Saturday, August 31, 2019
Crime and Corruption Essay
Honesty is a character trait that is difficult to uphold when faced with moral dilemmas in the workplace. This is the challenge of Frank Serpico in the film Serpico. An analysis of the film â€Å"Serpico†leads to the realization that â€Å"All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely†is completely valid. The movie â€Å"Serpico†demonstrates that the merit system and an outside agency are necessary to prevent systemic corruption within the Justice System. Systemic corruption appears to be facilitated, encouraged and protected by the â€Å"code of silence†. For example, officers are taught by fellow officers how to use the authority given to them to advance the sub-culture of crime. This fact is a matter of debate. The question of crime in police departments is often blamed on unethical officers rather than the truth of the officers who are taught by superiors and veteran officers the means of crime. The bad apples or bad system debate is expressed in Serpico, indicating the confirmation that a bad system needs an outside agency to correct it. This movie begs the question â€Å"Who was keeping an eye on the keepers of the peace among the New York Police Department? The instrument of change in the movie is Frank Serpico making him the antagonist. The protagonists are the dark and corrupted of officers, and the supervisors who by omission participate in crime. The ideology that has perpetuated this systematic corruption is the promoting within the ranks based on who you are not what you do. In Serpico, it seems that the supervisors were very astute in the process of looking the other way. For this ability, they moved up among the chain of command. The distinct officer â€Å"code of silence†provided the cohesion that veils the subculture of crime perpetuated by the officers. In the film, Frank Serpico’s only flaw was being an honest cop. In â€Å"Serpico†the minimization and neutralization of corruption becomes the justification for the actions of the officers who are unethical. This is the attempt to rationalize the acceptance of the blanket loss of ethics among the officers. Frank Serpico does not participate in the corruption and refuses to take the money offered to him. His complaints are ignored as he goes higher and higher up the chain of command. The result of the complaints by Frank Serpico created an even more hostile work relationship with the other officers. The officers ostracize, threaten and fail to protect Frank to the point that leads to his injury. The atonement for the deeds of the police appears to be around the corner with every complaint lodged against the department, yet Serpico becomes placated in each meeting and by every supervisor, including the mayor. Political tolerance to corruption with no legal controls in place to prevent the un-ethical police sub-culture is unacceptable. The epiphany of Serpico is that the systemic corruption creates the need to go to an outside agency. This action of going to an outside agency is not taken lightly in the film. Frank Serpico knows and displays regret for the violation of the â€Å"code of silence†. He is aware it is a trespass on the brotherhood. He has two other officers collaborate his story. Serpico feels that he must go to an outside agency to correct the corrupt and ethically bankrupt police department. This exposure allows for the creation of the Knapp Commission, which is evidenced at the end of the film Regoli and Hewitt reveal in Exploring Criminal Justice that the New York Times series on police corruption prompted Mayor Lindsay to appoint five people to investigate corruption in the NYPD. Five people were appointed to and composed the Knapp Commission including Attorney Whitman Knapp who headed the Knapp Commission. The findings of the Knapp Commission suggested the organized corruption. Police Administrators accompanied and progressed with the breach of ethics by active cooperation and participation in the crimes or passively omitted to control the officers (Hewitt, 2007). Pervasive organized corruption is organized crime. New York’s history of ties to the mafia would leave the citizen caught struggling to seek any justice. The mafia is controlling the civilian sub-culture and the corrupt police controlling the police sub-culture leaving the citizens at the mercy of criminals, and no one is watching. Serpico stood against this systemic organized corruption in long-suffering, personal sacrifice with hardship. Vindication for Frank appears in the finality of the film with him testifying to the Knapp Commission. According to Gaines and Kappeler, the result of the Knapp Commission was the convicting of the 20 officers charged with felony crimes that included armed robbery, assault and murder. To protect and serve aspect of policing does not include murder. This is a grievous trespass on the public trust given to officers, as are any violations of the law by the officers against the citizens who submit the authority to the law. The Knapp Commission exposed the corruption and sought out the officers for criminal prosecution. The results of Serpico have been far reaching. For instance, according to Gaines and Kappeler in Policing in America â€Å"Twenty years after the Knapp Commission’s findings, the issue of systemic police corruption was revisited by the Mollen Commission. Although NYCPD commissioner Kelly denied systemic corruption, the commission uncovered substantial evidence of this form of organized corruption†(Kappeler, 2008). These commissions are necessary to investigate and dissolve the corruption within police organizations. The anthropological perspective of police behavior can be used to explain the immoral behavior found in the police culture. Officers become shaped and influenced by the police culture. The rookie officers learn from the older corrupt officers. This in turn can demonstrate the values of the whole department, although there may be a distinct subculture that is not made privy to the department as a whole or to the public. Empirical research from the Knapp and Mollen Commission agree with the anthropological perspective of police behavior. In Exploring Criminal Justice by Regoli and Hewitt it is stated that the â€Å"Police supervisors must admit when corruption exists and confront the problem, Furthermore, they must recognize that corruption often begins at the top and drifts downward through the ranks†. This research is indicating that criminal behavior drifts downward to the new officers. If the corrupt officer’s argument is correct, then all of the corrupt officers selected policing to exploit it. Where is the honor in this? The authoritative personality is attracted to policing, not the ethically challenged personality. The corruption seeps in due to the influence of peer officers, and once it takes hold the distinction of ethically correct and the immoral becomes dissipated. The majority of the NYCPD was corrupt in the 1970’s. That is a huge number of unethical people entering the field to become officers. If it were not a hero like action to stand against corruption then this movie would not have been made. Trends suggest that police departments have corruption in three ways. The rotten apples and rotten pockets type of department deals with the individual officer’s corruption (Kappeler, 2008). This is not the case in â€Å"Serpico†– the movie is demonstrating the third type of department corruption; Pervasive Organized Corruption. Pervasive is defined as existing in, or spreading through every part of something. The term organized is referring to the hierarchical and limited or exclusive membership of the corruption. The corruption constitutes a unique subculture, perpetuates itself by violation of law, and exhibits a willingness to use illegal violence. In the naming of such findings alone as Pervasive Organized Corruption is a stinging finding of fault on the behalf of the NYPD and the discovery of such corruption brought shame to the department. The finding of such corruption exacerbated the public’s distrust and served as a means to strengthen the conflict theory. The passive assistance the administration is giving to corruption by looking the other way is complementing and reinforcing the corruption throughout the department. The Knapp commission created in 1970 found that Pervasive Organized Corruption was in the New York Police Department. A new officer entering the department with high ideals on being ethical and a hero will soon lose this identity and assimilate the new identity of the corrupt police culture. Officers who do not conform to corruption will become the outliers among the median of a corrupt department. Overall, â€Å"Serpico†is the true story of a New York City cop who ratted on crooked officers and suffered grim consequences. Serpico was an eccentric who, by virtue of being a good guy in an evil department, is himself a bit of an outlaw. This also will set them up for being ostracized and alone. Policing attracts people who want to be heroes; the culture of corruption found in certain departments creates the adherence to unethical practices and behavior. All in all, this creates the need for an outside agency’s oversight to protect civil liberties and whistleblowers. Frank Serpico has become equivalent not with the term â€Å"whistleblower†, but with the term â€Å"Lamplighter†. This is an insightful suggestion due to the negative connotations of the term â€Å"whistleblower†as it takes honor and courage to place a light on the darkness of corruption. With administration that cultivates this good intent and an outside agency that supports and investigates the law, the ethically sound officer will have the ability to flourish and do the job with respect and honor. The result of this positive and ethical environment is public support and trust. There must be an outside agency that keeps an eye on the keeper.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Onlinr registration Essay
Student Information System (SIS) is a web-base application soft ware designed to introduce a conducive and structured information. Exchange environment for integrating student, parents, teachers and administration of school or college (Ajhay 8). On the contrary, Manual Registration means that people are required or using physical skills and energy and worked or by hand and not by machine. The difference of these two kinds of registration are: before computer technology is not yet popular then that’s school or colleges are using manual registration. The students who undergo in enrollment procedure, which is very inconvenient, and hassle on the part of the student and of the enrollment staff as well. Here they need a lot of efforts to finish the steps that need to be done in a specific time. Steps are like filling up an application forms, falling in line passing it to a certain personnel and more. In addition, manual registration is time consumable and costly by means of transportation and other expenses. But now a days, with modern technology, it’s makes student’s life simple in many ways. In other college and university, like Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) they are already implementing this kind of system, for the easy and convenient of the student the system provides for students the option register courses, without the advisor`s prior approval, offered by their colleges during the scheduled registration periods. In this, the students can modify their course selection by adding and for dropping courses. Background of the Study The purpose of the topic is to know what is more efficient, effective and convenient way on how student can enroll. In these days, time, effort and money are such vital things that have to be use very efficiently to have a satisfactory outcome whatever work is to be done. Many student encountered lots of problem on how to enroll in their school, they get confuse on what is convenient when it comes in registration. Some people prepare manual than online registration because for their different reasons and vice versa. This research will know which more is, likely to use of students community. The main reason of choosing this study is to help our fellow students to choose what is the best way to be enrolled. Sub-reason is not to lose their time, effort and money in registering in their schools. We also come up to this idea because in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students are undergoing in online registration unlike in our former schools, which uses the manual registration. Since we are freshmen of this school, we first encounter online registration and we are confused using online registration (SIS). This research will help us and other students to know which is better, the manual or the online registration. This will also serve as our guide to choose which kind of system we will going to use in our next enrollment. Significance of the Study This research is important because it will provide convenience to the student who will undergo registration process. It will help them to choose which is the easiest way to enroll is and will also help them to decide which system of registration they will use. Statement of the Problem The research that we will conduct, will let us to find out what is most efficient, effective and convenient way to register by the students of Bachelor in Cooperatives, Polytechnic University of the Philippines of SY 2013-2014 This study will let us to the answer to the following research questions. Manual Registration advantage and disadvantage 1. 1. Is it costly? 1. 2. Is it time bound? 1. 3. Is it accessible? 1. 4. Is it time consuming? 1. 5. Is it reliable? 2. Online Registration advantage and disadvantage 2. 1. Is it costly? 2. 2. Is it time bound? 2. 3. Is it accessible? 2. 4. Is it time consuming? 2. 5. It is reliable Scope and Limitation This study seeks which is moreefficient to use manual or online registration; their advantages and disadvantages. Only 50 students from Bachelor in Cooperatives, Polytechnic University of the Philippines of SY 2013-2014 will involve. The study focused only on manual and online registration system, which is more likely to use between the two. Not include the manual operator and other online system. Definition of Terms Registration [mass noun] the action or of registering or of being registered (Oxford dictionary). Manual RegistrationMeans that people are faxing, mailing o phoning in their registration (Eply, 2010) Online RegistrationStudents allow through internet, to register, dropped or add courses within registration period and the adviser to do advising to the students by approving/reflecting some requested courses by the students by recommending (Ajman University). InternetAn electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world (Merriam Webster). Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies Local literature In other schools they are already implementing the online registration system for the ease and convenience of the students. However, some are still undergo in manual enrollment procedure which is very inconvenient and hassle on the part of the students, hence this is more easily to use because you don’t need to use some modern technologies that some students don’t have. (Butcon 9). These two has advantages and disadvantages. One is the generation of forms. The students needed to fill up four copies of registration form (copy for the student, accountant, registrar and dean). Students were consuming a lot of time in doing such. Since the students are manually filling-up the official documents of the school, data redundancy has a great possibility in causing further complexity in the enrollment process (Butcon 9). In the contrary, some colleges preferred online registration system because it is easier, accurate and organize when it keeping data. Tani says that â€Å"Online registration is more convenient to use because it is easy and fast they’re also more accurate than you probably are, when it comes to mathematical natural calculations. †Although manual registration is a waste of time, it is reliable and accessible because you are directly registered in a specific office. While in online registration, sometimes failure of connection occurred. Though modern technology arises some people don’t have it yet so others need to go to the place where they can avail internet connection. Foreign Literature There are many advantages of the online system over the manual system. The manual system is tedious and it is more error prone in comparison to the online system. We can handle our work much efficiently with the online system and it helps to save our time and money. The popularity of the online system is increasing day by day and most of the systems are being computerized nowadays. Now, you can buy your movie ticket through the online system, you needn’t go to the several offices to pay your monthly utilities bill etc. You can just login into the system and pay instantly bills thus living the hassle free life. The online system is especially useful for getting information instantly. US department of Homeland and Security is using the online system to track the status of all the foreign student. Imagine, is it possible to know the status of millions of students if there is no such online system? Definitely answer is not. Another advantage of the online system is it is not as error prone as the manual system. When people need to do the same job then they usually make mistake, which causes the problem in information representation. The online system avoids such error and makes the life easier. Our life will be really green when everything is done through computer and there is no paper work. (John 2010) Local Studies In past few years the Iloilo State College of Fisheries Barotac Nuevo Campus relies only on a manual Enrolment System which in return it was uneasy, inaccurate and unreliable to the sake of the students and personnel involved. The lack of latest technology innovations specifically computers was one of the big reason why the proposed system was still on vision. Financial aspects is also a main concern why the institution still depend on a manual form of Enrolment System which has a great impact to a student and faculty in return specifically in Enrolment System (Pio 2013). During enrolment, it is undeniably noticeable on some problems and difficulties arising from each respective procedure, hence leading to minor errors and inaccuracy (Antony 2010). The technology today plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. It lessens error of work by using machines. It reduces costs to an organization from paper works up to computerized working system. Many manual transactions can be computerized by using software applications or computer systems to make work easier and efficient (Eunice 2011). Foreign Studies On these days, time, effort and money are such vital things that have to be used very efficiently to have a satisfactory outcome whatever work is to be done and some colleges and universities give importance about it. In the past couple of decades, computers and technology revolutionized one–slow processes, saving industries time and money ways not previously possible (Anderson 30). Online registration was beginning to be recognized for its operation in assisting university administration (Chao 3). A better understanding of the online registration should boost faculty and students self-confidence in using computer technology (Chao 14). But it is not bad to back in the basic- the manual registration like we used to do; hence use of online registration can help students realize some key characteristics using online service: simplicity, effectiveness, and convenience. Chapter 3 Research Methodology Research Design The research design was a descriptive method, particularly the survey. This method is use to know which is more efficient, effect and convenient to use, the manual registration or the online registration, by the students of Bachelor in Cooperatives in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), in the present day. Respondents The target respondents of the survey are 50 students from the Department of Cooperatives and Social Development, College of Social Science and Development, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), Sta. Mesa Campus. This number of respondents are not too numerous but it enough to testify the research. Research Instrument The checklist structured survey, wherein the researchers prepared a list of questions that the respondents will check the level of their satisfaction according to their perception. The researchers also put a comment box, so the respondents can share their opinions about the topic assigned. Data- Gathering Procedure The data is gather form 50 students from the Department of Cooperatives and Social Development, College of Social Science and Development, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), who interview by the researchers. The researchers conduct the survey test in the students of Bachelor in Cooperatives, in their free time. The survey paper that they answer is recorded by the researchers as a whole. Statistical Treatment All responses are tallied before the researchers put in the table for the statistical treatment. Percentage is use to express the data gathered for subproblems 1 and 2. The formula for the percentage is: Where:p = percentage f = frequency N = total number of respondents
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Harry Houdini
Sarah Busi Ms. Roach Honors American Literature 12 March 2013 Harry Houdini: World’s Greatest Magician â€Å"Remembered for his ability to escape from bonds and containers, Houdini is the world’s most famous magician, and his name is instantly recognized, although he died over 70 years ago†(â€Å"Harry 1†). Harry Houdini was much more than any ordinary magician a mother might hire for their child’s birthday party. When one thinks of Harry Houdini, the furthest thing from their mind would be the cliched pulling a rabbit out of a hat or amateur card tricks.Houdini forced his audience to question reality with his outstanding and incomprehensible ability to make the impossible possible. During the 1920s, crime, gangster activity, and racial discrimination were at their peak, but Harry Houdini was able to offset some of those harsh realities by entertaining and fascinating people using the mystery and illusion of his magic tricks. Harry Houdini’s early life influenced and sparked his interest in entertainment and magic.The Weiss family, consisting of Mayer Samuel, Cecilia Steiner Weiss, and their five children, were originally from Budapest, Hungary and later immigrated to Appleton, Wisconsin (Higbee). Harry Houdini was born on March 24, 1874 (â€Å"Harry 2†). Harry Houdini’s father, a rabbi named Mayer Samuel, did not necessarily agree with his son’s interest in magic, but when Harry was sixteen, his father passed away, and he felt free to pursue his passion as a career. Harry’s brother, Theodore Hardeen, born Ferencz Deszo Weiss, helped him to kick-start his career by becoming his magic assistant.The duo became known as the â€Å"Houdini Brothers†(Higbee). Houdini later met Wilhelmina Beatrice â€Å"Bess†Rahner, and two weeks later, he made her his wife. Bess was also in the entertainment business as a struggling singer, so she decided to help her husband with his magic career. Although she replaced Theodore, Bess made a great magic assistant because she could sing, dance, and she was light weight (â€Å"Harry 1†). To most, magic is just a hobby, but instead, Harry Houdini decided to pursue his passion and was very ambitious to become the best in his craft. Houdini’s first exposure to magic was when his father took him to see Dr.Lynn, a touring magician, who used butcher knives to cut off the limbs and head of a victim in a cabinet. Harry Houdini was thereafter infatuated with magic. â€Å"At the age of 12, Houdini ran away from home to find a job and help support his family. When he returned, he greeted his mother with, â€Å"Shake me, I’m magic. †As his mother shook him, coins flew from his body; this was Houdini’s first magic trick. †The young, aspiring magician educated himself primarily with books. Revelations of Spirit Medium by A. Medium exposed the tricks of fake psychics, and The Memoirs of Robert-Houdin was the autobiography of Houdini’s mentor and inspiration. At the age of seventeen, Erich Weiss changed his name to Harry Houdini after Harry Kellar, American magician, and Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin, from whom Houdini took his surname and added the letter ‘i’. Houdini had written, â€Å"From the moment I began to study the art, he became my guide and hero. I asked nothing more of life than to become in my profession like Robert-Houdin†(â€Å"Harry 1†). Harry Houdini’s thirty-five year magic career was very successful and his well-known, outrageous stunts made him the legendary magician we know him as today.One of Houdini’s first performances got him the name the â€Å"King of Cards. †He was obviously a talented magician but he performed simple tricks that got mediocre reviews (â€Å"Harry 1†). For about seven years, Houdini worked small shows and labored in obscurity. He was on the brink of reevaluating his career when he was given his big break on vaudeville by theater master, Martin Beck. Beck became Houdini’s manager and helped the young magician get nationwide notoriety. This was a huge leap from the twenty-five dollar a week Harry had been previously making. This was a huge turning point for his career (â€Å"Harry 4†). Harry joined the Society of American Magicians (S. A. M. ) in 1904, an organization established in 1902 by professional and amateur conjurers who shared a common interest in publicizing mystery attractions and sharing their tricks at monthly meetings. †Houdini resigned two weeks later because of disagreements regarding his magazine. Harry Houdini and S. A. M. eventually reconciled their differences and Harry not only rejoined the group, but was readmitted as an honorary member in 1912 and was later even elected president, which was a huge honor to Houdini (â€Å"Harry 1†).He sailed to England in the summer of 1900 where he began his first internati onal tour. Upon returning to the United States in 1905, he was feeling pressure to become bigger and better. Houdini toured for the next ten years, constantly finding ways to stay in the public eye and push his abilities to their limits (â€Å"Harry 4†). But Harry was smart. He knew that his vaudeville tours would not last forever so he started finding alternative ways to further his career. He began appearing in silent films such as Master Mystery and Grime Game.This also sparked his idea to found the Houdini Picture Corporation in 1921. The production company debuted its first film the Man From Beyond (â€Å"Harry 5†). Another venture that Harry Houdini was particularly proud of was the Conjurer’s Monthly Magazine (â€Å"Harry 3†). Harry Houdini is known for his death-defying stunts and escapes and his ability to entertain and shock his audience which is why he is considered to be one of the forefathers of magic and illusions. Houdini had two fundamenta l types of tricks: illusions and escapes.For example, early on in his career, Harry realized that most handcuffs open with the same key. He then took this premise and began to encourage the members of his audience to bring their own handcuffs to lock him into for a sense of believability. This became known as his â€Å"Challenge Handcuff Act†. But later on in his career, his escapes became more and more outrageous. On January 7, 1906, Harry Houdini established himself as a professional magician by escaping from the jail cell of President Garfield’s assassin, Charles Guiteau, in Washington DC.Houdini was stripped down, searched, and locked up in the cell. Not only did he escape from the cell, he also retrieved his clothes that were locked in a different cell, redressed, and switched eight other prisoners to different cells, all in 21 minutes. This stunt was coined, the â€Å"Naked Prison Test Escape†. Harry Houdini then decided to take his escape skills to the ne xt level by challenging himself to get out of a straitjacket. Sure enough, the master escape artist was able to do it, but how? There are theories that Harry had to dislocate his shoulder in order to get slack.Or perhaps another, and more likely theory, is that Harry expanded his chest and strained against the body straps. While those are just examples of Houdini’s most famous escapes, he is also known for being an illusionist as well. One of Harry’s most famous illusions was the â€Å"Vanishing Elephant†which became such a hit, that Houdini continued to perform it on his tour for nineteen weeks. It first debuted on January 7, 1918 when Houdini’s 10,000 pound elephant, Jenni, walked into an empty cabinet with a door on the back and a curtain in front. Two seconds later, Jenni had disappeared. Needless to say, Houdini left the audience dumbfounded.Unfortunately, however, during Houdini’s tour on October 22, 1926, students from McGill University ask ed if Houdini could withstand a blow to the stomach. Before Harry had any time to brace himself for the hit, J. Gordon punched the famous magician three times causing his appendix to rupture. Harry survived but not for much longer. A few weeks later he fell ill from streptococcus peritonitis (an inflammation of the abdominal cavity) and died on October 31, 1926. Harry Houdini’s mysterious illusions and risky escapes caught the attention of people all over the world, and he continued to entertain them for the early part of the 1920s.As the forefather of magic, Harry Houdini set the stage for future, aspiring magicians to try to go above and beyond his already extreme tricks. There have been comparable stunts from magicians, such as Chris Angel and David Blane more recently, but Harry was the first to make the impossible possible. For that he will forever be known as the greatest magician of not only the 1920s, but the greatest magician of all time. Works Cited â€Å"Harry 1 H oudini. †American Decades. Ed. Judith S. Baughman, et al. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Biography In Context. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. â€Å"Harry 2 Houdini. Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology. Detroit: Gale, 2001. Biography In Context. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. â€Å"Harry 3 Houdini's Magic. †American Decades Primary Sources. Ed. Cynthia Rose. Vol. 1: 1900-1909. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 33-37. Biography In Context. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. â€Å"Harry 4 Houdini. †St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. Ed. Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast. Detroit: St. James Press, 2000. Biography In Context. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. Higbee, Joan F. â€Å"Houdini: A Biographical Chronology. †Houdini: A Biographical Chronology. Oct. 1996: n. p. SIRS Government Reporter. Web. 22 Feb 2013.
Cultural relativism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cultural relativism - Research Paper Example The customs, for example practiced by many cultures and religions such as infanticide, human sacrifice or self-mutation are considered right in those particular cultures and religions, while at the same time they are abhorred in other societies. In cultural relativism there is considered no concept of universal truths. The relativists claim that since every culture has its own distinct and diverse moral and ethical codes therefore there cannot be any universal standards to judge anything other than to consider it in the context of that particular culture. As in the case of abortion, which is highly abhorred and considered illegal in many countries, is considered completely legal and an act of birth control in Japan and many such countries. The idea of cultural relativism advocates the idea that everything is valid and right in its cultural context. This means that there is nothing truly right and wrong or moral and amoral, rather there is only different cultural aspects which may or may not validate an act or practice. The anthropologists, who contradict the idea of cultural relativism, consider the ethical subjectivism more appropriate in term of morality of actions. Ethical subjectivism implies that whatever an individual does or feels is right as far as he considers it right. This means that one thing that is morally justified for one person may not be so for another person. In other words the concept of right and wrong on a culture basis shrinks to an individual basis. For example extra marital relations or open marriage may be considered right for some while it will not be a justified act for others (Rae, 2009). There is another term of situational ethics generally applied by anthropologists which implies that morality is situation based. This term is introduced by Joseph Fletcher, advocating that all morality is relevant to the particular situation in which an individual finds himself. The most cited example of situational ethics is that of a woman impris oned in Nazi camp. She asked a guard to make her pregnant so that she could be released and meet her family (Rae, 2009). All these terms of cultural relativism, ethical subjectivism or situational ethics are valid in their own context, yet they can’t all be correct. If we truly follow ethical subjectivism, it would mean that there is no concept of society or culture but individual choices. This would only alienate individuals from one another. If everything has to be justified according to individual choices and preferences than no one will think of the consequences of their actions, rather there will only prevail selfishness and biased natures. To accept the individuality and diversity of different cultures and to give space and freedom of practice is essential, but to accept all the aspects of a particular religion or culture whether they are right or wrong is definitely not essential. Respecting cultures does not mean we respect their inhumane practices as well. Every cult ure teaches the basic doctrines of humanity and justice and they should be appreciated for whatever is good and humane in them. Yet there can’
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Adoption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Adoption - Essay Example This mode of production also introduced stratification in the work and labor relationship. This paper, therefore, shall analyze the ways that gender, sexuality, and race structure the capitalist mode of production in certain bodies and bodily capacities in the labor market. Discussion Chandra criticizes the feminist perspectives as held by some western feminists, who view women in the third world countries as ghetto and undeserving of the appropriate treatment as that accorded to the women in the western countries. This perspective classifies women in the third world countries as largely uneducated, undignified, and as intellectually lazy and unable to perform the functions that western women are able to. According to Chandra, these women are fall under the capitalist structure that commodifies particular bodies and or bodily capacities, thus making these women as commodities that can be sold and or bought for the gratification of those that are perceived to be civilized. The feminis t view as held by these biased western feminists, therefore, creates a binary manner of perception for the women, so that there are only the western civilized women and the third world primitive women, without bearing in mind that many of the women in the third world countries are now educated and civilized as their western counterparts (Mohanty, 2003: 210). Kempadoo (2004: 12), in his book on trading sex across the borders, looks at the manner that the capitalist structure has led to increased trade in sex and sexual activities in many countries and between countries. He focuses on the activities in Southeast Asia, which has become famous for its illegal trade activities. Prostitutes are traded across the border to neighboring states and even abroad so that they can sell their services for money. this, according to Kempadoo, is a as result of the capitalist structure and model of trade, which places too much emphasis on the profit aspect of business, and that legitimizes any form o f business as long as it earns the dealer returns and profits for the one in control. It is this urge and need for profits that has led to the creation of recruitment agencies that take advantage of un-sensing girls to recruit them into the agencies, only to be sold to prostitution. The capitalist mode of the economy makes the economy highly stratified and breaking through for one would be quite a challenging task. This makes it attractive and easy for persons to seek alternative means through which they can break into the economy to make it big. Wealthy owners of the means of production are tough on their choices and activities that seek to bar the lowly from achieving these means through poor pay and other forms of restrictions, all of which are acceptable in this mode of production. Lowe, in his article on globalization shares the same view as the other scholars above, who believe that the structure of capitalism is responsible for the skewed relations of labor that are witnessed in the globe today (Lowe, 2007: 131). According to Lowe, globalization, while a most desirable and fruitful event that has led to immense opportunities in the world today, has also been the source of many evils being witnessed in the global economy. Globalization has opened up borders and territorial boundaries, made non-sense of national laws and guidelines for various economic activities, and led to increased rates of interactions for people around the world. While some of these relationships are healthy, some of them are malicious and have been taken advantage of to advance the selfish
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
ART 101 MOD 3 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
ART 101 MOD 3 SLP - Essay Example Abstract method can be described as a matrix. Some identifiable common characteristics include: Keith Garrow, born in England in 1962 is a modern-day abstract artist. He graduated in Fine Art in Nottingham in 1987. His work primarily is heavily influenced by American Abstract Expressionists like Jackson Pollock gives equivalent importance to both the finished work itself as the expressive, creative process behind it. Despite the ambiguity synonymous to all abstract work, his composition stands out for me since the abstract forms can be clearly seen in the final work and evokes different reactions and meanings to different people. The abstract forms revolve between abstraction and figuration, providing to the observer a launch pad for their imagination to tap into deeply buried personal past events as well as emotional resonance. This piece immediately captured my attention. In the painting, I perceive two persons, a pool and a snake. Viewing the painting horizontally from left to right and imposing some sense of geography in the same order, you can see the snake with its fangs widely stretched Spitting blue-like poison. Slightly above and below the pool is a boy. The painting draws to mind events of the unfortunate pool incident that cost the life of my beloved childhood friend, John. Ten years ago, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, while swimming, as was our tradition, John bizarrely started oozing blood from his nose. The pathologist was later to affirm that he died of an acute heart attack caused by rupture of the heart’s wall. I remember vividly how I had vowed not to lose the lap race and was so consumed with this, as not to notice when john almost 3/4 pool length ahead of me was struggling. The red anvil like object almost intuitively takes the form of my selfishness, and how it lies above the head of the boy pain-strikingly evidence of my guilt for losing him. Can you spot me, the white girl doing a stroke? I have
Monday, August 26, 2019
The implementation of law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The implementation of law - Essay Example In this regard, the abuse of office by the incumbent president may not breach the separation of powers. The functions of the executive are subject to oversight by the other two arms of government. Executive orders are always instructive regardless of the fact that they violate the law. This is because the executive arm of government is subject to politics, which makes the absolute adherence to set rules and regulations impossible. The executive powers also have privileges that surpass the other provisions in various clauses of the constitution. For instance, the provision of Null Presque presidential privilege usually contradicts the delivery of justice for the afflicted parties in the courts of law. In this regard, the executive’s orders are instructive. The president’s orders are instructive, given that their directives. The orders are supreme given the selection of the hold of the executive office. The election of the president is an influential exercise that makes t he populace consider the president as the supreme authority of the nation.History plays a major role in the understanding of the executive powers and the aspect of separation of powers. There are provisions that address the controversies existing in the legality and policy issues of executive mandates. The aspect of the separation of powers is traceable to the times of King George III. The reign of the King was full of controversies and delusion. The making of treaties with other nations is categorized under legislative and executive roles.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Aspects of Business Offers and Proposals Assignment - 2
Aspects of Business Offers and Proposals - Assignment Example According to English Contract Law, it has been recognized that the communication is done through post ultimately gives rise to various practical problems. The offer that is posted and the letter of acceptance which takes several days to arrive is one of the problems by communicating through the post. With reference to the case of â€Å"Household Fire Insurance v Grant†(1879), in order to overcome this difficulty, the courts established the rule of ‘postal acceptance’ which depicts that acceptance of the offer is complete when it is posted (University of London, 2012). According to Article 4, the communication through ‘Electronic Messages’ is regarded as the communication that the parties engaged in an agreement or an offer made by means of data messages. The conception of data messages includes information or data created, despatched, received or accumulated by visual, electronic or magnetic means (United Nations, 2007). As identified in the case of â€Å"Byrne v van Tienhoven†(1880), an offer can be rescinded in any situation or condition before accepting the offer but the revocation should be informed and corresponded to the offeree, though it is not obligatory on behalf of the offeror. It can be stated that a particular offer can be withdrawn in any condition or situation (United Nations, 2007). In this particular case study, the primary consideration would be that whether a contract has already been formed or not between Jones Ltd and Smith Plc. From the case study, it has been identified that Smith Plc is not obliged to go for any such agreement in order to perform services to all the photocopying machines of Jones Ltd because no such contract has been formed and that was just a proposal or an offer.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Exam 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Exam 4 - Essay Example The state especially in the southern region devised and emphasized laws that augmented disunity among its citizens whereby whites felt they had the mandate to oppress others. This exceeded to the extent of natives claiming to have unrestrained desire of acquiring slaves whom they could use for their domestic and heavy tasks besides mistreating them. In that ancient era, the constitution and the union did not advocate or cater for Blacks’ needs in America. For instance, they were required to have written permits from their employers if they desired to pass through certain areas only preserved for whites. If they did not adhere to these requirements, they suffered severe consequences like fines, forced to work in roads or even imprisoned. This culture of slavery was more common in the southern America were civilization was the key issue then advocated to equal that of N. America. Consequently, more laborers were required who turned out to be Blacks. Southerners preferred servitu de because it was cheap in that they did not have to pay the enslaved thus ensured increased productivity. This prompted these regions being adamant in yielding to the demands of abolishing servitude to the extent of pushing even the Northerners to adopt the same mainly for economic purposes. However, Northerners disagreed completely about that issue and in turn sought its abolishment throughout America. The gap between the Northerners and Southerners’ territories slowly continued to widen due to these disagreements that remained unresolved. Initially, these disagreements about slave labor triggered civil war because the two territories failed to have adequate negotiable terms regarding the matter. Abolition of servitude spearheaded by Abraham Lincoln regime that aimed at advocating equality both socially or politically helped the entire America
Friday, August 23, 2019
Answer the 4 questions at the end of the case study
Answer the 4 questions at the end of the - Case Study Example It is evident from the report of McGowan (2004) that putting denial of market access for Mexico is unjustified due to the fact that other countries like fishing agencies of Costa Rica and Ecuador and even USA are also purse seine method to catch tuna; therefore only increasing world demand as the United States was not integrating with a particular market. Figure 1 illustrates the negative impacts to supply and demand that the imposition of an embargo imposes. Figure 1 Imposing embargo not only created trade barriers for Mexico but also caused a loss of millions of dollars for the countries involved in the dispute. It is evident from the argument of McGowan (2004) that fishermen of Mexico use purse seine methods due to non availability of alternatives; alternatives which ultimately could have saved the life of dolphins. Within such a context, a consideration of the research work of Porter (2006) reveals the fact that USA should provide knowledge and resource support to Mexico fisherme n in order to encourage the use of alternate fishing methods; instead of purse seine nets. Porter (2006) found that using purse seine nets can cause serious damage to aquatic eco-system and might even increase death threats for dolphins. However, fishermen in Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) still using purse seine nets which are posing death threat for dolphins. ... Question 2: Did the U.S. denial of market access ultimately work? Answer: The U.S. imposed a denial of market access for tuna imports from countries like Mexico, Costa Rica and Ecuador which were known to use purse seine nets. Recently, the USA and Mexico have both appealed to World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding favoritism in tuna exportation (United States Trade Representative, 2012). Mexico subsequently challenged the U.S. denial by stating that fishermen of the USA are also using purse seine nets to catch tuna. In 1992, after the meeting between USA representatives of countries whose market access was denied by U.S, Dolphin safety panels were installed in most of the nets. As could easily have been predicted, the United States denial of market access had both positive and negative impacts. Firstly, it allowed the partner nations to lose a great deal of business revenue and merely shifted the supply and demand curve for tuna throughout the regional and global markets. Secondly , it can be stated to have had a positive impact due to the fact that the United States and partner nations realized that this trade dispute was having negative impacts upon their own respective economies; thereby encouraging them to address the issue and seek to improve tuna fishing technology to better safeguard the plight of the dolphins. Due to such measures, dolphin mortality rate was decreased significantly between1986 to 1998. Figure 2: Decrease in Total Dolphin Death (Source: Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2002) However, U.S denial of market access cannot be classified as only factor behind the sharp decrease in dolphin’s mortality rate because coagulation of other
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Disneys Mission & Values Essay Example for Free
Disneys Mission Values Essay For a company like Disney, maintaining its brand name and reputation is a daily struggle. With its mission statement, value, and approach to social responsibility, management does their best to ensure that no one tarnishes Disney’s good name. Every shareholder, critic, and citizen keeps a close eye on Disney, as the name resonates greatly among children and parents worldwide. So, every year they release a statement presenting and explain their goals online. Last year, it was under the title â€Å"Citizenship Targets 2012. †The following goals and vision will discuss these goals more in depth. Disney’s vision is â€Å"to be the most admired company in the world: equally admired for the integrity of our people and the way we behave as citizens of the world, as we are for the quality of our exceptional entertainment experiences (Citizenship at Disney, 2012).†By acting with integrity, professionalism, and goodwill, Disney work to earn the public trust daily. During the 2013 BCS National Championship game between Notre Dame and Alabama, broadcasters Brent Musberger and Kirk Herbstreit spotted 23-year-old Katherine Webb among the 90,000+ fans attending the game. What followed was a conversation in which both parties recognizing a woman’s beauty (Nordyke, 2013). Many believed that both men were creepy and over the top, prompting ESPN to immediately apologize to the fans for Musberger’s remarks (Soltys, 2013). Though the actual comments were not derogative in any sort of way, because ESPN is under Disney’s control, should management not acted the way they did, the corporation’s reputation would take a hit. Since Disney’s vision is oriented towards family values, this minor incident might have impact the way people see this organization. Aside from this incident, Disney stakeholders have very little reason to complain about their company’s actions throughout the years. Corporate has proven to be transparent on their yearly reports. They first point out that â€Å"working with stakeholders enhances our ability to address issues†¦We actively listen to and learn from stakeholders and provide them with information to better understand our actions and intentions (Corporate Citizenship, 2010, pp 9).†By conducting yearly meetings, providing surveys, and distributing contact information, Disney has done everything in their power to actively engage stakeholders and their concerns. It is rarely seen that a company is so active in connecting with their clients. Yesterland’s founder Werner Weiss shares his experience from the 2012 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: â€Å"The meeting began with a nicely made video about Walt Disney’s connection to Missouri, including his childhood in Marceline, his later childhood in Kansas City, and his pre-Hollywood career in Kansas City. I didn’t expect to learn anything new at the meeting. A shareholder meeting is not a forum for announcements about new attractions or movies. And when a shareholder asks a question about something that might happen in the future, the executive who answers will not knowingly disclose a company secret. Actually, there was an announcement. Disney President and CEO Bob Iger announced Heroes Work Here, a program to provide at least 1,000 jobs throughout the Disney Company for returning U.S. veterans over the next three years (Weiss, 2012).†This is almost expected from Disney when conducting meetings with stakeholders and clients alike. No information is held back. There are no surprises. Since stakeholders invested in the company, such as Weiss’s 38 shares, Disney is upfront to everyone, minimizing any misinterpretation and confusion about their vision towards the future. At the beginning of the year, Disney will set goals on many topics such as waste, water, corporate giving, diversity, and safety. From the 2010 Corporate Citizenship Report, Disney will lay out their goals according to their three main principles: Act, Champion, and Inspire. They work their due diligence to accomplish these goals and look ahead into the future. When the report is finalized and published, Disney does an excellent job in showing both progress and setbacks of these projects. An illustration is shown here (Disney, 2013): According to its 2010 report, for example, Disney’s long term goal is to â€Å"send zero waste to landfill.†To accomplish this, their short-term targets are to â€Å"decrease solid waste to landfill to 50% of 2006 baseline by 2013†and â€Å"increase percentage of purchases that include post-consumer recycled material (Disney â€Å"Environment†, 2013).†From 2009-2010, Disney fell short of their target of 150,000 tons of its waste target. Information such as this gives stakeholders a chance to present ideas in meeting this goal or focus elsewhere. Any company can give positive highlights financially and illustrate their involvement to the community. Yet, how many companies show their failures as well? Among other positive developments coming from their citizenship report (Frost, 2011): * â€Å"Announcement of a comprehensive set of commitments and metrics that address Disney’s worldwide business impacts and opportunities. * Global expansion of programs aimed at inspiring kids, parents, and communities to make a difference in the world. Disney Friends for Change, now in 19 countries, has rallied 2.5 million kids to take pledges for the environment. Disney Magic of Healthy Living, launched in September, partners with parents and kids to make healthy choices simple and fun. * Investment of $15.5 million in carbon offset projects around the world as part of Disney’s Climate Solutions Fund, the Company’s internal carbon pricing program. * Release of Disney’s Human Rights Policy Statement, with the aim of more clearly articulating the Company’s commitment to respecting human rights. * Detailed data and progress updates on Disney’s supply chain and environmental footprint * Corporate charitable contributions of $198 million, and more than 548,000 hours of VoluntEAR service contributed by Disney employees.†With these actions, stakeholders have first-hand information needed when electing officials, and presenting ideas in which to improve the company overall. Not only are they worried about putting a great product, but they also want the see the company’s growth, impact on society, and how they deliver on their missions and values. This, in the end, will affect the bottom line for stakeholders. Disney furthers its goodwill with stakeholders with launching a â€Å"Heroes Work Here†campaign in 2012. This program allows for military veterans to transition to a career in security, finance, legal, information technology, or many other areas that fits their experience. For the next three years, there will be over 1,000 jobs available (Disney â€Å"Heroes†, 2013). It’s Disney’s way of expressing gratitude for those who served this nation. Leading the front in appreciating veterans is ESPN. The sports juggernaut visit military posts, and even host sporting events at their facilities. This past year, ESPN announced a college basketball game featuring Michigan State and North Carolina aboard San Diego Harbor’s USS Carl Vinson. Popular show First Take televised an episode inside Fort Sam Houston near San Antonio, TX. Also, ESPN worked with USO in donations for soldiers serving overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan (Team ESPN, 2013). Disney Initiative At Disney, we are committed to improving the welfare of the environment. Our goals and actions reflect that idea. Though much progress has been made during the past few years, we acknowledge that we have a long way to go in preserving our habitat. As you’ll see on our 2010 Citizenship report, we have an outline on what we can accomplish with your help. Our strategies in preserving our environment will focus on the following: energy, waste, and water. Energy Our long-term goals are to â€Å"achieve zero net direct greenhouse gas emissions†and â€Å"reduce indirect greenhouse gas emissions from electricity consumption.†In order to accomplish that, we achieve to reduce consumption by 10% with our current assets by 2013, and to pursue â€Å"renewable sources of electricity to reduce emissions from electricity.†In 2010, our energy consumption decreased to 6.6% from 2006 (Disney â€Å"Environment†, 2013): Waste In order to help the environment, Disney is targeting a zero waste to landfill long-term. By 2013, we are targeting a 50% solid waste to landfill, which is over 137,556 tons. During this time, we have increased our focus in recycling programs in all venues associated with Disney. For example, all merchandise bags at our resorts are made from 100% recycled plastic. Here is our progress so far (Disney â€Å"Waste†, 2013): Water One of Disney’s most important resources of daily operations is the consummation of freshwater. We are striving to save water for future generations. Without it, we will be unable to supply human needs, ensure healthy ecosystems, and maintaining business security. Disney has begun implementing water consumption plans in 2012. An example lies in our resorts, as new efficient washers were installed in 2010. The new technology has improved efficiency by 20% since then (Disney â€Å"Water†, 2013). With these three programs, Disney is working at making a positive impact on the environment. Your help and contributions can help make a difference. References Disney. (2013). Waste. Retrieved January 17, 2013 from Disney. (2013). Climate and energy. Retrieved January 17, 2013 from Disney. (2013). Water. Retrieved January 17, 2013 from Disney. (2013). Overview. Retrieved January 17, 2013 from Frost, J. (2011, March 22). [Web log message]. Retrieved from Nordyke, K. (2013, January 08). Espn apologizes for brent musburgers comments about aj mccarrons girlfriend. Retrieved from Soltys, M. (2013, January 08). Twitlonger [Twitter message]. Retrieved from l9vfj Team ESPN. (2013). Heroes work here. Retrieved January 17, 2013 from Weiss, W. (2012, March 16). [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Creation †Scientific View Vs. Biblical View Essay Example for Free
Creation – Scientific View Vs. Biblical View Essay The advancement of science has raised questions over the biblical view of creation. A lot of scientists are now questioning the authenticity of the long-held beliefs about creation. According to Mark 10:6, ‘Jesus said: But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female†. ’ Also, John 1:1-3 says, â€Å"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God†. If the dates are added up as per the bible, Adam was created 6000 years ago. Therefore, the earth was created approximately 6000 years ago. Evolutionists, on the other hand, believe that the whole Universe and life itself arose by chance between 3 and 15 billion years ago. They came up with a theory called Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang Theory is the dominant scientific theory about the origin of the universe. According to the big bang, the universe was created sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from a cosmic explosion that hurled matter and in all directions. Extrapolated into the past, these observations show that the universe has expanded from a state in which all the matter and energy in the universe was at an immense temperature and density. Physicists do not widely agree on what happened before this, although general relativity predicts a gravitational singularity. The term Big Bang is used both in a narrow sense to refer to a point in time when the observed expansion of the universe (Hubbles law) began  calculated to be 13. 7 billion (1. 37 ? 1010) years ago ( ± 2%)  and in a more general sense to refer to the prevailing cosmological paradigm explaining the origin and expansion of the universe, as well as the composition of primordial matter through nucleosynthesis as predicted by the Alpher-Bethe-Gamow theory. From this model, George Gamow was able to predict in 1948 the existence of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). The CMB was discovered in 1964 and corroborated the Big Bang theory, giving it more credence. In 1927, the Belgian priest Georges Lemaitre was the first to propose that the universe began with the explosion of a primeval atom. His proposal came after observing the red shift in distant nebulas by astronomers to a model of the universe based on relativity. Years later, Edwin Hubble found experimental evidence to help justify Lemaitres theory. He found that distant galaxies in every direction are going away from us with speeds proportional to their distance. The big bang was initially suggested because it explains why distant galaxies are traveling away from us at great speeds. The theory also predicts the existence of cosmic background radiation (the glow left over from the explosion itself). The Big Bang Theory received its strongest confirmation when this radiation was discovered in 1964 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, who later won the Nobel Prize for this discovery. Creation theory according to Genesis 1:1 states, â€Å"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. †Evolutionists believe that the entire solar system was formed from clouds of gas and dust. If so, the Sun, planets and moon should be made of gas and dust. It has been proved scientifically that the sun is 98% hydrogen or helium. If we believe this theory, then the planets should orbit the sun and the moon should orbit the planets. This is true. Theory of Darwin further accentuated the evolutionists’ theory. Charles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist who proposed and provided evidence for the scientific theory that all species have evolved over time from one or a few common ancestors through the process of natural selection. This theory was fully accepted by the scientific community in the 1930s, forming much of the basis of modern evolutionary theory. In modified form, Darwins theory remains a cornerstone of biology, providing a unifying explanation for the diversity of life. Natural selection is the evolutionary process by which favorable traits that are heritable become more common in successive generations of a population of reproducing organisms, and unfavorable traits that are heritable become less common. Natural selection acts on the phenotype, or the observable characteristics of an organism, such that individuals with favorable phenotypes are more likely to survive and reproduce than those with less favorable phenotypes. If these phenotypes have a genetic basis, then the genotype associated with the favorable phenotype will increase in frequency in the next generation. Over time, this process can result in adaptations that specialize organisms for particular ecological niches and may eventually result in the emergence of new species. Ironically, many of the scientists in question did some early work on the mechanisms of evolution. Though biological evolution of some sort had become the primary mode of discussing speciation within science by the late-19th century, it was not until the mid-20th century that evolutionary theories stabilized into the modern synthesis. Some of the historical scientists marshaled by creationists were dealing with quite different issues than any are engaged with today: Louis Pasteur, for example, opposed the theory of spontaneous generation with biogenesis, an advocacy some creationists describe as a critique on chemical evolution and abiogenesis. Pasteur accepted that some form of evolution had occurred and that the Earth was millions of years old. The contribution of famous scientists like Mendel and Avery laid the foundation for genetics. Gregor Mendel’s research revealed that distinct traits were inherited in a well-defined and predictable manner. In the 1940s, the identification of DNA as the genetic material by Oswald Avery and colleagues, and the articulation of the double-helical structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick, provided a physical basis for the notion that genes were encoded in DNA. Since then, the role of genetics in evolutionary biology has become increasingly central. Many fields of science have provided a wide range of evidence for evolution. The most prominent of these are fossil records, which can show the many life forms that have existed. The fossil itself reveals the organisms structure, and the age of the fossil reveals when its species existed. In addition, studies involving anatomical and genetic comparisons between present day species serve as evidence for evolution. Paleontology, the study of fossils, supports Darwins original idea that all living creatures are related. Fossils also provide evidence that accumulated changes over long periods have led to the diverse forms of life we see today. Strong evidence for evolution comes from analysis of homologous structures that no longer perform the same task. One example involves the comparison of the forelimbs of mammals. The forelimbs of a human, cat, whale, and bat all have strikingly similar bone structure. However each of these four animals forelimbs performs a different task. Such a design makes little sense if they are unrelated and uniquely constructed for their particular tasks. The scientific explanation for such homologous structures is that all four animals shared a common ancestor, and that each has undergone mutations over the course of a large number of generations. These changes have resulted in slight modifications in the structure, so that each species has a forelimb adapted for a different task. This is what Darwin described as descent with modification. The main points of difference between the two theories are: †¢ If Creation is true – there is a Creator, and there are rules given by God. If Evolution is true – there is no Creator, and there are no rules. In fact, we make them up as we go along, according to the majority vote. †¢ If Creation is true – there is a purpose to life. If Evolution is true – there is no Creator, and no purpose to life. We are evolving creatures. †¢ If Creation is true – we are a fallen race, and we need a Savior. If Evolution is true – there is no sin, and we do not need a Savior. The scientific view of creation is more plausible than the biblical view. There are a lot of discoveries and inventions that have made the understanding of our earth, evolution of life and universe possible. However, scientists have a long road ahead of them to convince people. References: 1) Wikipedia 2) Dr. Kent Horvind, Creation Science Evangelism.
Research on Job Sites for Graduates
Research on Job Sites for Graduates DATE: March 28th 2017 TO: Wally Kowal FROM: Mohamed Abdi SUBJECT: WHAT IS THE RECOMMENDED JOB SITE FOR RYERSON BUSINESS GRADUATES? In this report, I will be discussing about three major job sites that are available in Canada that can help find a job for Ryerson business graduates. In this report, I will also include an analysis on the major features, the comprehensiveness and ease of use of each job site. By the end I will give you my recommendation on which job site is best option for a Ryerson business graduate to visit in order to find employment. Findings The three major job sites that can help Ryerson business graduates in finding employment are Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor. For each job site, I will be discussing these topics about them: Major Features Ease of use Indeed According to Jarapa (2016), is one of the worlds biggest and largest job sites on the internet, with over 150 million unique visitors on a monthly basis from over 50 different countries. This companys slogan, One search, all jobs, perfectly encapsulates their unique take on what a job search site should be. differentiates itself from other in the field by only listings job posted on their own site but also jobs posted on countless other sources as well. Major Features Indeed, contains several features that assist this job site in being recognized as being one of, if not the best job site in the world. One of major features that Indeed has is it salary calculator. salary calculator allows to view the average salary for any particular job position you are looking for (Jarapa, 2016). Another feature that Indeed has is it intuitive keyword tool (Jarapa, 2016). Indeed, has the best keyword search tools for job searching because it can effectively customize how the search is carried out, which is far more intuitive than just ticking off a number of criteria boxes (Jarapa, 2016). Another feature is the search engine on Indeed. Indeed searches for jobs that are listed on job boards, newspaper sites and also niche sites (Boswell, 2017). Through these searches which Indeed conduct it is then posted on to their website. Indeeds search engine collects numerous jobs that are listed and they are all from different industries. Here is a table I created based off of Indeeds latest employment trends from February 2017: (Indeed, 2017) Based off this table, the industries of accounting, information technology, financial services and banking, real estate, human resources, retail, and hospitality accumulate a total of 128,704 number of job postings. With this total of job postings Ryerson business graduates have a variety of jobs to choose to from. Another feature is Where are the jobs feature. This feature is very special because it can take you to a map of Canada that shows you the many job postings in Canada(Boswell, 2017). Indeeds interactive map allows users to zoom into there area of choice to get a closer look of where there of employment could possibly be as well as whether that environment is best use for them. Ease of Use Although has a large database of job postings from numerous sources, obtaining the information that you need is easy (Jarapa, 2016). To start off, indeeds homepage is similar to Googles or Bings homepage where users simply search for the position that they are looking for. The layout of the homepage brings ease to users eyes as well as comprehending this job site doesnt take too much time or effort to learn. Thanks to Indeeds simplistic display users, and specifically Ryerson business graduates can find any job they are looking for with ease. LinkedIn According to Duffy (2015), LinkedIn is the most important cross-industry professional network around. LinkedIn is recognized as the number one social network for developing a professional network for your career (Duffy, 2015). Thanks to that anyone that is 20 years old and plus with career goals in mind should have a LinkedIn account, and if not they should make one. Major Features LinkedIn allows users to create free accounts to build a professional profile. LinkedIn is a social networking site like Facebook and Twitter. However, LinkedIn works to help its user build a professional network. Creating a professional profile, can help Ryerson business graduates gain the attention of employers because employers will be able to see their profiles and visit them. Users can connect with colleagues (Duffy, 2015). By connecting with colleagues through LinkedIn, business graduates can expand their network, and hope to get a job. Connecting with colleagues is an innovative way to connect with the industries, the bosses of your colleagues, and with colleagues associates. By expanding your network from connecting to yours colleagues your chances of finding employment increase further. LinkedIn also has networking feature. Just as Reviews (2016) stated, networking is LinkedIns core competency, and their superb execution on that feature trumps shortcomings in other traditional features you might find in other job sites. Thanks to its excellent networking feature users can develop a strong network to HR representatives (Reviews, 2016). By searching for any HR manager from different companies, users can reach out to them and build and good relationship which could benefit that user to find employment. Ease of use As I stated before, LinkedIn is a social networking site like Facebook or Twitter. Well this relates to how Ryerson business graduates will find ease when using LinkedIn to find jobs. Ryerson business graduates will find ease and will be able to comprehend LinkedIn fast because it works similarly like social network applications. This generation of business graduates are probably users of other social network application, such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Although each of these applications are used for different purpose, they are share a common goal for their consumers. That is that they are there to help users interact and socialize with people and LinkedIn is the exact same. LinkedIn is there to help users build a profile where they can interact with other and build a strong network of colleagues. Glassdoor Glassdoor is the final job search sites that I will be discussing in this report. Glassdoor is a distinctly different kind of job site because it has an innovative inside look at companies hiring practices and culture which sets them apart from both LinkedIn and Indeed (Review, 2016). For job seekers, Glassdoor is a useful tool when you want to narrow down the job you are looking for. Nevertheless, it is still a very useful job site for anyone looking for employment. Major Features Glassdoor has an inside scope on job positions and the company, (Reviews, 2016). Employees and former employees of numerous companies give anonymous ratings and reviews about the companies they have worked or are working for. These reviews are divided into categories which based on companies culture and values, work-life balance, compensation and benefits, senior management and career opportunities (Reviews, 2016). Glassdoor also has an interview questions section. These interview questions were collected from numerous companies, and are an aid for potential new hires to help them nail the interview. The interview questions section is a goldmine of information for job seekers (Doyle, 2016). They also include sample answers to questions to assist interviewees to gain confidence and a bit of understanding of what the employer is looking for. Glassdoor has a top-notch salary and compensation information. Glassdoors salary information ensures that not only employers know much the job pays. Thanks to employees posting salary information about different positions in various companies this tool is very beneficial to younger workers. Ryerson business graduates want to get paid a good amount for their hard work when studying and also, they can possibly negotiate salary cap when the interview time comes too. Ease of Use Using Glassdoors website is pretty simple to comprehend. A majority of Ryerson business graduates have visited job search sites before so using Glassdoor will be easy. From the homepage, you are greeted by a search bar, which lets you search for jobs, companies, reviews, salaries, and interview questions (Jarapa, 2016). When the search results come, you refine the results by using the filter on the site to find the current jobs available and review of them (Jarapa, 2016). Conclusion/Recommendations Therefore, I believe that the best chose for Ryerson business graduates to use to find a job is Indeed. Indeed, is most appropriate and effective option to find employment is because Indeed offers a large landscape of job opportunities for people, specifically university graduates. University students, regardless of them being graduates do not know what they want be completely. Indeed, offers a variety of business jobs for Ryerson business graduates to choose from. I recommend as the best site for Ryerson business graduates. References Boswell, W. (2017, March 6). Find a Job with Indeed. Lifewire. Retrieved March 24, 2017, from Doyle, A. (2016, October 19.). Salaries, Reviews and Jobs. Retrieved March 25, 2017, from Duffy, J. (2015, December 16.) LinkedIn. PC Magazine. Retrieved March 24, 2017 from,2817,2120736,00.asp Glassdoor Reviews. (2015, November 16.) Retrieved March 24, 2017, from Indeed. (2017, February). CA Industry Employment Trends. Indeed. Retrieved March 25, 2017, from Reviews. (2016, December 6.) Retrieved March 26, 2017, from Indeed. (2017, February). CA Industry Employment Trends. Retrieved March 25, 2017, from Jarapa, J. (2016, August 8). Glassdoor Review 2016 | Pros, Cons More. Retrieved March 25, 2017, from Jarapa, J. (2016, August 10.) Review 2016 | Pros, Cons More. Retrieved March 25, 2017, from LinkedIn Reviews. (2015, November 15.) Retrieved March 26, 2017, from
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Fate, Destiny and Free Will in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken Essay
The Road Not Taken: The Paradox of Free Will Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken", is a profound philosophical approach illustrating the paradox of free will. In the first line, Frost uses the metaphor "Two roads diverged" (1), to establish not only the dilemma of the traveler in the poem, but life itself. The decisions we make in life, like the traveler in "The Road Not Taken", are not to be taken lightly. There is a desire to be adventurous, yet we fear possible regret for 'what might have been'. Either way, we must live with the choices we make. "The Road Not Taken" is an ambiguous poem epitomizing the complex nature of individuality. The literal situation of "The Road Not Taken" concerns a traveler who is faced with a very simple decision. The traveler comes to a crossroads in "a yellow wood" (1). Two paths lay ahead of him, both "just as fair" (6). The traveler desires to take both roads, but knows that he "could not take both" (2), and is disturbed by that realization. He regrets being able experience both paths. The traveler takes his time contemplating over which direction to pursue. As he looks for sign to guide him, he notices an undergrowth hiding a bend in one of the paths. This distraction in his line of vision was one of two differences in the roads that lied ahead. The second difference is that the other road "wanted wear" (8). Although the paths otherwise seem very similar, the adventurous traveler proceeds down "the one less traveled" (19). The traveler makes his decision, but is reluctant. Instead of saying, 'it has the better claim', he says "having perhaps the better claim" (7). The indecisiveness of the traveler is seen once again... ...cond practical literary device Frost uses is tone. Tone reflects the writers attitude toward the subject being addressed. The obvious tone of the traveler is contemplation and hesitance. Frost is successful in using tone to communicate the mood not only of the traveler but that of the shaky situation:" I doubted that I should ever come back" (15). In conclusion, "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, could not have developed the concept of individuality and choice any clearer. Frost is a great poet who has an uncanny ability to confound nature and life. "The Road Not Taken" has led me to consider more carefully the decisions I make. The benefit of free will is the freedom to choose. The misfortune of choice is the contemplation of regret. Frost addresses this paradox in order to convey the complex nature of individuality and life itself.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Piracy In The 21st Century :: essays research papers fc
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines piracy as, â€Å"an act of robbery on the high seas or an act resembling such robbery†(885). From this we can define software piracy as an act of robbery on the information superhighway. Many people do not see it as such. Even though the average person would never consider going into a convenience store and stealing a stick of gum, many have no qualms about stealing thousands of dollars worth of software. In a study done by the Canadian Alliance Against Software Theft, 43 percent of adult Canadians who were asked thought that pirating software for personal use was OK. This feeling has come about in several ways. Older computer users, with Unix backgrounds, remember many of the applications they used as freeware. Software pirating also results from users having access to freely downloadable applications, evaluation copies, and public betas. This leads users to believe that all software is free. While many downloadable app lications carry expiration dates, many companies rely on â€Å"nag messages†rather then a disabling mechanism. These messages are easily ignored and allow the user to continue use of the product (Stevenson 18). Despite these factors global software piracy rates are on the decline. However, the number of illegal applications installed continues to grow, according to the Business Software Alliance (BSA) and the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA). In 1998, 38 percent of applications in use globally were pirated, down from 49 percent in 1994. Yet, 231 million business software applications installed were pirated, 2.5 million more than in 1997. This led to an eleven billion dollar loss in revenue by software companies (Paquet). Jason Penchoff, a BSA spokesperson, states, â€Å"Software piracy affects company productivity and jobs. For every free package or unlicensed package of software, companies are losing money. If an automaker lost 38 percent of its revenue, there would be a huge outcry†(qtd. in). So how are users obtaining all this illegal software? Consumers now have the ability to purchase goods from their computer. Generally when we think of electronic commerce, we mostly think of business to consumer transactions. But one of the most rapidly growing developments in electronic commerce is the consumer-to-consumer market. The rapid growth of Internet auction sites has created shopping opportunities for online consumers that were never before available. According to SIIA’s Piracy on Internet Auction Sites, â€Å"consumer-to-consumer online auction revenue will climb from $4 billion in 1999 to more than $15 billion in 2004†(3).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Male Attitude in Hurston’sTheir Eyes Were Watching God and Seraph on the Suwanee :: Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays
Male Attitude Towards Women in Hurston’s Novels, Their Eyes Were Watching God and Seraph on the Suwanee "‘Aw naw they don't. They just think they's thinkin'. When Ah see one thing Ah understands ten. You see ten things and don't understand one.'"(71) Joe Starks to Janie in Their Eyes Were Watching God "‘That shows the difference between me and you. I see one thing and can understand ten. You see ten things and can't even understand one.'"(261) Jim Meserve to Arvay in Seraph on the Suwanee While reading these two novels by Zora Neale Hurston, I noticed several metaphors, ideas, and lines that she uses in both texts. I think that the almost parallel lines quoted above are particularly telling of the way that these two novels relate in their depictions of male attitudes towards women and the relationships that exist between the husband and wife characters. Janie's marriage to Joe Starks in Their Eyes Were Watching God and Arvay's marriage to Jim Meserve in Seraph on the Suwanee both operate under the rubric of the male figure's ideas about what marriage and women should be and do. Within both of these marriages, the husband feels his wife is a possession that is to be provided for and cherished, yet not necessarily to be communed with. Joe embodies this sentiment throughout his marriage with Janie, placing her on a kind of pedestal where she can be seen, but not heard. Jim establishes his marriage under similar pretenses and verbally reiterates them throughout the novel, yet seems to evolve past them in a certain respect as he urges Arvay to take an active role in their love. In their patriarchal positions of authority, both Joe and Jim see themselves as wise, as "understanding ten things," whereas they view their wives as stupid and ungrateful, as unable to "understand even one thing." We can infer Joe's attitude towards women and marriage from several statements that he makes to Janie throughout their relationship. While he courts his future wife, Joe explains himself and his intentions: "‘Ah'm uh man wid principles. You ain't never knowed what it was to be treated lak a lady and Ah wants to be de one tuh show yuh. Call me Jody lak you do sometime'"(29). He then situates Janie's subservient and silent position within the marriage: "‘mah wife don't know nothin' ‘bout no speech-makin'. Ah never married her for nothin' lak dat.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
The effects of the Blitz on everyday life in Britain
Although the Blitz did affect military production and industry slightly, it mainly affected the way of life of the people of Britain, testing their resolve, perseverance, and overall morale. The civilians were on the front line, and had to adapt their lives accordingly. London was perhaps the most harshly affected. The first priority was to prevent bombing altogether. A curfew was placed, noone was allowed out after dark incase they were spotted by bombers and targetted. This may have affected the livleyhoods of many londoners, who would have to look for other work, although this was perhaps the least drastic of measures taken to avoid bombing. A blackout was issued, no lights were to be visible at night. Shops, homes, trains, and cars were all included in this. This would be done by boarding up windows, dulling reflective surfaces, or just turning the lights out. This was designed to prevent enemy aircraft from navigating attacks purely on sight and forced them to use different methods, causing difficulty. Although, with vehicles, it caused many road accidents. If bombing could not be prevented then the next priority was to minimise casualties. It was paramount that civilians had access to a safe place to protect themselves from attack. Anderson shelters were distributed to many homes in Britain, allowing civilians easy access to protection. Although people were urged to sleep in these at night, they were cold and uncomfortable and sometimes flooded, so people took their chances under the stairs or even in their beds. These werent the only sources of shelter. Brick shelters were set up which would house many people, though these did not provide much protection from bombs and were easily destroyed. Civilians also used bridges and arches to protect them selves from attack aswell as the underground tube and train tunnels. Civilians were ordered to carry gas masks, incase the germans dropped gas that could get into the shelters. To make sure all air raid precautions were set up and executed properly, 500,000 ARP (Air Raid Precaution) wardens, were employed. These were the people whose responsibility it was to alert the public of air raids and make sure that civilians were sheltered. They also looked over the precautions to air raids, such as inspecting blackout precautions and shelters to make sure they are adequate. Morale was one of England's most important defenses against the German campaign and keeping morale up meant moving the vunerable from places that are likely to be bombed to safety. The answer was evacuation. The country was divided into three zones. â€Å"Evacuation†, these were the places that were likely to be heavily bombed and required evacuation. â€Å"Neutral†, these were the places that were unlikely to be bombed, but still had a sizeable population with a chance of being attacked. These were not required to receive or evacuate. â€Å"Reception†, these were the more rural areas with a less dense population and were the least likely to be bombed. These were the places that evacuees would be taken. London was perhaps the most severe â€Å"evacuation†zone. The children of London, sometimes even mothers and the disabled, were put on trains and sent into areas comparitively safe from bombing. Using this program, space for 4. 8 million people was found, and camps set up to accommodate a few more thousand, and some even evactuated abroad, to other European countries and even America. Those evacuated stayed with families in rural areas, and those who were evacuated at a young age spent the most influential years of their life in evactuation, becoming very attached to their carers. Although all of these precautions had been taken. , bombs still fell, damaging buildings, and however much avoidance was placed, people died. Quick response was required to salvage as much as could be from the damaged parts of London. Many people were drafted into the auxilary fire service, treating the flames caused by incendiary bombs. Other people were trained as medical staff and nurses, who treated the bombing casualties. Those who did not do these were able to help in the form of volunteer work, moving rubble and removing casualties from ruined buildings. Some even worked in catering, providing food and drink for those who had lost their homes. The actual effect of the bombs was massive. People, who had lost their homes to the bombs were left to find a safe place for themselves. People often took shelter in the tube and train stations. These had cramped conditions and were cold with little or no sanitation. Some people even turned to looting, taking any valubles they could find from the wreckages of houses so they could get money for food or shelter. Altogether, the points I have raised prove that the Blitz had an adverse effect on the lives of the people of Britain. People had to live in extremely harsh conditions, eat little, deal with death or the loss of their childeren to evacuation. Others had to deal with uncontrollable fires and casualty counts, while some just dealt with the constant fear of being attacked. All this was to be done while keeping up morale, which truly shows how well the British adapted and persevered, not caving in to the German's demoralisation tactics.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Letter of Complaint
I ordered a giant teddy bear from your company and the bear has not arrived on time. I have been ordering giant teddy bears from your company for over four years and never had a problem with shipping. I could have traveled down the road to Sam's Club and bought a much cheaper giant teddy bear instead of selecting one off of your website. Your company's failure to deliver the giant teddy bear to be sent to my niece before December 24, 2011 is extremely important because my niece has cancer and this will be her last Christmas, I spent extra money on shipping, and I was told a certain time the gift would arrive and it was not received on those days. My niece, Chelsea, has a brain tumor and this Christmas will be her last, I was very much so hoping that her giant brown teddy bear would arrive either before Christmas or on Christmas. Chelsea is going to be very saddened at the sight when she wakes up on Christmas and does not see her giant teddy bear underneath the Christmas tree. A little girl whom is dying soon deserves a teddy bear from her aunt on Christmas and should get her gift on time. I also spent ten extra dollars on shipping and my gift has not arrived on time. I have wasted ten dollars that could have been used to buy my niece another gift, for example a sweater but instead used on shipping that was delayed. I should be entitled to a refund on shipping and at least fifty dollars off the teddy bear for being received late after Christmas. I was told 10 to 15 days that my gift would be delivered and I had placed my order approximately a month ago and still have not seen my niece’s giant teddy bear. Your company’s website has lied to me and possibly many other individuals and this false information should be fixed immediately. The result of the package not being delivered on time is that my favorite niece will not obtain her giant teddy bear on Christmas. Ordering a giant teddy bear from your company’s website failed to be delivered on time has effected my niece and also myself. Due to the package being failed to be delivered in the accurate time interval, I should be given fifty dollars back from the purchase of the giant teddy bear and a refund on the shipping and handling. I have always been a loyal customer of your company for I have bought many items off of your website and never had trouble with the shipping or purchasing of the giant bears.
Building a Green Kitchen
An ordinary kitchen consumes at least 41. 5 percent of energy consumed by the entire household. Lighting, cooking, and refrigeration are the biggest culprits (â€Å"Tech Set 8: Green Kitchen Remodel†). The high energy consumption of lights may be reduced by locating workspaces close to windows or installing new windows if not a skylight to make good use of daylight. Energy efficient refrigerators are also available. The most efficient of these are the 20-cubic-foot fridges that consume 47 percent less energy.Similarly, energy-efficient dishwashers are sold in the markets nowadays. Energy-efficient stoves, e. g. convection ovens as well as induction-element ranges, are better than old-fashioned stoves (â€Å"Creating a Green Kitchen†). Water efficiency must also be addressed in order to make a kitchen green. The kitchen faucet should be a changed if it is not a â€Å"water saving model (â€Å"Low Flow Kitchen Faucet†). †The new water efficient kitchen fauc ets could save a huge amount of water without significantly impacting the daily chores completed in the kitchen.These faucets use sensors that stop the flow of water if it is going to be wasted otherwise. They also use aerators that reduce the flow of water without the user noticing. But, of course, there are finer models available with newer technologies as well. There is a metered valve faucet, for example, that could deliver up to 0. 25 gallons of water before shutting off automatically (â€Å"Low Flow Kitchen Faucet†). As far as the indoor environment of a kitchen is concerned, ventilation and the quality of air are the most important issues to address if the kitchen must turn green.Installing new windows to create cross ventilation is a good idea. An exhaust hood over the stove that is energy efficient must also work wonders. Because mold may grow in places that are damp and could easily get mixed with breathable air to cause respiratory problems – it is essential to fix pipe leaks, too. Dangerous chemical based cleaning products may also pollute the kitchen environment with toxic fumes, which is why it is imperative to purchase only environmentally friendly products (â€Å"Creating a Green Kitchen†).Works Cited â€Å"Creating a Green Kitchen: From Resource Planning to Maintenance. †Green Home Guide. 5 Jul 2005. 14 Nov 2008. . â€Å"Low Flow Kitchen Faucet – Save Water Without Even Noticing. †Green Kitchen Design Guide. 14 Nov 2008. . â€Å"Tech Set 8: Green Kitchen Remodel. †Tool Base Services. 14 Nov 2008.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Language is not only the problem faced by International students in the UK
In recent years, coming to the UK have became a attractive option for students who want to get further education with the higher quality. Because the UK is famous by its impressed education in the history. However, the increasing number of international students does not mean it is undemanding to study in the UK without facing any difficulty or it is much easier than before as a oversea student. In fact, there are numerous problems they have to solve for a meaningful oversea study experience.When referring to this topic, language has always been mentioned as an unavoidable issue for these students who are far away from their motherland. But language is not the only problem faced by international students in the UK. There are many difficulties such as differences in learning and homesickness. Language can be the main problem for all the international students even if the student is a native speaker of English, such as Americans, Australians and Indians.The reason is that students who come from an English-speaking country can be proficient in daily English, but it does not mean that they can skip this obstacle. For example, although most of the students have to get a high enough score in TOEFL or IELTS for being accepted by the school they want, they may still be unfamiliar with some terms for the subject they studied (Bamford, 2008). In other words, the ability of using English can be a barrier that every international student has to overcome. Otherwise, they would be trapped in their little safe zone and ended up as a person without sufficient confidence.So language can be the main problem for international students in the UK, but precisely it is definitely not the only issue. Because obviously, it is impossible to be a good international student by such a easy way. Differences in learning will also make oversea students feel confused at the beginning of their British life. As reported by David, Brian, Anne, Claire and Sinead (2006), in some cultures it is depr ecated to raise doubts about what the teachers said, which is totally different from the academic culture in the UK.For students who have got accustomed to this way of learning, critical thinking, which plays an important role in school life in the UK, can be difficult to adapt to the new study atmosphere and it needs time to get used to it. Differences between academic cultures are inevitably driving some international students into corner. Similarly, they must force themselves to make appropriate adjustments which is required for their study in the UK, or they would be stuck in a dilemma.Learning how to behave properly in a completely different environment of study can be a serious challenge for those students who get used to keep silence and take notes without thinking of its value. Homesickness is another conspicuous problem which make international students feel troubled. The main features of homesickness can be defined as the surrounding images about home in their minds, an in tense desire to go home, a sad emotion because missing home(Adrian, 1997).For most of oversea students, it is their first time to live further from home for perhaps thousands-miles away. In other words, it is reasonable that they would feel lonely without their family especially when some bad issues happened in their homeland. If these students can not get rid of homesickness, their whole life would be exposed in danger. Similarly, students who soak themselves in the bad mood of homesickness were likely to lose their faith in life and stayed unmotivated.As the result, they would be failed in their study and also make their family and friends down, which is the last achievement they want to reach in the world. In conclusion, international students in the UK have to face many problems, including but not limited to language. Besides language, difficulties in learning and homesickness also can not be ignored. There are still many problems which did not be mentioned in this essay. So it can be hard to deal with so many problems for international students in the UK. But it is also a unique opportunity for them to upgrade themselves.
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