist movement. The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) fronted by President Reagan, aimed at developing a system that would use ground and space systems to defend the United States in case of a nuclear ballistic missiles attack. This system did not succeed as it was intended to, but it is hailed as being the basis under which the current anti-ballistic missiles were made. All these efforts and research was put under the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization that was brought together in 1984 to oversee all matters relating to missile defense. The Taliban are a Sunni Islamic movement that was at the helm of leadership in Afghanistan for a period of five years up to 2001 when they were removed from power by a coalition of forces led by the united states. It has a rather interesting history as in its early days it was supported by the United States to fight off the communists who wanted to take over Afghanistan. After taking over power in 1998, the Taliban hard stance, Sharia law, suppression and persecutions did not endear it to many countries including the United States which saw it as harboring terrorists such as the Al Qaeda. It was ousted from power by a coalition of forces and the Northern alliance in what came to be known as war on terror. Part 2 President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger remain the two of the most important figures in the United States as far as foreign policy is concerned. No doubt that Nixon’s administration was riddled with a scandal that would lead to his resignation. Critics agree however that his tenure was not without some important accomplishments. Appropriately President Nixon came into power when the cold war had intensified and the world was at the brink of war with the United States and the Soviet Union rocked into a perpetual duel that was threatening a peaceful co-existence between the West and East. President Nixon was elected on a platform of ending American forces engagement in Vietnam. This, he achieved although his withdrawal was rather slow much to the consternation of many Americans. It had seemed that Nixon rather believed that he could correct the mess he had inherited in Vietnam, snatch victory and withdraw the troops honorably. This however did not happen and the events that followed remain his lowest moments in leadership. Nixon and Kissinger were advocating a foreign policy that would see the United States pursue an effort to limit the expansion of the Soviet bloc influence, support militarily and economically any governments that would aid their course whether or not such governments were repressive or had poor ratings as far as civil rights are concerned. This would explain why this tenure was characterized by overthrowal from power popularly elected regimes and supplanting them with dictatorial leaderships. Iran and Chile serves as good attestation to this. The key objective of Nixon administration was to keep communism in check at whatever cost even if it meant trampling on the civil rights of the citizens and dropping hundreds of bombs. The Vietnam War still remains the biggest to both Kissinger and Nixon’s profiles. Faced with growing opposition and plummeting opinion ratings, Nixon remained aloof and initiated attacks in Vietnam while hoodwinking the American public by withdrawing the forces bits by bits. To his administration ‘place with honor’ remained the key strategy. It is Detente that remains the hallmark of his achievements, on top of his ability to limit and finally withdraw American forces from Vietnam. In Detente he promised to ease relations with the former archrivals of America. It was a new type of diplomacy that would see a permanent relaxation of relations between the superpowers, even the nations that were perceived as enemies before. This, he accomplished by improving the relations between the United States and China. Kissinger was Nixon’s key operative. He was highly secretive to the extent that his meeting with Chinese officials was unknown to the ambassador of the U. S to China, George Bush snr. However he was able to improve the sour relation that existed. This was in the Nixon’s bid to woo China after it had fallen out with the Soviet bloc and consequently tilt the balance to his advantage. Aided by the Kissinger, Nixon introduced what was referred to as the Nixon Doctrine; this is what formed the basis of his foreign policy. The United States, to maintain its influence would provide military support to its allies but not in any way provide troops. In wooing China, Nixon and Kissinger who were realists, had reconciled that China was far much important to be ignored in the international scene being the most populous. This also gave impetus to his re-election bid especially as the Ping Pong diplomacy had drawn a perception that he identified with the common voter. Through the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty of 1972 (SALT), the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to curtail further production of high range ballistic missiles as well as their defense systems. This ‘strategic parity’, as many scholars refer to it, was to be a substitute to the arms race. The Soviet bloc agreed to this immediately probably fearing the improved relations between China and the United States. To wrap up Nixon achievements in foreign policy was his visit to China, where he became the first president to do so; this had privately been arranged by Kissinger. He also went to Moscow where he and Brezhner signed the SALT and trade agreements. The shuttle diplomacy also said off relatively where Henry Kissinger was able to broker a peace deal with Israel an Arab in the Yom Kippur war. In this war the U. S had been torn between a rock and a hard place. It sought to protect Israel and did not want to scuttle its friendship with the Arab states. Although Nixon had the above achievements, his mistakes or miscalculations further outweighed the accomplishments. Many people in U. S and internationally remember him for his misdeeds more that these achievements. His administration single handedly put the image of the United States as a champion of civil rights and peace into disrepute. To start with was his handling of the Vietnam War. He was unable to come to terms with the fact that the United States could lose the war and was willing to put the lives of American soldiers on the line to drive this point home, but to no avail. Despite cutting his stature in the international limelight as a statesman by establishing ties with china, the question of Vietnam is still very troublesome to both Nixon and Kissinger. Nixon had vowed to win peace. Vietnamization or the concerted attack in Laos and Cambodia put a permanent dent on his reputation. He hoped that these would paint an image of a ‘madman’ and compel Hanoi to reach a favorable agreement. These attacks prompted Americans to take to the streets in protest especially as it became apparent that he had dropped all pretext of diplomacy. Although Kissinger was able to bring the warring parties into negotiations, the terms were not any different from the ones that north Vietnam had brought to the table in 1969, an indication that all those years of attack and loss of lives had not borne fruits especially to the United States. It is the Watergate scandal however that broke the camels back and forced Nixon out of office. The Watergate scandal remains the greatest evidence of the atrocities committed by the United States where both Kissinger and Nixon undermined democracy in the third world and brought bloodshed. It is these atrocities that led to calls by civil and human rights activists to have Kissinger investigated for crimes against humanity. After the scandal, the United States was not credible in its self-proclaimed international role. Oil crises would loom in the U. S as the Middle East placed embargoes. There was also a political re-alignment with disillusionment characterizing the Republican Party. Kissinger however was left unscathed and went on to serve as the secretary of state in Ford and Carters administration. Nixon’s presidency is a tenure that many Americans would wish to put behind.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Major Risk Factors Of Cardiovascular Diseases Health And Social Care Essay
Methodology: An urban based descriptive, cross sectional, quantitative survey was conducted among 144 adolescent pupils of class XI and XII in one populace and one private higher secondary schools of Kathmandu territory. Students and schools were selected purposively. Datas were collected with the aid of semi structured ego administered questionnaire. Questionnaire was based on Likert graduated table. Data analysis was performed by utilizing SPSS 17.0 for Windows. Consequences: Overall 36.8 per centum of respondents had good cognition, 55.6 per centum had fair cognition and the left 7.6 per centum had hapless cognition sing the major hazard factors of CVDs. Beginnings of wellness information was found statistically important ( p=0.004 ) with the cognition of respondents. Sing overall attitude, the bulk ( 47.9 % ) had the impersonal attitude followed by positive ( 31.9 % ) and one fifth possessed negative attitudes. Knowledge versus attitude sing the major hazard factors of CVDs was found statistically important ( p=0.002 ) . Decision: Consequences of this survey revealed that good cognition every bit good as positive attitude towards major hazard factors of CVDs among the adolescent pupils is unsatisfactory. And socio demographic factors for good cognition and good cognition for the development of positive attitude dramas critical function. Cardinal words: Knowledge, Attitude, Major hazard factors, Cardiovascular diseases, AdolescentIntroductionCardiovascular diseases ( CVDs ) are a group of upsets of the bosom and blood vessels.1 Surveies have shown that some people are at greater hazard of cardiovascular disease than others. Factors linked to an increased hazard of developing cardiovascular disease are heredity or household history, age, sex, baccy chewing/smoking, raised blood cholesterin degree, high blood force per unit area, physical inaction, inordinate intoxicant ingestion, corpulence and obesity.2 Although cardiovascular diseases typically occur in in-between age or subsequently, hazard factors are determined to a great extent by behaviors learned in childhood and continued into maturity, such as dietetic wonts and smoke. Throughout the universe, these hazards are get downing to look earlier. Physical activity decreases markedly in adolescence, peculiarly in misss. Obesity has increased well, non merely in Euro pe and North America, but besides in traditionally slight populations such as the Chinese and Japanese.3 By the clip that bosom jobs are detected, the implicit in cause ( coronary artery disease ) is normally rather advanced, holding progressed for decennaries. There is hence increased accent on forestalling coronary artery disease by modifying hazard factors, such as healthy feeding, exercising and turning away of smoking.4 More than half of the Nepali work forces and about one fifth of the Nepali adult females were found Current baccy users ( both fume and smokeless signifiers ) . And the average age of the start of smoke was found to be 18.8 old ages for work forces and 12.9 old ages for adult females. Similarly more than one 4th of the respondents were found to be current users of alcoholic drinks. Around 9 % of the population was found to hold reported prevalence of high BP as told by their wellness attention professional. And around 7 % in both sexes were identified fleshy whereas out of entire respondents, more than 80 % were found holding either one or more hazard factors.5 Bed tenancy rate of Shahid Gangalal National Heart Center was 85.61 % which was the 2nd highest among the cardinal infirmaries. And the instance burden of the in the same infirmary during Fiscal Old ages 2005 to 2008 was in increasing tendency by more than 14 % per year.6 CVDs are the taking cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.7 The South Asiatic states Nepal, India, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka and Bangladesh contribute most to the worldwide CVDs load. 8 In Nepal, it is estimated that 5.6 % of people populating in the mountains, 1.5 % in the hills and 5 % of people in the terai part suffer from CVDs. Five to 20 % of grownups are reported to endure from high blood pressure, with a lower prevalence in the rural countries. 9MethodologyAn urban based descriptive, cross sectional, quantitative survey was conducted among 15-19 old ages old adolescent pupils of Kathmandu territory. The survey was took topographic point after the blessing of research proposal by the research commission at the Department of Community Medicine and Family Health, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University. The questionnaire for the study was constructed taking mention of WHO STEPS Manual for chronic disease. To mensurate the peculiar and overall attitude widely utilizing Likert graduated table was applied. The questionnaire was prepared in Nepali, a local linguistic communication, so that pupils could understand easy. Questionnaire was pretested. Before the study conductivity intent of the survey was explained and informed consent was taken from school disposal every bit good as from the pupils. Schools and pupils were selected purposively. Selected both of the schools were from Maharajgunj vicinity of Kathmandu territory. Among the two schools selected, one was public ( Shivapuri Higher Secondary School ) and another was private ( Orient International College ) . All present pupils of one subdivision in each of class XI and XII were involved to make full up the ego administered semi structured questionnaire. Out of entire 492 pupils enrolled 144 ( 29.3 % of the sum ) were selected, 75 from grade XI and 69 from Twelve, for the survey. Data analysis was performed by utilizing SPSS 17.0 for Windows. To prove the statistical significance of cross tabulated in formations, non parametric chi-square trial was applied. Study took topographic point in November 2010.ConsequencesSocio demographic Features of the Study PopulationMedian age of the respondent was 17 old ages. Sexual activity ratio was 1.03 ( M: F ) . Brahmin/Chhetri possessed 47.9 per centum followed by Mongolians ( 26.4 % ) , Newar ( 19.4 % ) and other castes ( Majhi, Pariyar, Tharu etc ) possessed 6.3 per centum. Major faith was Hindu ( 84 % ) followed by Buddhism ( 11.8 % ) and 4.2 per centum were Christian. Most of the respondents ( 83.3 % ) belonged to middle category household followed by higher category ( 14.5 % ) and 2.08 per centum were from lower category household. 20.8 per centum of respondents ‘ male parent and 46.5 per centum respondents ‘ female parent had no formal instruction at all. Service, agribusiness, concern and homemaker were the major businesss of the respondent ‘s parents. Sing the question whether they had of all time known anyone ( fam ily/friends/relatives ) diagnosed as CVD. Remarkable per centum ( 42.4 % ) was responded as â€Å" yes †. Similarly sing the question about chief beginning of wellness information, the bulk ( 44.5 % ) were responded that they were acquiring the wellness information from electronic media ( Television, Radio, Internet ) followed by Family/friends/health worker ( 28.4 % ) and from publishing media such a newspaper, curricular books etc. ( 27.1 % ) .Knowledge sing the major hazard factorsThe highest 91.7 per centum respondents identified baccy chew/ fume as a hazard factor followed by inordinate intoxicant ingestion ( 88.9 % ) , fatty/oily/ high cholesterin ( 87.5 % ) , high BP ( 86.1 % ) , obesity/overweight ( 69.4 % ) , physical inaction ( 59.7 % ) , old age ( 52.8 % ) and the respondents who identified heredity as a hazard factor of CVDs was 48.6 per centum.Knowledge rating sing the CVD hazard factorsTable 1 shows that the highest ( 55.6 % ) had the just cognition followed by good cognition ( 36.8 % ) and 7.6 per centum had hapless cognition.Table 1: Knowledge rating sing the CVD hazard factors ( N= 144 )Knowledge GradingNumber ( n )Percent ( % )Poor ( & lt ; 4 right response ) Fair ( 4 – 5 right response ) Good ( & gt ; 5 right response ) Entire 11 80 53 144 7.6 55.6 36.8 100.0Analysis of cognition by socio-demographic features of respondentsFindingss show that good cognition was higher in males ( 42.5 % ) than the females ( 31.0 % ) . Majority of respondents of Newar ethnics ( 53.6 % ) possessed good cognition than that of other ethnics. Good cognition was found highest among respondents of higher category household ( 38.1 % ) followed by in-between category ( 36.7 % ) and lower category household ( 33.3 % ) . Findingss besides show respondent ‘s good cognition was higher among them whose parent ‘s educational position was high. Good cognition was found higher ( 41.0 % ) among those respondents who had of all time known person diagnosed as CVDs. Those who had responded household friends/health works every bit chief beginning of wellness information had higher good cognition ( 43.9 % ) and it is statistically important ( p=0.004 ) at 5 per centum of significance degree.Attitude sing major hazard factors:Attitude of respondents sing the maj or hazard factors of CVDs were assessed through already pretested eight attitudes proving statements based on the Likert graduated table. Sing the statement â€Å" CVD is an old age job so I do n't care †two 3rd ( 66.7 % ) of the respondents showed their strongly dissension followed by dissension ( 18.1 % ) . Sing the statement â€Å" CVD is either heredity job or non, I do n't care †bulk ( 55.6 % ) of respondents showed their strongly dissension followed by dissension ( 22.9 % ) . Similarly, sing the statement â€Å" High BP is a minor job so no demand to worry about †30.6 per centum of respondents showed their strongly dissension every bit good as dissension followed by understanding ( 21.5 % ) . Sing the statement â€Å" Majority of physically inactive people get CVD †46.5 per centum of respondents showed their understanding followed by strongly understanding ( 25 % ) . Likewise, attitude sing the statement â€Å" Tobacco chewing/smoking cause CVD ; non certain †35.4 per centum of respondents showed their strongly dissension followed by dissension ( 26.4 % ) . Similarly, attit ude sing the statement â€Å" Over weight: godown of diseases/CVD †more than half ( 52.1 % ) of respondents showed their understanding followed strongly understanding ( 26.4 % ) . Sing the statement â€Å" Fatty diet taking old people are still alive †more than one 3rd ( 34.7 % ) of respondents showed their dissension followed by strongly disagreement ( 29.2 % ) . Similarly, sing the statement â€Å" Consumption of inordinate intoxicant is to ask for CVD †42.4 per centum of respondents showed their understanding followed by strongly understanding ( 41.7 % ) .Attitude rating sing CVD hazard factorsTable 2 shows that the highest ( 47.9 % ) had the impersonal attitude followed by positive ( 31.9 % ) and 20.1 per centum had negative attitude.Table 2: Attitude rating sing CVD hazard factors ( N=144 )Knowledge GradingNumber ( n )Percent ( % )Negative ( & lt ; 4 positive response ) Neutral ( 4-5 positive response ) Positive ( & gt ; 5 positive response ) Entire 29 69 46 144 20.1 47.9 31.9 100.0Knowledge versus attitude sing CVD hazard factorsTable 3 shows that respondents holding hapless cognition had highest ( 54.5 % ) negative attitude whereas respondents holding just cognition had the highest impersonal ( 53.8 % ) attitude and those holding good cognition had the highest positive attitude toward the major hazard factors of CVDs and it is besides statistically important ( p= 0.002 ) at 5 per centum of significance degree.Table 3: Knowledge versus attitude sing CVD hazard factorsCognition Attitude sing CVD hazard factorsNegativeImpersonalPoor Carnival Good 6 ( 54.5 ) 17 ( 21.3 ) 6 ( 11.3 ) 4 ( 36.4 ) 43 ( 53.8 ) 22 ( 41.5 )DiscussionFindingss suggested that adolescent pupils lack overall cognition sing the major hazard factors of cardiovascular diseases and are consistent with the survey conducted among the pupils of classs ( 9-12 ) from four high schools of Michigan, USA in 2005.10 The figure of respondents who knew high blood force per unit area as hazard factor ( 86.1 % ) was lower ( over 91 % ) , baccy chewing/smoking ( 91.7 % ) was slight more ( over 90 % ) , physically inactive ( 59.7 % ) was lower ( over 72 % ) than reported by Richard Frost, MD, in an survey conducted in pupils of State University of New York at Plattsburgh in 2006. 11 The figure of respondents who had shown positive attitude sing the hazard factors such as physically inactive ( 71.5 % ) was lower ( over 88 % ) , baccy chewing/smoking ( 61.8 % ) was higher ( over 55 % ) , high fatso, oily/cholesterol diet ( 63.9 % ) was lower ( over 91 % ) than that of reported by Aysha Almas et Al. in an survey conducted in University pupils of Karanchi, Pakistan in 2005. 12 The findings of the survey show that boys possessed more â€Å" good cognition †than misss. This difference can partially be explained by the patriarchal society where gender favoritism is prevailing. Normally male childs have higher chance to have information as they are more open to the outer universe than that of misss. The findings of the survey stress the influence of socio demographic variables on the degree of cognition. Knowledge sing major hazard factors varied among different cultural groups. Respondents belonging to Newar ethnics had highest â€Å" good cognition †followed by Brahmin/Chhetri, Mangolian and others severally. This may be due to Newars are locals of capital metropolis and Brahmins/Chhetri are frontward advantageous group since antediluvian. In instance of parents educational position highest good cognition was observed in respondents holding their parent ‘s educational position higher. And the lowest cognition was observed in respondents holding their parent ‘s educational position as no formal instruction. Therefore it can be said that parent ‘s instruction has decidedly played some function in the respondents ‘ cognition. It may be because educated parents might hold taught their offspring about the healthful behaviours. Sing the chief beginning of wellness information good cognition was found highest ( 43.9 % ) among the human resource users followed by publishing media ( 30.7 % ) and electronic media ( 28.1 % ) . This might be due to easy handiness of fee suggestions in our society by people. Positive attitude among the respondents who preferred the printing media as chief beginning of wellness information was found higher. It might be due to in depth information that we can acquire from printed stuffs such as newspaper, books etc. Finding of Knowledge versus attitude cross tabular matter besides shows that those who had higher cognition possessed positive attitude and frailty versa. This might be due to the demand of cognition for the attitude formation.decisionConsequences of the survey show that good cognition and positive attitude sing the major hazard factors of CVDs among the adolescent pupils of Kathmandu territory are unsatisfactory. And socio demographic factors for the development of good cognition and good cognition for the development of positive attitude dramas critical function. Due to the altering life manner of Nepali people these yearss, they are more susceptibleness to life manner related diseases like CVDs. Therefore to forestall CVDs, timely acceptance of healthful wonts are most and the really age group for this is the stripling. Adolescent centered activities that can raise cognition and develop positive attitude towards hazard factors so that healthful wonts can be formed are strongly rec ommended.recognitionI would wish to show my sincere gratitude to the Department of Community Medicine and Family Health, Institute of Medicine for supplying me an chance to carry on this research work. I would besides wish to widen my profound gratitude to my research supervisor Associate Prof. Dr. Rajendra Raj Wagle for his nonstop counsel and punctilious redaction of faux pass.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Lower division capstone IP 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Lower division capstone IP 2 - Essay Example tput of every industry and then takes away the intermediate inputs coming from other industries in order to come up with the residual value-added (Wells & Krugman, 2009). The income approach calculates the income gained by the several factors of production (Wells & Krugman, 2009). The last method is called the expenditures approach, which displays what is going on in all different types of spending all over the economy. This method is normally done every year (Wells & Krugman, 2009). While GDP can be determined in three different ways, the total value of the production, income and expenditure must be identical for all of these methods. In the case of the United States economy, the history of its GDP growth rate reveals erratic trends of highs and lows, particularly during the advent of the 2008 financial crisis and onwards. Based on the data gathered by Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), in 2011, the GDP growth rate has been observed to rise by 0.8% from its first two quarters of the year with a 2011 GDP of 2.5%. This data is an indicator of the growing potential of the United States despite the financial crisis in 2010 and the automobile industry crisis that cropped up recently. Additionally, in 2013, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the United States economy gained a GDP of 3.2% in the final quarter of 2013 (BEA, 2013). This expansion has been attributed to several aspects of its economy. The United States has one of the most varied and most technologically advanced economies in the world. It embraces the industries of banking and finance, real estate, healthcare automobile, education, social assistance among ot hers, which contributes to more than 40 per cent of the United States’ GDP. The retail and wholesale industries also contribute to the 12 percent of the country’s GDP. As a leading center for all these services, the United States GDP growth rate is expected to growth in the succeeding years. Comparatively, between 2008, in which the global economic
Friday, September 27, 2019
Compensation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Compensation - Essay Example Each company in every industry across all countries has accountants who similarly have the same qualifications and skills with all the other accountants and thus, accounting is one example of a benchmark job. Once an individual is able to afford all the basic needs then the attainment of these needs seizes to become a motivating factor. However, the individual can become motivated again if he or she focuses on achieving other higher needs such as safety or social needs. If a school administrator sets a target for teacher to achieve for example to ensure that more than 50% of the students achieve grade B and above, if the teacher achieves this target he or she will receive an extra pay that is known as merit pay. According to the writings by (Milkovich, 450-700), broad banding is described as a practice whereby the human resource categories different jobs in ‘bands’ based on a broader classification such responsibilities and skill requirements. Broad banding eliminates small grouping of jobs, which usually result in many jobs groups. (Milkovich, 450-700), noted that among the key advantages of broad banding is that it reduces rivalry between employees in an organisation since it eliminates the emphasis on hierarchy or status within the organisation. Secondly, broad banding is advantageous to an organization because it makes the payment structure to be more flexible and responsive to the vary needs of the evolving environment. (Milkovich, 450-700) stated that it is not possible for certain organisations or countries to adopt the practice of broad banding, this is especially if the organisation or countries gives much regards to status or titles because of social factors and either the country or organization prefers the use of well defined procedures and policies. However, the practice can easily be adopted in organizations that are much flexible and prefer cross or lateral
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Methodology - Essay Example Interpretivism approach argues that there is far too much, ever changing complexity to be defined by "laws" (Saunders et al., 2003, p.84). The dissertation will consider both philosophies since "the practical reality is that research rarely falls neatly into only one philosophical domain" (Saunders et al., 2003, p. 85) as well as the combination of both is common in research. Inductive reasoning is when data is collected first and then theories developed as a result of the data analysis. This associates mostly with interpretivism. Deductive reasoning is the development of a theory and hypothesis (or hypotheses) and design of a research strategy to test the hypothesis" (Saunders et al., 2003, p.85). This mainly associates with positivism. The dissertation will consider both processes of reasoning. Exploratory studies are a valuable means of finding out what is happening; to seek new insights; to ask questions and to assess phenomena in a new light (Robson, 2002, cited in Saunders et al., 2003, p.96) and will be considered for the purpose of this study. This is particularly useful as the researcher wishes to clarify the understanding of a problem, namely the best option for intervention with children exhibiting conditions of ADHD. There are three basic types of questions that a research project can address: causal (to determine whether a variable causes or affects another), relational (to look at the relationships between two or more variables), or descriptive (to describe what is going on or what exists). This dissertation will be an exploratory study to find out whether mainstreaming and inclusion are the best options for schooling children with ADHD. Methods of Data Collection Having provided a theoretical framework upon which this dissertation is based to guide the research investigation, two forms of data will be gathered: (1) Primary research data in the form of semi-structured survey results from various respondents - teachers, parents, and students; and (2) Secondary research data in the form of reference literature on the research topic. Survey Questionnaire Design and Respondents The Appendices (A to C) contain the questionnaires used for the cross-sectional survey and interviews to collect data for the purpose of
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Process based organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Process based organizations - Essay Example In an organization, process based structures are an important aspect of success because they offer a flexible way of working toward the goals. The most important benefit of process based structures is that the role of each process is well-defined; hence, the overall process becomes error-proof, nearly if not completely. It becomes important, at times, to define the division of process integrators when activities are transferred from one process to the other (Sugiharto, 2009, par.12). Other advantages of process based structures include speedy attainment of deadlines and goals, and the ability of the project to adapt to environment changes quite rapidly. Since there is less overhead structure, hence the overall cost is reduced. Process based structures are most needed when the business environment is unclear and frequently changing. However, although the organizational structure of process based organizations is completely different than that of functional organizations, still, the im portance of functional skills cannot be denied. Sugiharto, T. (2009). Process-based organizations: structure and integration. The Jakarta Post. Retrieved February 15, 2015, from
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Journal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Journal - Research Paper Example (This doesn't only apply to Americans, of course, but we are looking at the "log" in our own eye here. I believe I can drop the prejudices, all of them, but only for a little while. I have to have my own standing, my perspective. Being biased doesn’t make me a bad person, it is a part of being human, but there is a positive prejudice and there is a hostile prejudice (Pettigrew 2). I am not on any spiritual journey at this point of my life, which is probably why I can’t answer if I am separate from nature or god, but I do feel a part of everything I see and everything I believe exists. I see animals, birds and the sky, I feel the air, I listen to sounds I hear every morning and I feel like a part of them. I do feel that we are somehow all connected to each other. This is the real ‘slow down’ that awe all need to see. When we are moving on with our lives, we barely see the world from someone else’s perspective. But let the goals of life melt away, the rat race for money simply vanish and there is no country, boundary, culture or civilization to feel proud of. There are no family names or geographical superiorities to make us see the others with contempt and hate. Question: Think of a book that has been important to you (it may be the Bible, or young adult works; it need not be a "classic." Or, if there are no books, think of a movie or TV show). Can you see how you are in a way a "transcript" of these media, how their way of looking at things becomes "inscribed" in you? It can be intoxicating, just as Mir Camar said. People ask me about my favorite movie, as pop culture is the most obvious topic of discussion among friends. Without a moment of hesitation, I blurt out ‘The Matrix’ , and they make an ugly face upon hearing this name. To them The Matrix trilogy is nothing but bullet dodging action, but for me it is a compete philosophy. I watched the first sequel back in 1999, when I had no idea what philoso phy is or what the movie is really about. But the dialogues of the movie kept resonating in my head. I couldn’t help but dwell on things like ‘Free Your Mind’, a phrase that Morpheus says to Neo when he is teaching him to jump. To me this felt like magic. I used to play football and I would try to tell myself, Morpheus style, to free my mind and dribble the ball all across the field and put it in the net. To me this was freeing my mind of all doubts and fears. After imagining Morpheus telling me this, I would believe that everything is possible and I would put I the extra energy enthusiasm in my play and it worked more times than it failed. To me it worked. Later I watched the documentary about the movie and came to know that the movie is based on so many philosophies that it gets hard to keep track of all of them. The theme of the movie is reality, our perception is reality. For instance the moment I’m writing this paper, I suddenly ask myself, how can I be sure what I am seeing is ‘real’, the institute I study, my professor and my friends are not a dream. Only satisfaction is that the five senses my brain has, interprets all of this so that my mind qualifies everything as real but what if I’m wrong? What if the signals my brain is getting is nothing but an illusion? After all we believe in a mirage which is nothing but our mind playing tricks on us. What is what we believe to be real is only a belief and because it’s a belief, our mind makes it real? Question:
Monday, September 23, 2019
Kairos moment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Kairos moment - Essay Example My kairos moment Growing up I was passionate about being a medical doctor. I believed that I would serve the community better if I was able to attend patients. This caused me to win support from my parents who urged me to be the best performer in related studies. My childhood experience let me to appreciate the need to have a stable family. My parents separated when I was still a teenager. This affected my academic performance and shook my goals to the core. I realized that part of the reason for the separation was because of the long working hours my father was having in his career. My father was an accomplished medical doctor whose achievements caused him to be extremely busy. One evening, when I was in school I took time to think over and understand the pain I was going through arising from the separation. I was feeling helpless, vulnerable and deserted. I took time to relook at my career aspirations and consider the implications they would have in future. This period coincided th e school schedule set to determine the future career as a pupil. That became my defining moment in career. I opted to change my career with an expectation to spend adequate time with my family. This explains why am in this class. It later turned out that my actual flair was in linguistics and oratory skills. I almost succumb to my father’s pressure to join his profession. My reaction was urgent and opportune although it was triggered by metal anguish. I was in an ideal place to determine my career and did it in the right time. Ancient thinkers considered the kairos moments to be important. Success is dependent on the ability to balance particular within a given situation (Crowley and Hawhee, 37). Greeks had two words that were used to describe time. These were kairos and chronos. The impression created is that when these moments are missed, incredible opportunities are lost. The awareness and timing of an opportunity or situation affects the achievements to be expected. Kairo s is about balancing the various aspects of a situation (Hambrick, 7). People are expected to be watchful for the opportune moment to achieve a desired result. This moment is seized with a sense of urgency, self-awareness and with precisions. According to ancient Greek thinkers, there was an ideal time for doing something no matter how difficult. The willingness to take a chance can be the difference between successful people and failures (Crowley and Hawhee, 38). The currency and urgency of a situation is linked to the ability of the beneficiary to have prior information of the moment. This urgency demands action. Kairos moments teach us that it is possible for people to lose the immediacy of a moment. This causes the relevance of the issue to appear misplaced. Kairos moments justify the fact that we live in a dynamic world where the appropriateness of a moment is dependent on the current audience, prevailing views, time and place of the rhetoric (Crowley and Hawhee, 42). Kairos po ints indicate the situatedness of an argument at a particular place in time. Why this was a karotic moment The timeliness of the decision action helped to me to appreciate the need to change my career aspirations. The decision happened in an opportune moment, the ideal time to pick a career of right time. I had the courage and the strength to take the bold step that became a blessing which
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Technological Disasters Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Technological Disasters - Annotated Bibliography Example 2. In the article Cyberbullying: Intervention and Prevention Strategies by (Feinberg, 2011), the author outlines the various prevention strategies of cyberbullying. These interventions are mainly aimed at protecting children and teenagers, since they are the ones mostly affected by electronic bullying. The article also illustrates the various types of cyberbullying. Bullying has severe social, psychological, and physical effects. Feinberg (2011) cites emotional harm as a significant impact of cyberbullying. The cyberbullying victims suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to the trauma associated with bullying threats. 3. Donegan studies the history, law, and prevention of bullying. The author illustrates that most teens make frequent access to the Internet, including chatting, downloading music, searching for school assignment, and communicating with friends. As the teens move through the highly competitive education system, they may start to bully or be bullied. Lawmakers continue to wrestle with the issue of cyberbullying. As of June 2010, about 43 states in the United Statea had bullying prevention laws (Donegan, 2012) 4. Little or no warning precedes events that are associated with technological hazards. None of the victims of cyberbullying are prepared to be bullied. Patchin (2006) illustrates the emotional and psychological impacts of cyberbullying. The victims often exhibit symptoms of depression. Depression can be a sign of trauma. Also, the victims of cyberbullying fear to go school, and experience dysphoric feelings of humiliation and loneliness. As a consequence, they often suffer from trauma. Continuing exposure to cyberbullying makes them to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. 5. In the book Female crime victims: Reality reconsidered by Burgess-Proctor, Patchin, and Hinduja (2009),
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The VARK Questionnaire Essay Example for Free
The VARK Questionnaire Essay Choose the answer which best explains your preference by placing a check on the squares next to the choices. You may have two answers per item if a single answer does not match your perception. Leave blank any question that does not apply. A group of tourists want to learn about the parks or wildlife reserves in your area. You would: give them a book or pamphlets about the parks or wildlife reserves. talk about, or arrange a talk for them about parks or wildlife reserves. take them to a park or wildlife reserve and walk with them. show them internet pictures, photographs or picture books. You have to make an important speech at a conference or special occasion. You would: gather many examples and stories to make the talk real and practical. write out your speech and learn from reading it over several times. write a few key words and practice saying your speech over and over. make diagrams or get graphs to help explain things. You want to learn a new program, skill or game on a computer. You would: use the controls or keyboard. follow the diagrams in the book that came with it. read the written instructions that came with the program. talk with people who know about the program. You have finished a competition or test and would like some feedback. You would like to have feedback: using examples from what you have done. using a written description of your results. from somebody who talks it through with you. using graphs showing what you had achieved. Do you prefer a teacher or a presenter who uses: demonstrations, models or practical sessions. question and answer, talk, group discussion, or guest speakers. handouts, books, or readings. diagrams, charts or graphs. You are helping someone who wants to go to your airport, town centre or railway station. You would: write down the directions (without a map). go with her. draw, or give her a map. tell her the directions. I like websites that have: audio channels where I can hear music, radio programs or interviews. things I can click on, shift or try. interesting written descriptions, lists and explanations. interesting design and visual features. You are planning a holiday for a group. You want some feedback from them about the plan. You would: phone, text or email them. use a map or website to show them the places. describe some of the highlights. give them a copy of the printed itinerary. You are going to choose food at a restaurant or cafe. You would: listen to the waiter or ask friends to recommend choices. choose from the descriptions in the menu. choose something that you have had there before. look at what others are eating or look at pictures of each dish. You are about to purchase a digital camera or mobile phone. Other than price, what would most influence your decision? Trying or testing it The salesperson telling me about its features. It is a modern design and looks good. Reading the details about its features. You are going to cook something as a special treat for your family. You would: use a cookbook where you know there is a good recipe. ask friends for suggestions. cook something you know without the need for instructions. look through the cookbook for ideas from the pictures. Other than price, what would most influence your decision to buy a new non-fiction book? It has real-life stories, experiences and examples. Quickly reading parts of it. A friend talks about it and recommends it. The way it looks is appealing. Remember a time when you learned how to do something new. Try to avoid choosing a physical skill, eg. riding a bike. You learned best by: watching a demonstration. diagrams and charts visual clues. written instructions – e.g. a manual or textbook. listening to somebody explaining it and asking questions. You are not sure whether a word should be spelled `dependent or `dependant. You would: find it in a dictionary. write both words on paper and choose one. see the words in your mind and choose by the way they look. think about how each word sounds and choose one. You have a problem with your knee. You would prefer that the doctor: used a plastic model of a knee to show what was wrong. gave you a web address or something to read about it. described what was wrong. showed you a diagram of what was wrong. You are using a book, CD or website to learn how to take photos with your new digital camera. You would like to have: diagrams showing the camera and what each part does. a chance to ask questions and talk about the camera and its features. clear written instructions with lists and bullet points about what to do. many examples of good and poor photos and how to improve them. Please fill in this form so that your results can be included in our research Are you  male or  female? Are you: 18 or younger, 19 to 25, 26 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 or over? Where do you live? USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia, South America, Oceania, Africa, Middle East Is this the first time you have filled in the VARK questionnaire? Yes, this is the first time, No, I have filled it in previously Which of the following best matches your perception of your VARK results? That looks just like me Im not much like that Im not sure Are you involved in education (as a faculty member or as a student)?  yes   no Are you a: student? teacher? Which level of education are you involved at? High school Two-Year College Four-Year College University Other What is your main area of study? Humanities Social Sciences Science Applied Science Business Education Performing Arts Other This questionnaire critique is an evaluation of the VARK questionnaire which measures the learning preferences of individuals. VARK stands for the four types of learning preferences which are visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic. The questionnaire is geared towards determining how individual take in and give out information in the learning context. It is not similar to learning styles but is a necessary component of the learning style of an individual. The questionnaire contains 16 items only with four choices per item. The four choices correspond to the four different learning preferences (visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic). The questionnaire is designed to identify which learning preference category the individual highly favors based on his/her responses on the 16 items. The questionnaire is online; therefore it is accessible to a wider range of individuals.  The sampling of respondents is not limited to a certain group since it is online and anyone who comes across the website can take the questionnaire. Moreover, the distribution of the questionnaire occurs only if the questionnaire used was the printed version, but if the online questionnaire is used, it only waits for people to complete the survey. The collection of the data or the responses is automated, it is already programmed and this is added to the database of responses which have been used to establish the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The demographic data is then asked after the taker has completed answering the questionnaire. The demographic questions include gender, age, location, status and field of expertise. The demographic data are then used in the research conducted by the authors of the VARK. The demographical details required in the questionnaire are standard and usually the most commonly asked in questionnaires. The VARK questionnaire was designed appropriately; the questionnaire is short and yet contains all the information needed to make a good assessment of what learning preference the individual has. The questions are straightforward, it asks about a specific event or situation and the choices are related to the questions and can be an accurate answer to the question whichever the individual chooses it to be. The directions however are not very clear, in the online version, the instruction is to encircle the letters beside the choices, but there was no letters to encircle instead it was an online program that is to be clicked on by the test taker. This may provide confusion to those who may have to use the print version of the questionnaire. The results are immediately processed after the individual hits complete and it can be saved in the website for later use and for the use of the authors to gather as many respondents as they can to validate the questionnaire. The items in the questionnaire can be easily read and understood, there are no jargon or complex words and it makes use of situational events that makes answering the questions more believable and comfortable for the respondents. However, a problem may still arise when the taker is not well versed with English or those who have different cultural backgrounds which limit their knowledge of the different situations presented in the questionnaire. The questions also do not have double meanings or measures two things in one question; instead it places the taker in a certain context and is then asked to respond using the four choices. There are no negatively stated items which are therefore more psychometrically easier to collate and analyze as there are no reverse scores. The structure of the VARK questionnaire is just average, the questions are different from each other, and the choices follow a certain order that reflects the four different learning preferences. Although, these are easier to score and to determine which learning preference the taker uses in the different situations that are being presented in the questionnaire the obvious arrangement of the items and the choices may bias the taker or lead his/her answer to the most favorable one. The demographic data is then surveyed after the taker finishes with the main questionnaire and the results are presented instantly, since the questionnaire is online, the individual is somewhat rewarded with his/her score and has the option to volunteer the information needed for the research part of the questionnaire or not. However, some takers may not take too well with volunteering personal information and may opt not to complete the demographic questions which would be a setback for the authors as it would mean a lesser number of respondents to be used to validate the instrument. This is in keeping with the ethical guidelines of using human respondents in the conduct of surveys and questionnaires for research or other purposes. The online survey is also administered in the same way each time since it is in electronic form and is online and has been programmed to interact with the respondent in the same way each time. However, what the authors has to risk is the varied situations that the respondent comes across the questionnaire, others may be in a crowded cafà © with too much noise and distractions, others may also not read the questionnaire very well and just click on the circles while others may choose not to complete the survey.            In general, the VARK questionnaire has been designed excellently, this could be due to the fact that the questionnaire has undergone a number of revisions and upgrades and that the questionnaire had been first published in 2001. The responses to the VARK had provided the author with the information on how to improve the questionnaire and to improve its reliability and validity. Therefore we could say that with time and scientific tools, the VARK is a good example of a well designed and effective questionnaire despite its weaknesses which may be again improved as time wears on. Reference Fleming, N. (2007). VARK Questionnaire, Retrieved November 10, 2007 from
Friday, September 20, 2019
Horizontal Integration And Conglomerate Diversification Marketing Essay
Horizontal Integration And Conglomerate Diversification Marketing Essay 1: Define and distinguish between the following pairs of grand strategies: Horizontal integration is a grand strategy based on growth the acquisition of similar firms operating at the same stage of the production-marketing chain. (Pearce, p. 218) Vertical integration is the grand strategy based on the acquisition of firms that supply the acquiring firm with inputs or new customers for its outputs. (Pearce, p. 220) Horizontal integration acquires more entities within the same level of the supply chain where vertical integration acquires entities up and down the supply chain to control the entire production and distribution process from raw materials to final consumer. Conglomerate diversification is the grand strategy that involves the acquisition of a business because it presents the most promising investment opportunity available. (Pearce, p. 221) Concentric diversification involves the acquisition of a second business that benefits from access to the first firms core competencies. (Pearce, 221) Concentric diversification seeks synergies between its acquisitions where conglomerate diversification does not. Newell Rubbermaid is an example of a large conglomerate that has begun to look for more concentric diversifications in the last 10 years divesting businesses that are not good fits for the overall portfolio. Product development is the growth strategy that involves the substantial modification of existing products that can be marketed to current customers. (Pearce, p. 216) Innovation is a grand strategy that seeks to reap the premium margins associated with creation and customer acceptance of a new product or service. (Pearce, p. 216) Innovation is truly difficult to make profitable. It requires a significant amount of research, time, and financial resources. Many more companies practice product development and use the term innovation. Joint venture is a grand strategy in which companies create a co-owned business that operates for their mutual benefit. (Pearce, p. 230) Strategic alliances are contractual partnerships where the companies involved do not take an equity position in one another. (Pearce, p. 232) Strategic alliances can be between companies with similar customer bases that can benefit from each others resources such as a distribution network. Joint ventures are much more complicated and longer term. Each entity has rights and ownership into one common business. This is much more common when US firms begin to do business in countries like China and Mexico. 2: What are three ways a firm can incorporate the advantage of speed in its business? Speed to market, or rapid response to customer requests has become a major source of competitive advantage in the global market. We live and work in an environment where everyone wants everything now. The customer has an unmet need and does not want to wait for your firm to provide a product that meets their need. This can be an important market strategy if the firm in question can quickly adjust products or processes to meet the customers needs fast. First, customer responsiveness. All customers have dealt with frustrations related to delays or slow service. The same holds true from business to business. Quick response with useful solutions, information, and products can become the basis of a competitive advantage especially if the firm can consistently deliver faster than the competition. Second, product development cycles. There are automotive companies that have worked to streamline product development taking a new product from concept to production within less than 9 months. Todays marketplace thrives on newness, and products may only last for a year or two from launch to grave. Being efficient at product development is a key strategy. Third, speed in delivery or distribution. Firms that can get you what you need, when you need it (even when its tomorrow) will have a competitive advantage. A key example of this is the Batesville Casket Company. Funeral homes across the country do not stock all designs and styles of caskets, yet they can meet with a client at 5pm on one day and have their exact custom order delivered before noon the next day anywhere in the country. This is done through an intricate network of distribution centers that stock one of everything. When one item is pulled from the distribution center, manufacturing begins to make the replacement. 3: How does market focus help a business create competitive advantage? What risks accompany such a posture? Market focus allows some businesses to compete on the basis of low cost, differentiation, and rapid response against much larger businesses with greater resources. Focus lets a business learn its target customer in greater detail and develop personal relationships that will differentiate the smaller firm or make it more valuable to the target customer. Market focus may also be an advantage because it will reduce the number of competitors in a market. For example, if your firm sells and delivers floral bouquets, you may compete with large global firms like 1800Flowers or FTD. By focusing on the needs of the local market that the large firms have ignored, your firm may be able to gain an advantage over the larger firms. The risk of market focus is that you attract major competitors that have waited for your business to prove the market. They let you be the guinea pig, and now that the market seems to be agreeable, they will swoop in and begin taking customers and market share. Your firm may also risk being bought out or taken over by a larger firm that wants to expand and fill out its portfolio. The greatest risk is assuming that it is focus alone, and not some combination of price, differentiation, or rapid response that is creating the businesses success. 4: When would multi-industry companies find the portfolio approach to strategic analysis and choice useful? Portfolio approaches provide several contributions to strategic analysis by corporate managers. First, they allow for the transfer of competitive advantage of professional management across a broad array of businesses. They help convey large amounts of information about diverse business units and corporate plans in a simplified format. They illuminate similarities and differences between business units and help convey the logic of corporate strategies for each business with a common vocabulary. The portfolio approach simplifies priorities for sharing corporate resources across diverse business units that generated and used those resources. They provide a simple prescription that gives corporate managers a sense of what they should accomplish and a way to control and allocate resources between them. (Pearce, p. 283) Multi-industry companies would find this approach useful when it is not clear which business provides the greatest revenue or generates the largest market share or financial gains for the company. The portfolio approach is a systematic way to compare common criteria across all businesses in the portfolio. Case Study Exercises: 1: How would you describe VWs new advertising strategy? Volkswagens new advertising strategy is to regain American interest in the Volkswagen brand. Volkswagen held strong market position in the 1970s based on the success of the VW Beetle and Transporter. Sales were strong until the introduction of the VW Rabbit in the US in the early 1980s. The Rabbit was popular but known to catch fire or have other mechanical problems, giving the Rabbit and VW a reputation for poor quality. After severely declining sales in the 1990s, Volkswagen hired Crispin Porter and Bogusky to completely rebrand the Volkswagen in 2006. Crispin had a strong history of creating memorable marketing and advertising campaigns that turned around several major US brands like Burger King and MINI. Crispin started the strategy by defining the new target market, and determining what the perception was in the 18-30 yr old male audience. Crispin Porter and Bogusky used a strong web based campaign to attract the target audience, and added enough edge and controversy to get people of all demographics talking about Volkswagen. The strategy of using the web and a German dominatrix type blonde named Helga that the user could interact with on the GTI website, gained in popularity but offended and alienated woman who were also VW customers. Many believed the campaign degraded or looked over women as a target market. The strategy worked for a short period of time but was unable to overcome the mixed product message that Volkswagen was sending with offerings ranging from expensive luxury cars to econo-friendly hatchbacks. Now, four years later, VW Americas is still struggling to improve sales and gain market share. 2: What appear to be DHLs most important competitive advantages? Are they best suited to a mature industry or a growth industry? Which way would you characterize the U.S. parcel market and the global parcel market? DHLs most important competitive advantages are its global presence, strong parent company financial support, and willingness to have face to face relationships with its customers. DHL holds a commanding 40% market share in Europe and Asia, but struggles to gain over a 7% market share in the US. This is primarily because the competition, FedEx and UPS, have spent decades and billions of dollars building delivery networks and infrastructures and huge economies of scale. DHL wants to become the next FedEx or UPS in the United States in order to further strengthen their overall global footprint. In order for DHL to continue to be successful in the future, they have to be successful in the US. DHL has a strong global delivery system but lacks in US domestic delivery. This became most evident in November 2008 when DHL ceased all US domestic shipping operations. The US parcel market is a mature market because over the past 40 years the market has developed a structure and market leaders that are serving the needs of nearly all customer groups. This market saturation and duration do not leave a lot of room for a new start up to gain any ground. The US geographic is much more spread out than DHL is use to dealing with in Europe. This dynamic adds complexity and requires a larger structure to manage. DHL is much better suited to a growth industry than a mature industry. A growth industry has the opportunity for many competitors to develop the market at the same rate without one being at a disadvantage over any others. DHL has a strength in developing relationship with customers that works well in a growth market, where relationships are key to expanding the market. 3: What does eBays corporate or multi-business strategy for the twenty-first century appear to be? Ebays corporate business strategy is to be a company that provides services for all the kinds of activities that people perform on the internet: trade, communicate, shop, search, and entertain. (Pearce, p. 299) Investors, however, are struggling to see Ebay as more than an online auction site. Over the past 5 years, Ebay has purchased what seems to be a hodge podge of companies with little common connection. PayPal seemed to be a logical fit, as a means to facilitate buyers and sellers on the Ebay auction site. But, Skype and others seem to be farther stretches for the investment community to understand. If you look at ebay as a company that is in business to facilitate trade then the acquisitions make more sense. Time will tell if the online auction giant can gain the trust of the investment world and change their mind about who Ebay is and what it does. Strategic Management Plan: 1: Using one (or a combination) of the 15 grand strategies outlined in the text, write long-term objectives for your selected company that exhibit the seven qualities of long-term objectives: Acceptable Flexible Measurable Motivating Suitable Understandable Achievable. In order to increase value creation for shareholders, Cooper Tire and Rubber Company will improve global cost structure and increase targeted profitable growth. Global Cost Structure Sourcing and LCC Manufacturing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ 35 45 % of Manufacturing in LCC à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Meet Demand à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lower Global Cost Structure à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reduce Complexity Short Term Goals à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ramp Up CKT 6 million tires (China) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Expand at CCT +2 million tires (China) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Offtake agreement with Mexico à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Offtake agreements at other locations Long Term Goals à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Analyze expansion of existing LCC facilities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Identify and evaluate potential JV partners à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Analyze Greenfield options in LCC Manufacturing Cost Reductions à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ 10 15 % reduction in addressable cost base à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Continue with high quality manufacturing Programs to achieve à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Process efficiency improvements à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Complexity reduction and management à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Automation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Distribution Targeted Profitable Growth à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Total Company = 6 to 7% CAGR à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Global Net Sales = > $3.6 billion > 60.9 million units Programs to achieve North America Channel Alignment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Grow in all Channels, Growth not equal in all channels à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Continue Support of Independent Dealers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Align organization and strategy to each channels needs Asia Grow TBR and PCR Truck and Bus Radial (TBR) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Focus TBR on Tier 2 and 3 Products à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Continue to develop retail sales à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Focused growth in fleet sales Passenger Car Radial (PCR) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Build in areas with greatest car parks (east coast) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Shift production used for export sales to domestic à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Elevate the brand à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Continue to develop retail sales Europe Focused Growth Targeted approach with resources geared toward priorities Existing Cooper Strengths PLUS Brand focus Highly focused sales by product segment Greater channel focus 2: In 2 pages or less, describe the grand business strategy or strategies that you will select to seek sustained competitive advantage. Why did you select this strategy or strategies? Cooper Tire Rubber Company has chosen to use new product development and joint venture as grand strategies to seek competitive advantage in the global replacement tire industry. Product Development is used to prolong the product lifecycle or build on the reputation of the brand. Cooper Tire plans to do strengthen this as a strategy by adding resources and enhancing regional technology centers in Asia and Europe. Additional organization of resources into continuous product and process improvement teams through the use of LEAN and Six Sigma techniques will aid the product development process. Cooper must also modify the research structure to improve research knowledge base. Advanced Technology and Shelf Technology combined with computer modeling and simulation will help with a focused development effort leading to fewer iterations and faster product development. Cooper can also utilize external resources by leveraging vendors and academic institutions to provide innovations and technological advancements in tire construction and materials. By applying a stage gate process, Cooper will enhance decision making process, and align it with global goals. Joint Ventures occur when two or more capable firms lack a necessary component for success in a particular competitive environment. Cooper Tire has a strong market share in the US and looks to continually expand into new global markets. Cooper Tire has two active joint ventures in China. Coopers joint venture allows them easier entry into the Chinese domestic market while creating a supply in a low cost country. The Chinese replacement tire market is increasing at a 17% year over year rate, which is a great expansion opportunity for Cooper. As Cooper uses the joint ventures for the production of tires, they are also focusing on building retail distribution in areas with greatest car park (along Eastern coast). These strategies will help to expand the Cooper business and global market share.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Bell Jar Essay -- essays research papers
The Bell Jar      The book starts with the setting in New York as the main character is pondering the execution of the Rosenbergs. Esther the main character is in New York because of contest held by a fashion magazine. While in New York Esther tells about her life by the encounters she's had. She is a college student and is in the honors courses. The whole trip to New York had messed up Esters way of thinking. For example before she went to New York she had planed to finish college and become a poet or English professor, but now she had no idea.      When Esther returned home she became very depressed. She wanted to disregard the whole New York experience by taking a exclusive summer writing course. Only the best of the best writers had been able to be excepted to this class and Esther was sure she had made it until her mother had told her she was not accepted. This was what pushed Esther over the edge. She became more and more obsessed about how she would kill herself and planed it out carefully. When the time came she just couldn't do it. So she began to preoccupied herself by thinking of other ways of death. She couldn't sleep or read this bothered her because she loved to read. Finally she went to see a doctor who gave her shock treatments. This made Esther even worse an so she slipped even deeper into her depressed state. She knew the bell jar was almost completely apon her and there was nothing she could do to prevent...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Charles Eastman: Bridging the Gap Between Cultures Essay -- Native Am
Charles Eastman made great strides to bridge the gap between the Native Americans and the white man. Born a Santee Sioux, Eastman excelled in his assimilated life, thereby gaining the respect of the white man, which he used to assist the Native American. He was able to give a voice to the culture and its people, which was quickly being silenced by a Eurocentric government. Eastman exemplified the abilities of the Native American through his accomplishments as an author, lecturer, physician, and activist. His capacity to live between two diverse cultures furthered his unprecedented endeavors. Charles Alexander Eastman was born Ohiyesa, a Santee Sioux. He is believed to have been born near Redwood Falls, Minnesota, on February 19, 1858. His paternal grandmother, Uncheedah, was responsible for his upbringing after his mother’s death due to complications during childbirth. Uncheedah presented him with tradition Sioux teachings. Following the Great Sioux Uprising of 1862, Ohiyesa and other Santee Sioux were exiled to Manitoba. In Eastman’s Indian Boyhood, he fondly recalls these times of living freely and peacefully by saying, â€Å"What boy would not be an Indian for a while when he thinks of the freest life in the world?†Ohiyesa’s father, Jacob â€Å"Many Lightnings†Eastman was instrumental in his assimilation into the white man’s culture, beginning with his education. Unlike many other Native American children in boarding schools, Charles learned to read and write in his native language. This progressive program of learning was often criticized because of the fear felt among American settlers after the Great Sioux Uprising. The settlers, as well as the government agencies, sought only acculturation of the Indians into the w... ...dian Quarterly 25, no. 4 (2001): 609-613. Eastman, Charles A, From the Deep Woods to Civilization, (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1977 [1916]) 195. Eastman, Charles A. Indian Boyhood (New York: Dover Publications, (1971 [1902]), 3. Lopenzia, Drew. â€Å"’Good Indian’: Charles Eastman and the Warrior as Civil Servant,†American Indian Quarterly 27, no.  ¾, Special Issue (2003): 729, 739. Murphy, Nora. â€Å"Starting Children on the Path to the Past: American Indians in Children’s Historical Fiction,†Minnesota History 57, no. 6 (2001): 284,286. Patterson, Michelle Wick. â€Å"’Real’ Indian Songs: The Society of American Indians and the Use of Native American Culture as a Means of Reform,†American Indian Quarterly 26, no. 1 (2002): 54-55. Stensland, Anna Lee. â€Å"Indian Boyhood by Charles A. Eastman’†The English Journal 66, no. 3 (1977): 59.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Physics of Snowmachine Clutches :: sport physics snowmobile clutch
* A snowmachine clutch actually consists of two separate clutches connected together by a rubber belt. o The primary clutch is connected to the engine's crankshaft o The secondary clutch is mounted on the end of the jackshaft (which connects to the drive shaft via a chain and gears). * The primary purpose of the clutch is to smoothly transmit power from the engine to the jackshaft and to remove the connection when the engine is idling so that the machine is not always rolling. * This type of system is also referred to as a continuously variable transmission. It is called this because as the engine speed increases the final drive ratio increases. That is, the difference between the engine speed and track speed decreases. It is equivalent to an automatic transmission on a car with an infinite number of gears that you never felt shift. Let's take a look at how this "infinite gearing" process works: 1. At idle the primary clutch just spins and does not "grab" onto the belt. As engine RPM (revolutions per minute) increases to engagement speed (the RPM where the snowmachine starts moving), the primary clutch begins to pull together and start squeezing the belt. 2. Now the belt is turning. This makes the secondary clutch turn, which causes the track to turn and the snowmachine to move forward. 3. As engine speed increases above engagement, the primary clutch squeezes together some more and pushes the belt so that it moves to a larger radius on the primary. Because the two clutches rotate about fixed points, the belt gets pulled into the secondary, spreading it farther apart and moving the belt to a smaller radius. * Note that the primary clutch (on the left) never stops spinning, but the secondary (right) does stop spinning at idle speeds. * In case you are curious, the engine rpm got up to about 7000 rpm and the track speed got up to about 60 mph or more during this clip. I supported the track with a stand and ran the throttle while an observer ran the camera.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Back to the Future: Past, Present, and Future Essay
There is much to discuss and analyze about all three installments. These would include actor choices, spotting, direction, acting, and most importantly the soundtrack and musical choices for all 3. Considering all 3 movie plots jump from decade to decade, it can be analyzed literally from past, present, and future. Inevitably, Back to the Future’s success also led to several video game launches, a ride at Universal Studios in Hollywood and Orlando, an animated series, and even a comic book. Let’s go back to the year 1985, you and your bodacious friends want to hang ten with the dudes, so you guys catch a flick at the local cineplex. Your choices are Mask, Teen Wolf, or Back to the Future. You mean the guy from Family Ties? So you take your chances on Back to the Future. Good choice! Of all things, Eric Stolz, the main actor in Mask, was originally cast for the role of Marty Mcfly when production of Back to the Future began on November 26,1984. Stoltz was filmed for four weeks, but after seeing a rough cut, Steven Spielberg and the writer/directors decided that Stoltz had played the role â€Å"too seriously†for a comedy, and he was replaced by Michael J. Fox (Futurepedia). Back To The Future was written by Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis, and mainly starred Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. The movie opened on July 3, 1985 and grossed $210 million at the US box office, making it the highest grossing film of 1985 (IMDb). The basic synopsis of Back to the Future 1, is about a young man named Marty Mcfly who accidentally travels into the past and jeopardizes his own future existence. With the help of an eccentric local scientist named Dr. Emmett L. Brown, he manages to travel back in time via a time machine made from a DeLorean. This was done by breaking the time barrier in what was called temporal displacement allowing it to travel along the space-time continuum. When the first script was made, a refrigerator was the planned prop for the time machine. Later Steven Spielberg decided he didn’t want kids trapped inside their refrigerators trying to play time traveling games (Funtrivia). Done carefully, Bones Howe (music supervisor) and Alan Silvestri (composer) gathered an array of perfectly fit songs to cater both the 1950’s as well as the 1980’s. The movie jumps from decade to decade throughout the movie, and makes it apparent when it does. The movie starts out when Marty is late for school, he gets on his skateboard and we hear a fantastic song by Huey Lewis and the News, the â€Å"Power of Love. Later in the movie, we hear another solid track by Huey Lewis entitled â€Å"Back in Time. †By the way, Huey Lewis makes a cameo as a judge. When Marty tries out for the school competition, Huey says, â€Å"hold it. hold it†¦ I’m afraid you are just too darn loud. †This is also considered diagetic mus ic in the film. Marty’s first time travel sent him to the year 1955. Marty, immediately, arrives at the Twin Pines Ranch, which was owned by Otis Peabody. Marty crashes into the barn on Mr. Peabody’s property which causes the entire Peabody family to wake up and come outside. Marty encounters many differences between 1985 and 1955, including a cleaner, less run-down ambiance in the Courthouse Square. While searching for a younger Doc Brown, he meets his father and accidentally interferes with the first meeting of his parents–being hit by his grandfather’s Chevrolet in his father’s place. While in the 1950’s, some of the songs we hear are such great classics â€Å"Night Train†by Marvin Berry, â€Å"Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)†by Marvin Berry, â€Å"Wallflower†by Etta James, and â€Å"Johnny B. Goode†by Chuck Berry aka Marty Mcfly. Some people complained that Back to the Future was a racist movie because Chuck Berry was inspired by a white guy. Sometimes a joke is just a joke; but Chuck Berry liked it. (Davis). Finally we have the sensational score by Alan Silvestri. At times the score is adventurous, and at times it’s sad. The spotting is done just right to balance the dynamics of the movie. Also, there is a leitmotif that accompanies the movie, in fact, it accompanies all 3 movies of the trilogy, and never goes unnoticed. Upon the success of the first film, Robert Zemeckis (director) and Bob Gale (writer) agreed to do a 2nd movie. In fact, they also intended on a 3rd movie, and both the 2nd and 3rd Back to the Future were filmed simultaneously and released six months apart. Back to the Future 2, with a budget of $40 million, grossed nearly $331 million at the box office (IMDb). The characters of George Mcfly and Jennifer Parker were played by different actors from those in the first film, requiring scenes that overlap to be re-shot. Jennifer Parker which was originally played by Claudia Wells, and replaced by Elisabeth Shue in the second film. Claudia claims she turned the roll down when she found out her mother was diagnosed with cancer (Futurepedia). George Mcfly, who was originally played by the quirky Crispin Glover, was later replaced by Jeffrey Weissman. Crispin Glover refused to return to the trilogy due to salary disputes. Back to the Future 2 pans back and forth from 1955, to 1985, and all the way to 2015; the past, present and future. Needless to say, Bob Gale and Zemeckis attempted to predict what 2015 would like and sound like. Some songs used in the 2015 scenes, were â€Å"Beat it†by Michael Jackson, â€Å"I Can’t Drive 55†by Sammy Hagar, â€Å"Mr. Sandman†by The Four Aces, and â€Å"Papa Loves Mambo†by the Perry Como. The filmmakers did do some research into what scientists thought may occur in the year 2015. Bob Gale also commented; â€Å"We knew we weren’t going have flying cars by the year 2015, but God we had to have those in our movie. â€Å"(Q ;amp; A) The film was also considered one of the most ground-breaking projects for Industrial Light ;amp; Magic. It was one of the effects house’s first forays into digital compositing, as well as the VistaGlide motion control camera system, which enabled them to shoot one of the film’s most complex sequences, in which Michael J. Fox played three separate characters, all of whom interacted with each other. Although such scenes were not new, the VistaGlide allowed, for the first time, a completely dynamic scene in which camera movement could finally be incorporated. The technique was also used in scenes where Thomas F. Wilson’s character (Biff Tannen) had to interact with a younger version of himself. (Zemeckis) Six months after Back to the Future 2 was released in the theaters, the Back to the Future team released Back to the Future 3 on May 25, 1990. Again on a budget of $40 million, this one cashed in at $244 Million. The film takes place immediately after the events of Back to the Future Part II. While stranded in 1955, Marty McFly discovers that his friend Dr. Emmett â€Å"Doc†Brown was killed by Biff Tannen’s great-grandfather Buford. Marty decides to travel to 1885 to rescue Doc and return to his own timeline. This time, Alan Silvestri had to create his soundtrack based in the year 1885. However, he still maintained the leitmotif throughout the picture. The years 1985 and 1955 are still relevant in the 3rd movie, and it jumps around. The popular group ZZ Top make an appearance, as they perform â€Å"Doubleback†during a festival in 1885. This was also considered diagetic â€â€-performed for the actors and the audience to hear. Huey Lewis’ â€Å"Power of Love†is also heard again. In 1989, a video game, based on the original Back to the Future movie was produced for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) by video game publisher LJN a subsidiary of Acclaim games. This has some similarity to the 1983 Atari video game E. T. where producers felt it would sell solely on brand association to the hit movie and the game designers were only given five weeks in order to produce a product to get it on the shelves for the 1982 Christmas shopping rush. Reviewers also cited that game as virtually unlike the film and was a major contributor to an economic downturn known as the Great Video Game Crash of 1983. There are only two songs found in the entire game. One is â€Å"Johnny B. Goode†which will play during the school dance that Marty is playing on stage and sounds close to the version heard in the film. The other song is a repetitive looping song that will play throughout the game in non-mini game moments. There are suggestions that the song is supposed to be â€Å"The Power Of Love†by Huey Lewis ;amp; The News sped up and cycled differently. But it winds up sounding nothing like the actual song made famous in the movie. Nes also later released Back to the Future 2 and 3 as a single game in 1990. Back to the Future II ;amp; III received largely negative reviews from critics. Stan Stepanic of Gamefreaks365. om gave the game positive remarks in regards to similarities with The Goonies II, but gave it a largely negative review due to the lack of a password or save feature coupled with its notorious length, although there was a code to skip to the second half of the game. Back to the Future II ;amp; III’s length has often been cited as the game’s major weakness, Stan stating that it took him roughly six hours just to map it, and he spent so much time trying to fini sh it he actually turned it off out of boredom. (Gamefreaks). Sega Genesis also released their own version of Back to the Future 3 in 1991. It was a lot different than the Nintendo version. However, it was just as unpopular, the opening level was nearly impossible to complete. Finally in 2010, Telltale Games released Back to the Future on PC and Mac; and later was also released on the Ipad and Playstation 3. This was given way better reviews than the predecessors, and remains the best game of yet. Ben PerLee from GameZone summarized his praise of the game by saying it is a â€Å"feel good cinematic experience that any fan of Back to the Future will want to check out, and everyone else would do well to check it out. GameZone) Back to the Future: The Animated Series was an animated series based on the Back to the Future trilogy as well. The series lasted two seasons, each lasting 13 episodes, and ran on CBS from September 7, 1991 to November 28, 1992, the date of the last original episode. Harvey Comics also published a series of Back to the Future comic books starting in November 1991. With the cover header reading †Å"The Adventure Has Only Begun! ,†the first issue featured Doc & Marty in 1927 Chicago. On May 2,1991 the Universal Studios Theme park in Florida released Back To The Future: The Ride. It was a simulator ride based on the popular movie trilogy of the same name. It was a mini-sequel to Back to the Future Part III. Later at Universal Studios Hollywood, they opened the same ride on June 12, 1993 ; and then at Universal Studios Japan on March 31, 2001. The Orlando and Hollywood versions closed in 2007 (Futurepedia). Although Back to the Future creators Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale had no involvement with the ride, they were consulted as to whether they â€Å"got Doc right†. The two responded with a â€Å"yes†. They have also commented that â€Å"it’s a great ride. In addition, references are made to a â€Å"Zemeckis-Gale diagram†and â€Å"Gale-Zemeckis Coordinates (Giveneyestosee) With the huge success of the Back to the Future Trilogy, you can see where a simple idea can turn into a big one. When you take risks on a new actor, and stamp something with a touch of great directing, production, and a great score â€â€- you never know what could happen. Back to the Future will always remain a classic no matter what generation it leads to; whether it be 1955,1985, or even 2015. Works Cited â€Å"Back to the Future II & III Review. Review. Gamefreaks365, n. d. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Back to the Future Part II. †IMDb. IMDb. com, n. d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Back to the Future: The Ride. †FuturePedia. Wikia, n. d. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Back to the Future: The Ride. †Giveneyestosee. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. â€Å"BTTF Trilogy. †The â€Å"Back To The Future†Trilogy. Funtrivia, n. d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Claudia Wells. †Futurepedia. Wikia, n. d. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. Davis, Cindy. â€Å"Pajiba. †Mindhole Blowers: 20 Facts About Back to the Future That Might Make Your Flux Capacitor Hit 1. 21 Gigawatts. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Futurepedia. †Futurepedia. Wikia, n. d. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. IMDb. IMDb. com, n. d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. PerLee, Ben. â€Å"Back to the Future: The Game Review. †Back to the Future – The Game Review. GameZone, 28 Dec. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Q&A Commentary with Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale, Back to the Future Part II Blu-Ray, 2010. †Interview. DVD Blu Ray. N. d. Television. Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale (2005). Back to the Future Feature: Making the Trilogy Part 2. Los Angeles: Universal Pictures. N. d. Television.
Listening to Music Essay
Today stress is a factor that we have to learn living with, manipulating it to benefit us thereby preventing the development of depression and stress related diseases. This can be attributed to globalization which although it has greatly improved our lives and made our activities simpler it has also introduced negative aspects that lead to the development of stress. For instance programs and advertisements aired on our televisions are filled with violence which is viewed as eye catching and therefore tolerable. However, the violence has natured aggressive attitudes in children that are emanated in form of delinquent behavior in their teen lives thus developing stress from the prejudice and seclusion they receive from the community. Their parents too suffer from stress because of worrying about the safety and attitudes of their children. The community is also stressed by the menace of these teenagers. Many of you may be asking how stress can be managed especially with the little time that we have for ourselves, because most of our time is consumed by education and work. Worry no more because I have a solution that is easy to adapt to, access, simple to use and thus demands little effort from us; listening to music. My interest for music begun from childhood, whenever I was moody or angry I would lock myself in my room, turn the volume of my radio full blast and enjoy the tune of the music. Well this did not last for long because as you have all guessed I had to turn off the radio, orders from my parents, but the short period that I listened to the music did wonders because my anger subsided leaving me in a calm state. I can also attribute my success to music since while listening to its beats my concentration increases and thus develop ideas that will be beneficial to my life or solutions to problems that were disturbing me. Therefore, I am able to manage stress and its attributes (Chekitan & Schultz, 2005). Conducted research and studies have shown that music as a product is customer oriented because it portrays many benefits into our lives and acts as solutions to some of the demises that we suffer from. For instance today medical practitioners are using music to treat cancer patients whose treatment methods are painful and thus the patients require a relaxation factor to withstand the pain. Music is also used to treat children suffering from Attention deficient diseases (ADD) because it gives them a sense of belonging and increases their concentration, pain management, promote patients movement in wards as they will be tempted to move by the beat of the music, calm down patients, lower blood pressure, boost immunity and ease muscle tension for both the patients and medical practitioners (Laermer & Simmons, 2007). Music also penetrates into the brain cells stimulating the development of a brain wave whose resonance is in accordance to the tempo of the music. Music that contains fast, sharp and strong beats increases the concentration of the listeners thereby increasing their focus and thinking capacity. On the other hand music that constitutes slow beats results to the development of a calm state which has meditative therapy on the listeners thus relaxing them. Moreover, the ability of the brain to create different types of wave resonance is long lasting thus helping to manage stress. This is because these different brain waves also produce positive impacts onto the other parts of our bodies, for instance relaxation decreases breathing rate and heartbeat rate therefore reducing the chances for development of a chronic disease such as cardiac arrest. In the process havoc stress related responses are curbed because a positive state of the mind is maintained as the listeners develop an optimistic attitude. Furthermore, depending on the tempo of the music the relaxation soothes listeners to sleep a condition that eliminates stress, depression and anxiety effects (Kotler & Keller, 2005). Music also helps to improve the performance of students in class because the prominence of its beats eliminates environmental factors which distract the attention of students causing them to occasionally fidget and increase their desire to stand up and move around. This is because the repetition of the music beat contributes to the relaxation of muscles which reduces the hyperactive nature of the students thus increasing their focus on what they are learning. Music has also proved to be beneficial while exercising. This is because music helps the exerciser to concentrate on what he is doing as all the external factors that may contribute to his distraction are eliminated. Also the relaxation effect that the music creates reduces the strain that the exerciser may feel thus increasing his exercising capacity. Music also arouses psycho motor sensations improving the exercisers motor coordination (Barlon, 2006). Furthermore, there are many types of music that can suit the desires of everybody whether old, young, professional, rich or poor. Music as a product provides a wide range of selection that can be used to achieve certain benefits. The ability of music presenting a choice to its listeners proves that it is market oriented this is because people can change the type of music they are listening to suit a particular occasion. For instance when lifting weights music that contains fast and sharp beats should be used to help the exerciser increase the tension of his muscles and thus comfortably lift his weights. Contrary to this if slow music is used the exercisers tends to get tired quickly because the weights feel heavier due to the relaxation effect of the slow music (Silk & Harvard Business School Press 2006). The price of music is cheap because the benefit it prevails outweighs its monetary value. Listening to music is therefore affordable because little money is contributed to access music and listening devices. However, this is only done once because one remains with the music and the equipment thus will not need to contribute more money if he wants to listen to the music again. Moreover, the attention and energy needed to access music is little and in fact it is perceived as one of the music benefits because it increases the concentration and focus of the music seeker. Furthermore, the time spent when purchasing music is so little because music is sold by many people therefore, it is not a rare commodity. Also music is well classified and thus one cannot waste a lot of time looking for the type of music he/she desires to listen to (Sandhusen, 2008). Music is easily accessible because it can be found everywhere and there are so many devices that have been developed to aid in the simplification of attaining and storing music. Music can now be found in stores, online, itunes, mp3 sharing, ipods, from the television and the radio among other places. Thus people can enjoy the benefits of music without waiting for long periods of time because music is not located in a distant place that one needs to travel to purchase it or needs to wait for its delivery (Barlon, 2006). Media agencies are also promoting the benefits of listening to music by educating and advising people to seek this mechanism especially when under stress. The exposure on the benefits attained from listening to music that the media has done has increased the attention of many who have resulted to the conduction of research and studies that prove my contention to be true. This has also led to the establishment of music therapy a discipline that has now gained popularity as it can be used in all industries whether administration or medical. Furthermore, information about music therapy can be easily accessed online where the process used to perform music therapy, the cost of attaining these services and the location where these institutions can be found is well expressed and is in a language that is easily understood. Furthermore, music can be perceived as a universal language because music is globally listened to therefore, each one of us acts as an advertising agent for music influencing other people to start listening to a particular type of music in an attempt of attaining the same benefits (Barlon, 2006). From the above it is quite clear that listening to music can prevent the occurrence of negative stress related attributes such as suicide attempts, heart failures, loneliness and the pessimistic attitude among others. Therefore, everybody should make listening to music their hobby or increase the time they dedicate to this precious life extender and health maintainer mechanism. However, we must remember that although the power of music is good and results to unimaginable wonders to attain this, one must intelligently choose the right type of music to listen to at a certain time or occasion and use effective measures for instance while exercising low volume of the music is required to prevent further distraction of exerciser. Therefore, I would encourage people to listen to music which is productive and whose meaning or concept can easily be understood. Word Count: 1499 Reference List Barlon, K. (2006). The Concept of the Marketing Mix. Presentation on Marketing Management, 1, 2–7. Chekitan, S. D. & Schultz, E. D. (2005). In the Mix: A Customer-Focused Approach Can Bring the Current Marketing Mix into the 21st Century. Marketing Management, 14(1). Kotler, P. & Keller, L. (2005). Marketing Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Laermer, R. & Simmons, M. (2007). Punk Marketing. New York: Harper Collins. Sandhusen, R. (2008). Marketing. 4th Edition. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational Series. Silk, J. A. & Harvard Business School Press (2006). What is Marketing. Watertown, MA: Harvard Business Press.
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